
gammapy.irf.multi_gauss_psf_kernel(psf_parameters, BINSZ=0.02, NEW_BINSZ=0.02, **kwargs)[source]

Create multi-Gauss PSF kernel.

The Gaussian PSF components are specified via the amplitude at the center and the FWHM. See the example for the exact format.


psf_parameters : dict

PSF parameters

BINSZ : float (0.02)

Pixel size used for the given parameters in deg.

NEW_BINSZ : float (0.02)

New pixel size in deg. USed to change the resolution of the PSF.


psf_kernel : astropy.convolution.Kernel2D

PSF kernel


>>> psf_pars = dict()
>>> psf_pars['psf1'] = dict(ampl=1, fwhm=2.5)
>>> psf_pars['psf2'] = dict(ampl=0.06, fwhm=11.14)
>>> psf_pars['psf3'] = dict(ampl=0.47, fwhm=5.16)
>>> psf_kernel = multi_gauss_psf_kernel(psf_pars, x_size=51)