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gammapy.detect.compute_ts_image_multiscale(images, psf_parameters, scales=[0], downsample='auto', residual=False, morphology='Gaussian2D', width=None, **kwargs)[source]

Compute multi-scale TS images using compute_ts_image.

High level TS image computation using a multi-Gauss PSF kernel and assuming a given source morphology. To optimize the performance the input data can be sampled down when computing TS images on larger scales.


images : SkyImageList

Image collection containing the data. Must contain the following:
  • ‘counts’, Counts image
  • ‘background’, Background image
  • ‘exposure’, Exposure image

psf_parameters : dict

Dict defining the multi gauss PSF parameters. See multi_gauss_psf for details.

scales : list ([0])

List of scales to use for TS image computation.

downsample : int (‘auto’)

Down sampling factor. Can be set to ‘auto’ if the down sampling factor should be chosen automatically.

residual : bool (False)

Compute a TS residual image.

morphology : str (‘Gaussian2D’)

Source morphology assumption. Either ‘Gaussian2D’ or ‘Shell2D’.

**kwargs : dict

Keyword arguments forwarded to TSImageEstimator.


multiscale_result : list

List of SkyImageList objects.