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Source code for gammapy.detect.test_statistics

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Functions to compute TS images."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import logging
from time import time
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
import numpy as np
from astropy.convolution import Model2DKernel, Gaussian2DKernel, CustomKernel, Kernel2D
from astropy.convolution.kernels import _round_up_to_odd_integer
from import fits
from ..utils.array import shape_2N, symmetric_crop_pad_width
from ..irf import multi_gauss_psf_kernel
from ..image import measure_containment_radius, SkyImageList, SkyImage, BasicImageEstimator
from ..image.models import Shell2D
from ._test_statistics_cython import (_cash_cython, _amplitude_bounds_cython,
                                      _cash_sum_cython, _f_cash_root_cython,

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

RTOL = 1e-3

def _extract_array(array, shape, position):
    """Helper function to extract parts of a larger array.

    Simple implementation of an array extract function , because
    `~astropy.ndata.utils.extract_array` introduces too much overhead.`

    array : `~numpy.ndarray`
        The array from which to extract.
    shape : tuple or int
        The shape of the extracted array.
    position : tuple of numbers or number
        The position of the small array's center with respect to the
        large array.
    x_width = shape[1] // 2
    y_width = shape[0] // 2
    y_lo = position[0] - y_width
    y_hi = position[0] + y_width + 1
    x_lo = position[1] - x_width
    x_hi = position[1] + x_width + 1
    return array[y_lo:y_hi, x_lo:x_hi]

def f_cash(x, counts, background, model):
    """Wrapper for cash statistics, that defines the model function.

    x : float
        Model amplitude.
    counts : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Count image slice, where model is defined.
    background : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Background image slice, where model is defined.
    model : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Source template (multiplied with exposure).
    return _cash_sum_cython(counts, background + x * FLUX_FACTOR * model)

[docs]class TSImageEstimator(object): """ Compute TS image using different optimization methods. Parameters ---------- method : str ('root') The following options are available: * ``'root brentq'`` (default) Fit amplitude finding roots of the the derivative of the fit statistics. Described in Appendix A in Stewart (2009). * ``'root newton'`` TODO: document * ``'leastsq iter'`` error_method : ['covar', 'conf'] Error estimation method. error_sigma : int (1) Sigma for flux error. ul_method : ['covar', 'conf'] Upper limit estimation method. ul_sigma : int (2) Sigma for flux upper limits. parallel : bool (True) Whether to use multiple cores for parallel processing. threshold : float (None) If the TS value corresponding to the initial flux estimate is not above this threshold, the optimizing step is omitted to save computing time. rtol : float (0.001) Relative precision of the flux estimate. Used as a stopping criterion for the amplitude fit. Notes ----- Negative :math:`TS` values are defined as following: .. math:: TS = \\left \\{ \\begin{array}{ll} -TS & : \\textnormal{if} \\ F < 0 \\\\ \\ \\ TS & : \\textnormal{else} \\end{array} \\right. Where :math:`F` is the fitted flux amplitude. References ---------- [Stewart2009]_ """ def __init__(self, method='root brentq', error_method='covar', error_sigma=1, ul_method='covar', ul_sigma=2, parallel=True, threshold=None, rtol=0.001): if method not in ['root brentq', 'root newton', 'leastsq iter']: raise ValueError("Not a valid method: '{}'".format(method)) if error_method not in ['covar', 'conf']: raise ValueError("Not a valid error method '{}'".format(error_method)) p = OrderedDict() p['method'] = method p['error_method'] = error_method p['error_sigma'] = error_sigma p['ul_method'] = ul_method p['ul_sigma'] = ul_sigma p['parallel'] = parallel p['threshold'] = threshold p['rtol'] = rtol self.parameters = p
[docs] @staticmethod def flux_default(images, kernel): """Estimate default flux image using a given kernel. Parameters ---------- images : `SkyImageList` List of input sky images. Requires `counts`, `background` and `exposure`. kernel : `astropy.convolution.Kernel2D` Source model kernel. Returns ------- flux_approx : `SkyImage` Approximate flux image. """ from scipy.signal import fftconvolve flux = BasicImageEstimator.flux(images) = fftconvolve(, kernel.array, mode='same') /= np.sum(kernel.array ** 2) return flux
[docs] @staticmethod def mask_default(images, kernel): """Compute default mask where to estimate TS values. Parameters ---------- images : `SkyImageList` List of input sky images. Requires `background` and `exposure`. kernel : `astropy.convolution.Kernel2D` Source model kernel. Returns ------- mask : `SkyImage` Mask image. """ mask = SkyImage.empty_like(images['background'], name='mask', fill=0) = # mask boundary slice_x = slice(kernel.shape[1] // 2, -kernel.shape[1] // 2 + 1) slice_y = slice(kernel.shape[0] // 2, -kernel.shape[0] // 2 + 1)[slice_y, slice_x] = 1 # Positions where exposure == 0 are not processed = (images['exposure'].data > 0) & # in some image there are pixels, which have exposure, but zero # background, which doesn't make sense and causes the TS computation # to fail, this is a temporary fix[images['background'].data == 0] = 0 return mask
[docs] @staticmethod def sqrt_ts(image_ts): """Compute sqrt(TS) image. Compute sqrt(TS) as defined by: .. math:: \sqrt{TS} = \\left \\{ \\begin{array}{ll} -\sqrt{-TS} & : \\textnormal{if} \\ TS < 0 \\\\ \\ \\ \sqrt{TS} & : \\textnormal{else} \\end{array} \\right. Parameters ---------- image_ts : `SkyImage` Input TS image. Returns ------- sqrt_ts : `SkyImage` Sqrt(TS) image """ sqrt_ts = SkyImage.empty_like(image_ts) = 'sqrt_ts' with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'): ts = = np.where(ts > 0, np.sqrt(ts), -np.sqrt(-ts)) return sqrt_ts
[docs] def run(self, images, kernel, which='all'): """ Run TS image estimation. Requires `counts`, `exposure` and `background` image to run. Parameters ---------- kernel : `astropy.convolution.Kernel2D` or 2D `~numpy.ndarray` Source model kernel. images : `SkyImageList` List of input sky images. which : list of str or 'all' Which images to compute. Returns ------- images : `~gammapy.image.SkyImageList` Result images. """ t_0 = time() images.check_required(['counts', 'background', 'exposure']) p = self.parameters result = SkyImageList() if not isinstance(kernel, Kernel2D): kernel = CustomKernel(kernel) if which == 'all': which = ['ts', 'sqrt_ts', 'flux', 'flux_err', 'flux_ul', 'niter'] for name in which: result[name] = SkyImage.empty_like(images['counts'], fill=np.nan) mask = self.mask_default(images, kernel) if 'mask' in images.names: &= images['mask'].data x, y = np.where(mask) positions = list(zip(x, y)) if p['method'] == 'root newton': flux = self.flux_default(images, kernel).data else: flux = None # prpare dtype for cython methods counts = images['counts'].data.astype(float) background = images['background'].data.astype(float) exposure = images['exposure'].data.astype(float) # Compute null statistics for the whole image c_0_image = _cash_cython(counts, background) error_method = p['error_method'] if 'flux_err' in which else 'none' ul_method = p['ul_method'] if 'flux_ul' in which else 'none' wrap = partial(_ts_value, counts=counts, exposure=exposure, background=background, c_0_image=c_0_image, kernel=kernel, flux=flux, method=p['method'], error_method=error_method, threshold=p['threshold'], error_sigma=p['error_sigma'], ul_method=ul_method, ul_sigma=p['ul_sigma'], rtol=p['rtol']) if p['parallel']:'Using {} cores to compute TS image.'.format(cpu_count())) pool = Pool() results =, positions) pool.close() pool.join() else: results = map(wrap, positions) # Set TS values at given positions j, i = zip(*positions) for name in ['ts', 'flux', 'niter']: result[name].data[j, i] = [_[name] for _ in results] if 'flux_err' in which: result['flux_err'].data[j, i] = [_['flux_err'] for _ in results] if 'flux_ul' in which: result['flux_ul'].data[j, i] = [_['flux_ul'] for _ in results] # Compute sqrt(TS) values if 'sqrt_ts' in which: result['sqrt_ts'] = self.sqrt_ts(result['ts']) runtime = np.round(time() - t_0, 2) result.meta = OrderedDict(runtime=runtime) return result
def __str__(self): """ Info string. """ p = self.parameters info = self.__class__.__name__ info += '\n\nParameters:\n\n' for key in p: info += '\t{key:13s}: {value}\n'.format(key=key, value=p[key]) return info
[docs]def compute_ts_image_multiscale(images, psf_parameters, scales=[0], downsample='auto', residual=False, morphology='Gaussian2D', width=None, **kwargs): """Compute multi-scale TS images using ``compute_ts_image``. High level TS image computation using a multi-Gauss PSF kernel and assuming a given source morphology. To optimize the performance the input data can be sampled down when computing TS images on larger scales. Parameters ---------- images : `~gammapy.image.SkyImageList` Image collection containing the data. Must contain the following: * 'counts', Counts image * 'background', Background image * 'exposure', Exposure image psf_parameters : dict Dict defining the multi gauss PSF parameters. See `~gammapy.irf.multi_gauss_psf` for details. scales : list ([0]) List of scales to use for TS image computation. downsample : int ('auto') Down sampling factor. Can be set to 'auto' if the down sampling factor should be chosen automatically. residual : bool (False) Compute a TS residual image. morphology : str ('Gaussian2D') Source morphology assumption. Either 'Gaussian2D' or 'Shell2D'. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments forwarded to `TSImageEstimator`. Returns ------- multiscale_result : list List of `~gammapy.image.SkyImageList` objects. """ BINSZ = abs(images['counts'].wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]) shape = images['counts'].data.shape multiscale_result = [] ts_estimator = TSImageEstimator(**kwargs) for scale in scales:'Computing {}TS image for scale {:.3f} deg and {}' ' morphology.'.format('residual ' if residual else '', scale, morphology)) # Sample down and require that scale parameters is at least 5 pix if downsample == 'auto': factor = int([scale < 5 * BINSZ, scale < 10 * BINSZ, scale < 20 * BINSZ, scale < 40 * BINSZ], [1, 2, 4, 4], 8)) else: factor = int(downsample) if factor == 1:'No down sampling used.') downsampled = False else: if morphology == 'Shell2D': factor /= 2'Using down sampling factor of {}'.format(factor)) downsampled = True funcs = [np.nansum, np.mean, np.nansum, np.nansum, np.nansum] images_downsampled = SkyImageList() for name, func in zip(images.names, funcs): if downsampled: pad_width = symmetric_crop_pad_width(shape, shape_2N(shape)) images_downsampled[name] = images[name].pad(pad_width) images_downsampled[name] = images_downsampled[name].downsample(factor, func) else: images_downsampled[name] = images[name] # Set up PSF and source kernel kernel = multi_gauss_psf_kernel(psf_parameters, BINSZ=BINSZ, NEW_BINSZ=BINSZ * factor, mode='oversample') if scale > 0: from astropy.convolution import convolve sigma = scale / (BINSZ * factor) if morphology == 'Gaussian2D': source_kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(sigma, mode='oversample') elif morphology == 'Shell2D': model = Shell2D(1, 0, 0, sigma, sigma * width) x_size = _round_up_to_odd_integer(2 * sigma * (1 + width) + kernel.shape[0] / 2) source_kernel = Model2DKernel(model, x_size=x_size, mode='oversample') else: raise ValueError('Unknown morphology: {}'.format(morphology)) kernel = convolve(source_kernel, kernel) kernel.normalize() if residual: images_downsampled['background'].data += images_downsampled['model'].data # Compute TS image ts_results =, kernel)'TS image computation took {0:.1f} s \n'.format(ts_results.meta['runtime'])) ts_results.meta['MORPH'] = (morphology, 'Source morphology assumption') ts_results.meta['SCALE'] = (scale, 'Source morphology size scale in deg') if downsampled: for name, order in zip(['ts', 'sqrt_ts', 'flux', 'flux_err', 'niter'], [1, 1, 1, 0]): ts_results[name] = ts_results[name].upsample(factor, order=order) ts_results[name] = ts_results[name].crop(crop_width=pad_width) multiscale_result.append(ts_results) return multiscale_result
[docs]def compute_maximum_ts_image(ts_image_results): """Compute maximum TS image across a list of given TS images. Parameters ---------- ts_image_results : list List of `~gammapy.image.SkyImageList` objects. Returns ------- images : `~gammapy.image.SkyImageList` Images (ts, niter, amplitude) """ # Get data ts = np.dstack([result.ts for result in ts_image_results]) niter = np.dstack([result.niter for result in ts_image_results]) amplitude = np.dstack([result.amplitude for result in ts_image_results]) scales = [result.scale for result in ts_image_results] # Set up max arrays ts_max = np.max(ts, axis=2) scale_max = np.zeros(ts.shape[:-1]) niter_max = np.zeros(ts.shape[:-1]) amplitude_max = np.zeros(ts.shape[:-1]) for idx_scale, scale in enumerate(scales): index = np.where(ts[:, :, idx_scale] == ts_max) scale_max[index] = scale niter_max[index] = niter[:, :, idx_scale][index] amplitude_max[index] = amplitude[:, :, idx_scale][index] meta = OrderedDict() meta['MORPH'] = (ts_image_results[0].morphology, 'Source morphology assumption') return SkyImageList([ SkyImage(name='ts', data=ts_max.astype('float32')), SkyImage(name='niter', data=niter_max.astype('int16')), SkyImage(name='amplitude', data=amplitude_max.astype('float32')), ], meta=meta)
def _ts_value(position, counts, exposure, background, c_0_image, kernel, flux, method, error_method, error_sigma, ul_method, ul_sigma, threshold, rtol): """Compute TS value at a given pixel position. Uses approach described in Stewart (2009). Parameters ---------- position : tuple (i, j) Pixel position. counts : `~numpy.ndarray` Counts image background : `~numpy.ndarray` Background image exposure : `~numpy.ndarray` Exposure image kernel : `astropy.convolution.Kernel2D` Source model kernel flux : `~numpy.ndarray` Flux image. The flux value at the given pixel position is used as starting value for the minimization. Returns ------- TS : float TS value at the given pixel position. """ # Get data slices counts_ = _extract_array(counts, kernel.shape, position) background_ = _extract_array(background, kernel.shape, position) exposure_ = _extract_array(exposure, kernel.shape, position) c_0_ = _extract_array(c_0_image, kernel.shape, position) model = (exposure_ * kernel._array) c_0 = c_0_.sum() if threshold is not None: with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'): c_1 = f_cash(flux[position], counts_, background_, model) # Don't fit if pixel significance is low if c_0 - c_1 < threshold: return c_0 - c_1, flux[position] * FLUX_FACTOR, 0 if method == 'root brentq': amplitude, niter = _root_amplitude_brentq(counts_, background_, model, rtol=rtol) elif method == 'root newton': amplitude, niter = _root_amplitude(counts_, background_, model, flux[position], rtol=rtol) elif method == 'leastsq iter': amplitude, niter = _leastsq_iter_amplitude(counts_, background_, model, rtol=rtol) else: raise ValueError('Invalid method: {}'.format(method)) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'): c_1 = f_cash(amplitude, counts_, background_, model) result = {} result['ts'] = (c_0 - c_1) * np.sign(amplitude) result['flux'] = amplitude * FLUX_FACTOR result['niter'] = niter if error_method == 'covar': flux_err = _compute_flux_err_covar(amplitude, counts_, background_, model) result['flux_err'] = flux_err * error_sigma elif error_method == 'conf': flux_err = _compute_flux_err_conf(amplitude, counts_, background_, model, c_1, error_sigma) result['flux_err'] = FLUX_FACTOR * flux_err if ul_method == 'covar': result['flux_ul'] = result['flux'] + ul_sigma * result['flux_err'] elif ul_method == 'conf': flux_ul = _compute_flux_err_conf(amplitude, counts_, background_, model, c_1, ul_sigma) result['flux_ul'] = FLUX_FACTOR * flux_ul + result['flux'] return result def _leastsq_iter_amplitude(counts, background, model, maxiter=MAX_NITER, rtol=RTOL): """Fit amplitude using an iterative least squares algorithm. Parameters ---------- counts : `~numpy.ndarray` Slice of counts image background : `~numpy.ndarray` Slice of background image model : `~numpy.ndarray` Model template to fit. maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations. rtol : float Relative flux error. Returns ------- amplitude : float Fitted flux amplitude. niter : int Number of function evaluations needed for the fit. """ bounds = _amplitude_bounds_cython(counts, background, model) amplitude_min, amplitude_max, amplitude_min_total = bounds if not counts.sum() > 0: return amplitude_min_total, 0 weights = np.ones(model.shape) x_old = 0 for i in range(maxiter): x = _x_best_leastsq(counts, background, model, weights) if abs((x - x_old) / x) < rtol: return max(x / FLUX_FACTOR, amplitude_min_total), i + 1 else: weights = x * model + background x_old = x return max(x / FLUX_FACTOR, amplitude_min_total), MAX_NITER def _root_amplitude(counts, background, model, flux, rtol=RTOL): """Fit amplitude by finding roots using newton algorithm. See Appendix A Stewart (2009). Parameters ---------- counts : `~numpy.ndarray` Slice of count image background : `~numpy.ndarray` Slice of background image model : `~numpy.ndarray` Model template to fit. flux : float Starting value for the fit. Returns ------- amplitude : float Fitted flux amplitude. niter : int Number of function evaluations needed for the fit. """ from scipy.optimize import newton args = (counts, background, model) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") try: return newton(_f_cash_root_cython, flux, args=args, maxiter=MAX_NITER, tol=rtol), 0 except RuntimeError: # Where the root finding fails NaN is set as amplitude return np.nan, MAX_NITER def _root_amplitude_brentq(counts, background, model, rtol=RTOL): """Fit amplitude by finding roots using Brent algorithm. See Appendix A Stewart (2009). Parameters ---------- counts : `~numpy.ndarray` Slice of count image background : `~numpy.ndarray` Slice of background image model : `~numpy.ndarray` Model template to fit. Returns ------- amplitude : float Fitted flux amplitude. niter : int Number of function evaluations needed for the fit. """ from scipy.optimize import brentq # Compute amplitude bounds and assert counts > 0 bounds = _amplitude_bounds_cython(counts, background, model) amplitude_min, amplitude_max, amplitude_min_total = bounds if not counts.sum() > 0: return amplitude_min_total, 0 args = (counts, background, model) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") try: result = brentq(_f_cash_root_cython, amplitude_min, amplitude_max, args=args, maxiter=MAX_NITER, full_output=True, rtol=rtol) return max(result[0], amplitude_min_total), result[1].iterations except (RuntimeError, ValueError): # Where the root finding fails NaN is set as amplitude return np.nan, MAX_NITER def _compute_flux_err_covar(x, counts, background, model): """ Compute amplitude errors using inverse 2nd derivative method. """ with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'): stat = (model ** 2 * counts) / (background + x * FLUX_FACTOR * model) ** 2 return np.sqrt(1. / stat.sum()) def _compute_flux_err_conf(amplitude, counts, background, model, c_1, error_sigma): """ Compute amplitude errors using likelihood profile method. """ from scipy.optimize import brentq def ts_diff(x, counts, background, model): return (c_1 + error_sigma ** 2) - f_cash(x, counts, background, model) args = (counts, background, model) amplitude_max = amplitude + 1E4 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") try: result = brentq(ts_diff, amplitude, amplitude_max, args=args, maxiter=MAX_NITER, rtol=1e-3) return result - amplitude except (RuntimeError, ValueError): # Where the root finding fails NaN is set as amplitude return np.nan def _flux_correlation_radius(kernel, containment=CONTAINMENT): """Compute equivalent top-hat kernel radius for a given kernel instance and containment fraction. Parameters ---------- kernel : `astropy.convolution.Kernel2D` Astropy kernel instance. containment : float (default = 0.8) Containment fraction. Returns ------- kernel : float Equivalent Tophat kernel radius. """ kernel_image = fits.ImageHDU(kernel.array) y, x = r_c = measure_containment_radius(kernel_image, x, y, containment) # Containment radius of Tophat kernel is given by r_c_tophat = r_0 * sqrt(C) # by setting r_c = r_c_tophat we can estimate the equivalent containment radius r_0 return r_c / np.sqrt(containment)