Source code for gammapy.modeling.models.core

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import copy
import html
import logging
import warnings
from os.path import split
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.table import Table
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import yaml
from gammapy.maps import Map, RegionGeom
from gammapy.modeling import Covariance, Parameter, Parameters
from gammapy.utils.check import add_checksum, verify_checksum
from gammapy.utils.metadata import CreatorMetaData
from gammapy.utils.scripts import make_name, make_path

__all__ = ["Model", "Models", "DatasetModels", "ModelBase"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _set_link(shared_register, model):
    for param in model.parameters:
        name =
        link_label = param._link_label_io
        if link_label is not None:
            if link_label in shared_register:
                new_param = shared_register[link_label]
                setattr(model, name, new_param)
                shared_register[link_label] = param
    return shared_register

def _get_model_class_from_dict(data):
    """Get a model class from a dictionary."""
    from . import (

    if "type" in data:
        cls = MODEL_REGISTRY.get_cls(data["type"])
    elif "spatial" in data:
        cls = SPATIAL_MODEL_REGISTRY.get_cls(data["spatial"]["type"])
    elif "spectral" in data:
        cls = SPECTRAL_MODEL_REGISTRY.get_cls(data["spectral"]["type"])
    elif "temporal" in data:
        cls = TEMPORAL_MODEL_REGISTRY.get_cls(data["temporal"]["type"])
    elif "prior" in data:
        cls = PRIOR_REGISTRY.get_cls(data["prior"]["type"])
    return cls

def _build_parameters_from_dict(data, default_parameters):
    """Build a `~gammapy.modeling.Parameters` object from input dictionary and default parameter values."""
    par_data = []

    input_names = [_["name"] for _ in data]

    for par in default_parameters:
        par_dict = par.to_dict()
            index = input_names.index(par_dict["name"])
        except ValueError:
                f"Parameter '{par_dict['name']}' not defined in YAML file."
                f" Using default value: {par_dict['value']} {par_dict['unit']}"

    return Parameters.from_dict(par_data)

[docs]class ModelBase: """Model base class.""" _type = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Copy default parameters from the class to the instance default_parameters = self.default_parameters.copy() for par in default_parameters: value = kwargs.get(, par) if not isinstance(value, Parameter): par.quantity = u.Quantity(value) else: par = value setattr(self,, par) self._covariance = Covariance(self.parameters) covariance_data = kwargs.get("covariance_data", None) if covariance_data is not None: self.covariance = covariance_data def __getattribute__(self, name): value = object.__getattribute__(self, name) if isinstance(value, Parameter): return value.__get__(self, None) return value @property def type(self): return self._type def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): # Add parameters list on the model sub-class (not instances) cls.default_parameters = Parameters( [_ for _ in cls.__dict__.values() if isinstance(_, Parameter)] )
[docs] @classmethod def from_parameters(cls, parameters, **kwargs): """Create model from parameter list. Parameters ---------- parameters : `Parameters` Parameters for init. Returns ------- model : `Model` Model instance. """ for par in parameters: kwargs[] = par return cls(**kwargs)
def _check_covariance(self): if not self.parameters == self._covariance.parameters: self._covariance = Covariance(self.parameters) @property def covariance(self): self._check_covariance() for par in self.parameters: pars = Parameters([par]) error = np.nan_to_num(par.error**2, nan=1) covar = Covariance(pars, data=[[error]]) self._covariance.set_subcovariance(covar) return self._covariance @covariance.setter def covariance(self, covariance): self._check_covariance() = covariance for par in self.parameters: pars = Parameters([par]) variance = self._covariance.get_subcovariance(pars).data par.error = np.sqrt(variance[0][0]) @property def parameters(self): """Parameters as a `~gammapy.modeling.Parameters` object.""" return Parameters( [getattr(self, name) for name in self.default_parameters.names] )
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): """Deep copy.""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def to_dict(self, full_output=False): """Create dictionary for YAML serialisation.""" tag = self.tag[0] if isinstance(self.tag, list) else self.tag params = self.parameters.to_dict() if not full_output: for par, par_default in zip(params, self.default_parameters): init = par_default.to_dict() for item in [ "min", "max", "error", "interp", "scale_method", "is_norm", ]: default = init[item] if par[item] == default or ( np.isnan(par[item]) and np.isnan(default) ): del par[item] if par["frozen"] == init["frozen"]: del par["frozen"] if init["unit"] == "": del par["unit"] data = {"type": tag, "parameters": params} if self.type is None: return data else: return {self.type: data}
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data, **kwargs): key0 = next(iter(data)) if key0 in ["spatial", "temporal", "spectral"]: data = data[key0] if data["type"] not in cls.tag: raise ValueError( f"Invalid model type {data['type']} for class {cls.__name__}" ) parameters = _build_parameters_from_dict( data["parameters"], cls.default_parameters ) return cls.from_parameters(parameters, **kwargs)
def __str__(self): string = f"{self.__class__.__name__}\n" if len(self.parameters) > 0: string += f"\n{self.parameters.to_table()}" return string def _repr_html_(self): try: return self.to_html() except AttributeError: return f"<pre>{html.escape(str(self))}</pre>" @property def frozen(self): """Frozen status of a model, True if all parameters are frozen.""" return np.all([p.frozen for p in self.parameters])
[docs] def freeze(self): """Freeze all parameters.""" self.parameters.freeze_all()
[docs] def unfreeze(self): """Restore parameters frozen status to default.""" for p, default in zip(self.parameters, self.default_parameters): p.frozen = default.frozen
[docs] def reassign(self, datasets_names, new_datasets_names): """Reassign a model from one dataset to another. Parameters ---------- datasets_names : str or list Name of the datasets where the model is currently defined. new_datasets_names : str or list Name of the datasets where the model should be defined instead. If multiple names are given the two list must have the save length, as the reassignment is element-wise. Returns ------- model : `Model` Reassigned model. """ model = self.copy( if not isinstance(datasets_names, list): datasets_names = [datasets_names] if not isinstance(new_datasets_names, list): new_datasets_names = [new_datasets_names] if isinstance(model.datasets_names, str): model.datasets_names = [model.datasets_names] if getattr(model, "datasets_names", None): for name, name_new in zip(datasets_names, new_datasets_names): model.datasets_names = [ _.replace(name, name_new) for _ in model.datasets_names ] return model
[docs]class Model: """Model class that contains only methods to create a model listed in the registries."""
[docs] @staticmethod def create(tag, model_type=None, *args, **kwargs): """Create a model instance. Examples -------- >>> from gammapy.modeling.models import Model >>> spectral_model = Model.create( ... "pl-2", model_type="spectral", amplitude="1e-10 cm-2 s-1", index=3 ... ) >>> type(spectral_model) <class 'gammapy.modeling.models.spectral.PowerLaw2SpectralModel'> """ data = {"type": tag} if model_type is not None: data = {model_type: data} cls = _get_model_class_from_dict(data) return cls(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(data): """Create a model instance from a dictionary.""" cls = _get_model_class_from_dict(data) return cls.from_dict(data)
[docs]class DatasetModels( """Immutable models container. Parameters ---------- models : `SkyModel`, list of `SkyModel` or `Models` Sky models. covariance_data : `~numpy.ndarray` Covariance data. """ def __init__(self, models=None, covariance_data=None): if models is None: models = [] if isinstance(models, (Models, DatasetModels)): models = models._models elif isinstance(models, ModelBase): models = [models] elif not isinstance(models, list): raise TypeError(f"Invalid type: {models!r}") unique_names = [] for model in models: if in unique_names: raise (ValueError("Model names must be unique")) unique_names.append( self._models = models self._covar_file = None self._covariance = Covariance(self.parameters) # Set separately because this triggers the update mechanism on the sub-models if covariance_data is not None: self.covariance = covariance_data def _check_covariance(self): if not self.parameters == self._covariance.parameters: self._covariance = Covariance.from_stack( [model.covariance for model in self._models] ) @property def covariance(self): """Covariance as a `~gammapy.modeling.Covariance` object.""" self._check_covariance() for model in self._models: self._covariance.set_subcovariance(model.covariance) return self._covariance @covariance.setter def covariance(self, covariance): self._check_covariance() = covariance for model in self._models: subcovar = self._covariance.get_subcovariance(model.covariance.parameters) model.covariance = subcovar @property def parameters(self): """Parameters as a `~gammapy.modeling.Parameters` object.""" return Parameters.from_stack([_.parameters for _ in self._models]) @property def parameters_unique_names(self): """List of unique parameter names. Return formatted as model_name.par_type.par_name.""" names = [] for model in self: for par in model.parameters: components = [, par.type,] name = ".".join(components) names.append(name) return names @property def names(self): """List of model names.""" return [ for m in self._models]
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename, checksum=False): """Read from YAML file. Parameters ---------- filename : str input filename checksum : bool Whether to perform checksum verification. Default is False. """ yaml_str = make_path(filename).read_text() path, filename = split(filename) return cls.from_yaml(yaml_str, path=path, checksum=checksum)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, yaml_str, path="", checksum=False): """Create from YAML string.""" data = yaml.safe_load(yaml_str) checksum_str = data.pop("checksum", None) if checksum: yaml_str = yaml.dump( data, sort_keys=False, indent=4, width=80, default_flow_style=False ) if not verify_checksum(yaml_str, checksum_str): warnings.warn("Checksum verification failed.", UserWarning) # TODO : for now metadata are not kept. Add proper metadata creation. data.pop("metadata", None) return cls.from_dict(data, path=path)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data, path=""): """Create from dictionary.""" from . import MODEL_REGISTRY, SkyModel models = [] for component in data["components"]: model_cls = MODEL_REGISTRY.get_cls(component["type"]) model = model_cls.from_dict(component) models.append(model) models = cls(models) if "covariance" in data: filename = data["covariance"] path = make_path(path) if not (path / filename).exists(): path, filename = split(filename) models.read_covariance(path, filename, format="ascii.fixed_width") shared_register = {} for model in models: if isinstance(model, SkyModel): submodels = [ model.spectral_model, model.spatial_model, model.temporal_model, ] for submodel in submodels: if submodel is not None: shared_register = _set_link(shared_register, submodel) else: shared_register = _set_link(shared_register, model) return models
[docs] def write( self, path, overwrite=False, full_output=False, overwrite_templates=False, write_covariance=True, checksum=False, ): """Write to YAML file. Parameters ---------- path : `pathlib.Path` or str Path to write files. overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite existing file. Default is False. full_output : bool, optional Store full parameter output. Default is False. overwrite_templates : bool, optional Overwrite templates FITS files. Default is False. write_covariance : bool, optional Whether to save the covariance. Default is True. checksum : bool When True adds a CHECKSUM entry to the file. Default is False. """ base_path, _ = split(path) path = make_path(path) base_path = make_path(base_path) if path.exists() and not overwrite: raise IOError(f"File exists already: {path}") if ( write_covariance and self.covariance is not None and len(self.parameters) != 0 ): filecovar = path.stem + "_covariance.dat" kwargs = dict( format="ascii.fixed_width", delimiter="|", overwrite=overwrite ) self.write_covariance(base_path / filecovar, **kwargs) self._covar_file = filecovar yaml_str = self.to_yaml(full_output, overwrite_templates) if checksum: yaml_str = add_checksum(yaml_str) path.write_text(yaml_str)
[docs] def to_yaml(self, full_output=False, overwrite_templates=False): """Convert to YAML string.""" data = self.to_dict(full_output, overwrite_templates) text = yaml.dump( data, sort_keys=False, indent=4, width=80, default_flow_style=False ) creation = CreatorMetaData() return text + creation.to_yaml()
[docs] def to_dict(self, full_output=False, overwrite_templates=False): """Convert to dictionary.""" self.update_link_label() models_data = [] for model in self._models: model_data = model.to_dict(full_output) models_data.append(model_data) if ( hasattr(model, "spatial_model") and model.spatial_model is not None and "template" in model.spatial_model.tag ): model.spatial_model.write(overwrite=overwrite_templates) if model.tag == "TemplateNPredModel": model.write(overwrite=overwrite_templates) if self._covar_file is not None: return { "components": models_data, "covariance": str(self._covar_file), } else: return {"components": models_data}
[docs] def to_parameters_table(self): """Convert model parameters to a `~astropy.table.Table`.""" table = self.parameters.to_table() # Warning: splitting of parameters will break is source name has a "." in its name. model_name = [name.split(".")[0] for name in self.parameters_unique_names] table.add_column(model_name, name="model", index=0) return table
[docs] def update_parameters_from_table(self, t): """Update models from a `~astropy.table.Table`.""" parameters_dict = [dict(zip(t.colnames, row)) for row in t] for k, data in enumerate(parameters_dict): self.parameters[k].update_from_dict(data)
[docs] def read_covariance(self, path, filename="_covariance.dat", **kwargs): """Read covariance data from file. Parameters ---------- path : str or `Path` Base path. filename : str Filename. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to ``. """ path = make_path(path) filepath = str(path / filename) t =, **kwargs) t.remove_column("Parameters") arr = np.array(t) data = arr.view(float).reshape(arr.shape + (-1,)) self.covariance = data self._covar_file = filename
[docs] def write_covariance(self, filename, **kwargs): """Write covariance to file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~astropy.table.Table.write`. """ names = self.parameters_unique_names table = Table() table["Parameters"] = names for idx, name in enumerate(names): values =[idx] table[str(idx)] = values table.write(make_path(filename), **kwargs)
def __str__(self): self.update_link_label() str_ = f"{self.__class__.__name__}\n\n" for idx, model in enumerate(self): str_ += f"Component {idx}: " str_ += str(model) return str_.expandtabs(tabsize=2) def _repr_html_(self): try: return self.to_html() except AttributeError: return f"<pre>{html.escape(str(self))}</pre>" def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (Models, list)): return Models([*self, *other]) elif isinstance(other, ModelBase): if in self.names: raise (ValueError("Model names must be unique")) return Models([*self, other]) else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid type: {other!r}") def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, np.ndarray) and key.dtype == bool: return self.__class__(list(np.array(self._models)[key])) else: return self._models[self.index(key)]
[docs] def index(self, key): if isinstance(key, (int, slice)): return key elif isinstance(key, str): return self.names.index(key) elif isinstance(key, ModelBase): return self._models.index(key) else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid type: {type(key)!r}")
def __len__(self): return len(self._models) def _ipython_key_completions_(self): return self.names
[docs] def copy(self, copy_data=False): """Deep copy. Parameters ---------- copy_data : bool Whether to copy data attached to template models. Returns ------- models: `Models` Copied models. """ models = [] for model in self: model_copy = model.copy(, copy_data=copy_data) models.append(model_copy) return self.__class__( models=models, )
def _slice_by_energy(self, energy_min, energy_max, sum_over_energy_groups=False): """Copy models and slice TemplateNPredModel in energy range. Parameters ---------- energy_min, energy_max : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Energy bounds of the slice sum_over_energy_groups : bool Whether to sum over the energy groups or not. Default is False. Returns ------- models : `Models` Sliced models. """ models_sliced = Models(self.copy()) for k, m in enumerate(models_sliced): if m.tag == "TemplateNPredModel": m_sliced = m.slice_by_energy(energy_min, energy_max) if sum_over_energy_groups: = models_sliced[k] = m_sliced return models_sliced
[docs] def select( self, name_substring=None, datasets_names=None, tag=None, model_type=None, frozen=None, ): """Select models that meet all specified conditions. Parameters ---------- name_substring : str, optional Substring contained in the model name. Default is None. datasets_names : str or list, optional Name of the dataset. Default is None. tag : str or list, optional Model tag. Default is None. model_type : {'None', 'spatial', 'spectral'} Type of model, used together with "tag", if the tag is not unique. Default is None. frozen : bool, optional If True, select models with all parameters frozen; if False, exclude them. Default is None. Returns ------- models : `DatasetModels` Selected models. """ mask = self.selection_mask( name_substring, datasets_names, tag, model_type, frozen ) return self[mask]
[docs] def selection_mask( self, name_substring=None, datasets_names=None, tag=None, model_type=None, frozen=None, ): """Create a mask of models, that meet all specified conditions. Parameters ---------- name_substring : str, optional Substring contained in the model name. Default is None. datasets_names : str or list of str, optional Name of the dataset. Default is None. tag : str or list of str, optional Model tag. Default is None. model_type : {'None', 'spatial', 'spectral'} Type of model, used together with "tag", if the tag is not unique. Default is None. frozen : bool, optional Select models with all parameters frozen if True, exclude them if False. Default is None. Returns ------- mask : `numpy.array` Boolean mask, True for selected models. """ selection = np.ones(len(self), dtype=bool) if tag and not isinstance(tag, list): tag = [tag] if datasets_names and not isinstance(datasets_names, list): datasets_names = [datasets_names] for idx, model in enumerate(self): if name_substring: selection[idx] &= name_substring in if datasets_names: selection[idx] &= model.datasets_names is None or np.any( [name in model.datasets_names for name in datasets_names] ) if tag: if model_type is None: sub_model = model else: sub_model = getattr(model, f"{model_type}_model", None) if sub_model: selection[idx] &= np.any([t in sub_model.tag for t in tag]) else: selection[idx] &= False if frozen is not None: if frozen: selection[idx] &= model.frozen else: selection[idx] &= ~model.frozen return np.array(selection, dtype=bool)
[docs] def select_mask(self, mask, margin="0 deg", use_evaluation_region=True): """Check if sky models contribute within a mask map. Parameters ---------- mask : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap` of boolean type Map containing a boolean mask. margin : `~astropy.unit.Quantity`, optional Add a margin in degree to the source evaluation radius. Used to take into account PSF width. Default is "0 deg". use_evaluation_region : bool, optional Account for the extension of the model or not. Default is True. Returns ------- models : `DatasetModels` Selected models contributing inside the region where mask==True. """ models = [] if not mask.geom.is_image: mask = mask.reduce_over_axes(func=np.logical_or) for model in"sky-model"): if use_evaluation_region: contributes = model.contributes(mask=mask, margin=margin) else: contributes = mask.get_by_coord(model.position, fill_value=0) if np.any(contributes): models.append(model) return self.__class__(models=models)
[docs] def select_from_geom(self, geom, **kwargs): """Select models that fall inside a given geometry. Parameters ---------- geom : `~gammapy.maps.Geom` Geometry to select models from. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~gammapy.modeling.models.DatasetModels.select_mask`. Returns ------- models : `DatasetModels` Selected models. """ mask = Map.from_geom(geom=geom, data=True, dtype=bool) return self.select_mask(mask=mask, **kwargs)
[docs] def select_region(self, regions, wcs=None): """Select sky models with center position contained within a given region. Parameters ---------- regions : str, `~regions.Region` or list of `~regions.Region` Region or list of regions (pixel or sky regions accepted). A region can be defined as a string ind DS9 format as well. See for details. wcs : `~astropy.wcs.WCS`, optional World coordinate system transformation. Default is None. Returns ------- models : `DatasetModels` Selected models. """ geom = RegionGeom.from_regions(regions, wcs=wcs) models = [] for model in"sky-model"): if geom.contains(model.position): models.append(model) return self.__class__(models=models)
[docs] def restore_status(self, restore_values=True): """Context manager to restore status. A copy of the values is made on enter, and those values are restored on exit. Parameters ---------- restore_values : bool, optional Restore values if True, otherwise restore only frozen status and covariance matrix. Default is True. """ return restore_models_status(self, restore_values)
[docs] def set_parameters_bounds( self, tag, model_type, parameters_names=None, min=None, max=None, value=None ): """Set bounds for the selected models types and parameters names. Parameters ---------- tag : str or list Tag of the models. model_type : {"spatial", "spectral", "temporal"} Type of model. parameters_names : str or list, optional Parameters names. Default is None. min : float, optional Minimum value. Default is None. max : float, optional Maximum value. Default is None. value : float, optional Initial value. Default is None. """ models =, model_type=model_type) parameters =, type=model_type) n = len(parameters) if min is not None: parameters.min = np.ones(n) * min if max is not None: parameters.max = np.ones(n) * max if value is not None: parameters.value = np.ones(n) * value
[docs] def freeze(self, model_type=None): """Freeze parameters depending on model type. Parameters ---------- model_type : {None, "spatial", "spectral"} Freeze all parameters or only spatial or only spectral. Default is None. """ for m in self: m.freeze(model_type)
[docs] def unfreeze(self, model_type=None): """Restore parameters frozen status to default depending on model type. Parameters ---------- model_type : {None, "spatial", "spectral"} Restore frozen status to default for all parameters or only spatial or only spectral. Default is None. """ for m in self: m.unfreeze(model_type)
@property def frozen(self): """Boolean mask, True if all parameters of a given model are frozen.""" return np.all([m.frozen for m in self])
[docs] def reassign(self, dataset_name, new_dataset_name): """Reassign a model from one dataset to another. Parameters ---------- dataset_name : str or list Name of the datasets where the model is currently defined. new_dataset_name : str or list Name of the datasets where the model should be defined instead. If multiple names are given the two list must have the save length, as the reassignment is element-wise. """ models = [m.reassign(dataset_name, new_dataset_name) for m in self] return self.__class__(models)
[docs] def to_template_sky_model(self, geom, spectral_model=None, name=None): """Merge a list of models into a single `~gammapy.modeling.models.SkyModel`. Parameters ---------- geom : `Geom` Map geometry of the result template model. spectral_model : `~gammapy.modeling.models.SpectralModel`, optional One of the NormSpectralModel. Default is None. name : str, optional Name of the new model. Default is None. Returns ------- model : `SkyModel` Template sky model. """ from . import PowerLawNormSpectralModel, SkyModel, TemplateSpatialModel unit = u.Unit("1 / (cm2 s sr TeV)") map_ = Map.from_geom(geom, unit=unit) for m in self: map_ += m.evaluate_geom(geom).to(unit) spatial_model = TemplateSpatialModel(map_, normalize=False) if spectral_model is None: spectral_model = PowerLawNormSpectralModel() return SkyModel( spectral_model=spectral_model, spatial_model=spatial_model, name=name )
[docs] def to_template_spectral_model(self, geom, mask=None): """Merge a list of models into a single `~gammapy.modeling.models.TemplateSpectralModel`. For each model the spatial component is integrated over the given geometry where the mask is true and multiplied by the spectral component value in each energy bin. Parameters ---------- geom : `~gammapy.maps.Geom` Map geometry on which the template model is computed. mask : `~gammapy.maps.Map` with bool dtype. Evaluate the model only where the mask is True. Returns ------- model : `~gammapy.modeling.models.TemplateSpectralModel` Template spectral model. """ from . import TemplateSpectralModel energy = geom.axes[0].center if mask is None: mask = Map.from_geom(geom, data=True) elif mask.geom != geom: mask = mask.interp_to_geom(geom, method="nearest") values = 0 for m in self: dnde = m.spectral_model(energy) spatial_integ = m.spatial_model.integrate_geom(geom) masked_integ = * np.isfinite( * mask[~np.isfinite(] = np.nan dnde *= masked_integ.sum(axis=(1, 2)) * spatial_integ.unit values += dnde return TemplateSpectralModel(energy, values)
@property def positions(self): """Positions of the models as a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`.""" positions = [] for model in"sky-model"): if model.position: positions.append(model.position.icrs) else: log.warning( f"Skipping model {} - no spatial component present" ) return SkyCoord(positions)
[docs] def to_regions(self): """Return a list of the regions for the spatial models. Returns ------- regions: list of `~regions.SkyRegion` Regions. """ regions = [] for model in"sky-model"): try: region = model.spatial_model.to_region() regions.append(region) except AttributeError: log.warning( f"Skipping model {} - no spatial component present" ) return regions
@property def wcs_geom(self): """Minimum WCS geom in which all the models are contained.""" regions = self.to_regions() try: return RegionGeom.from_regions(regions).to_wcs_geom() except IndexError: log.error("No spatial component in any model. Geom not defined")
[docs] def plot_regions(self, ax=None, kwargs_point=None, path_effect=None, **kwargs): """Plot extent of the spatial models on a given WCS axis. Parameters ---------- ax : `~astropy.visualization.WCSAxes`, optional Axes to plot on. If no axes are given, an all-sky WCS is chosen using a CAR projection. Default is None. kwargs_point : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to `~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` for plotting of point sources. Default is None. path_effect : `~matplotlib.patheffects.PathEffect`, optional Path effect applied to artists and lines. Default is None. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~matplotlib.artists.Artist`. Returns ------- ax : `~astropy.visualization.WcsAxes` WCS axes. """ regions = self.to_regions() geom = RegionGeom.from_regions(regions=regions) return geom.plot_region( ax=ax, kwargs_point=kwargs_point, path_effect=path_effect, **kwargs )
[docs] def plot_positions(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot the centers of the spatial models on a given WCS axis. Parameters ---------- ax : `~astropy.visualization.WCSAxes`, optional Axes to plot on. If no axes are given, an all-sky WCS is chosen using a CAR projection. Default is None. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`. Returns ------- ax : `~astropy.visualization.WcsAxes` WCS axes. """ from astropy.visualization.wcsaxes import WCSAxes if ax is None or not isinstance(ax, WCSAxes): ax = Map.from_geom(self.wcs_geom).plot() kwargs.setdefault("marker", "*") kwargs.setdefault("color", "tab:blue") path_effects = kwargs.get("path_effects", None) xp, yp = self.positions.to_pixel(ax.wcs) p = ax.scatter(xp, yp, **kwargs) if path_effects: plt.setp(p, path_effects=path_effects) return ax
[docs]class Models(DatasetModels, """Sky model collection. Parameters ---------- models : `SkyModel`, list of `SkyModel` or `Models` Sky models. """ def __delitem__(self, key): del self._models[self.index(key)] def __setitem__(self, key, model): from gammapy.modeling.models import ( FoVBackgroundModel, SkyModel, TemplateNPredModel, ) if isinstance(model, (SkyModel, FoVBackgroundModel, TemplateNPredModel)): self._models[self.index(key)] = model else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid type: {model!r}")
[docs] def insert(self, idx, model): if in self.names: raise (ValueError("Model names must be unique")) self._models.insert(idx, model)
[docs] def set_prior(self, parameters, priors): for parameter, prior in zip(parameters, priors): parameter.prior = prior
class restore_models_status: def __init__(self, models, restore_values=True): self.restore_values = restore_values self.models = models self.values = [_.value for _ in models.parameters] self.frozen = [_.frozen for _ in models.parameters] self.covariance_data = def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): for value, par, frozen in zip(self.values, self.models.parameters, self.frozen): if self.restore_values: par.value = value par.frozen = frozen self.models.covariance = self.covariance_data