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class gammapy.spectrum.FluxPointEstimator(obs, groups, model)[source]

Bases: object

Flux point estimator.

Computes flux points for a given spectrum observation dataset (a 1-dim on/off observation), energy binning and spectral model.


obs : SpectrumObservation or SpectrumObservationList

Spectrum observation(s)

groups : SpectrumEnergyGroups

Energy groups (usually output of SpectrumEnergyGroupMaker)

model : SpectralModel

Global model (usually output of SpectrumFit)

Methods Summary

compute_approx_model(global_model, energy_group) Compute approximate model, to be used in the energy bin.
compute_flux_point_sqrt_ts(fit, stat_best_fit) Compute sqrt(TS) for flux point.
compute_flux_point_ul(fit, stat_best_fit[, …]) Compute upper limits for flux point values.
fit_point(model, energy_group, energy_ref[, …])

Methods Documentation

static compute_approx_model(global_model, energy_group)[source]

Compute approximate model, to be used in the energy bin. TODO: At the moment just the global model with fixed parameters is returned

compute_flux_point_sqrt_ts(fit, stat_best_fit)[source]

Compute sqrt(TS) for flux point.


fit : SpectrumFit

Instance of spectrum fit.

stat_best_fit : float

TS value for best fit result.


sqrt_ts : float

Sqrt(TS) for flux point.

compute_flux_point_ul(fit, stat_best_fit, delta_ts=4, negative=False)[source]

Compute upper limits for flux point values.


fit : SpectrumFit

Instance of spectrum fit.

stat_best_fit : float

TS value for best fit result.

delta_ts : float (4)

Difference in log-likelihood for given confidence interval. See Example below.

negative : bool

Compute limit in negative direction.


dnde_ul : Quantity

Flux point upper limit.


To compute ~95% confidence upper limits (or 2 sigma) you can use:

from scipy.stats import chi2, norm

sigma = 2 cl = 1 - 2 * norm.sf(sigma) # using two sided p-value delta_ts = chi2.isf(1 - cl, df=1)

fit_point(model, energy_group, energy_ref, sqrt_ts_threshold=1)[source]