Source code for gammapy.estimators.points.lightcurve
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rstimportloggingfromitertoolsimportrepeatimportnumpyasnpimportastropy.unitsasuimportgammapy.utils.parallelasparallelfromgammapy.dataimportGTIfromgammapy.datasetsimportDatasetsfromgammapy.datasets.actorsimportDatasetsActorfromgammapy.mapsimportLabelMapAxis,Map,TimeMapAxisfromgammapy.utils.pbarimportprogress_barfrom.coreimportFluxPointsfrom.sedimportFluxPointsEstimator__all__=["LightCurveEstimator"]log=logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]classLightCurveEstimator(FluxPointsEstimator):"""Estimate light curve. The estimator will apply flux point estimation on the source model component to datasets in each of the provided time intervals. The normalisation, `norm`, is the only parameter of the source model left free to vary. Other model components can be left free to vary with the reoptimize option. If no time intervals are provided, the estimator will use the time intervals defined by the datasets GTIs. To be included in the estimation, the dataset must have their GTI fully overlapping a time interval. Time intervals without any dataset GTI fully overlapping will be dropped. They will not be stored in the final lightcurve `FluxPoints` object. Parameters ---------- time_intervals : list of `astropy.time.Time` Start and stop time for each interval to compute the LC. source : str or int For which source in the model to compute the flux points. Default is 0. atol : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Tolerance value for time comparison with different scale. Default 1e-6 sec. n_sigma : int Number of sigma to use for asymmetric error computation. Default is 1. n_sigma_ul : int Number of sigma to use for upper limit computation. Default is 2. selection_optional : list of str, optional Which steps to execute. Available options are: * "all": all the optional steps are executed. * "errn-errp": estimate asymmetric errors. * "ul": estimate upper limits. * "scan": estimate fit statistic profiles. Default is None so the optional steps are not executed. energy_edges : list of `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Edges of the lightcurve energy bins. The resulting bin edges won't be exactly equal to the input ones, but rather the closest values to the energy axis edges of the parent dataset. Default is None: apply the estimator in each energy bin of the parent dataset. For further explanation see :ref:`estimators`. fit : `Fit` Fit instance specifying the backend and fit options. reoptimize : bool If True the free parameters of the other models are fitted in each bin independently, together with the norm of the source of interest (but the other parameters of the source of interest are kept frozen). If False only the norm of the source of interest if fitted, and all other parameters are frozen at their current values. n_jobs : int Number of processes used in parallel for the computation. Default is one, unless `~gammapy.utils.parallel.N_JOBS_DEFAULT` was modified. The number of jobs is limited to the number of physical CPUs. parallel_backend : {"multiprocessing", "ray"} Which backend to use for multiprocessing. Defaults to `~gammapy.utils.parallel.BACKEND_DEFAULT`. norm : ~gammapy.modeling.Parameter` or dict Norm parameter used for the fit Default is None and a new parameter is created automatically, with value=1, name="norm", scan_min=0.2, scan_max=5, and scan_n_values = 11. By default the min and max are not set and derived from the source model, unless the source model does not have one and only one norm parameter. If a dict is given the entries should be a subset of `~gammapy.modeling.Parameter` arguments. Examples -------- For a usage example see :doc:`/tutorials/analysis-time/light_curve` tutorial. """tag="LightCurveEstimator"def__init__(self,time_intervals=None,atol="1e-6 s",**kwargs):self.time_intervals=time_intervalsself.atol=u.Quantity(atol)super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]defrun(self,datasets):"""Run light curve extraction. Normalize integral and energy flux between emin and emax. Notes ----- The progress bar can be displayed for this function. Parameters ---------- datasets : list of `~gammapy.datasets.SpectrumDataset` or `~gammapy.datasets.MapDataset` Spectrum or Map datasets. Returns ------- lightcurve : `~gammapy.estimators.FluxPoints` Light curve flux points. """ifnotisinstance(datasets,DatasetsActor):datasets=Datasets(datasets)ifself.time_intervalsisNone:gti=datasets.gtielse:gti=GTI.from_time_intervals(self.time_intervals)gti=gti.union(overlap_ok=False,merge_equal=False)rows=[]valid_intervals=[]parallel_datasets=[]dataset_names=datasets.namesfort_min,t_maxinprogress_bar(gti.time_intervals,desc="Time intervals selection"):datasets_to_fit=datasets.select_time(time_min=t_min,time_max=t_max,atol=self.atol)iflen(datasets_to_fit)"No Dataset for the time interval {t_min} to {t_max}. Skipping interval.")continuevalid_intervals.append([t_min,t_max])ifself.n_jobs==1:fp=self.estimate_time_bin_flux(datasets_to_fit,dataset_names)rows.append(fp)else:parallel_datasets.append(datasets_to_fit)ifself.n_jobs>1:self._update_child_jobs()rows=parallel.run_multiprocessing(self.estimate_time_bin_flux,zip(parallel_datasets,repeat(dataset_names),),backend=self.parallel_backend,pool_kwargs=dict(processes=self.n_jobs),task_name="Time intervals",)iflen(rows)==0:raiseValueError("LightCurveEstimator: No datasets in time intervals")gti=GTI.from_time_intervals(valid_intervals)axis=TimeMapAxis.from_gti(gti=gti)returnFluxPoints.from_stack(maps=rows,axis=axis,)
[docs]@staticmethoddefexpand_map(m,dataset_names):"""Expand map in dataset axis. Parameters ---------- map : `Map` Map to expand. dataset_names : list of str Dataset names. Returns ------- map : `Map` Expanded map. """label_axis=LabelMapAxis(labels=dataset_names,name="dataset")geom=m.geom.replace_axis(axis=label_axis)result=Map.from_geom(geom,data=np.nan)coords=m.geom.get_coord(sparse=True)result.set_by_coord(coords,
[docs]defestimate_time_bin_flux(self,datasets,dataset_names=None):"""Estimate flux point for a single energy group. Parameters ---------- datasets : `~gammapy.modeling.Datasets` List of dataset objects. Returns ------- result : `FluxPoints` Resulting flux points. """estimator=self.copy()estimator.n_jobs=self._n_child_jobsfp=estimator._run_flux_points(datasets)ifdataset_names:fornamein["counts","npred","npred_excess"]:fp._data[name]=self.expand_map(fp._data[name],dataset_names=dataset_names)returnfp