Source code for gammapy.image.catalog

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Make an image from a source catalog, or simulated catalog, e.g 1FHL 2FGL etc
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.table import Table

__all__ = [

def _extended_image(catalog, reference_cube):
    """Reprojects and adds extended source images to a larger survey image.
    # This import is here instead of at the top to avoid an ImportError
    # due to circular dependencies
    from ..catalog import fetch_fermi_extended_sources
    from ..cube import SkyCube

    # Note that the first extended source fits file is unreadable...
    hdu_list = fetch_fermi_extended_sources(catalog)[1:]
    for source in hdu_list:
        source_wcs = WCS(source.header)
        source_spec_cube = SkyCube(data=Quantity(np.array([]), ''),
                                   wcs=source_wcs, energy=energy)
        new_source_cube = source_spec_cube.reproject_to(reference_cube)
        # TODO: Fix this hack = + np.nan_to_num( * 1e-30)

def _source_image(catalog, reference_cube, sim_table=None, total_flux=True):
    """Adds point sources to a larger survey image.
    new_image = np.zeros_like(, dtype=np.float64)
    if sim_table is None:
        source_table = catalog_table(catalog, energy_bands=False)
        source_table = sim_table
    energies = source_table.meta['Energy Bins']
    wcs_reference = reference_cube.wcs
    footprint = wcs_reference.calc_footprint()
    glon_max, glon_min = footprint[0][0], footprint[2][0] - 360
    glat_min, glat_max = footprint[0][1], footprint[1][1]
    for source in np.arange(len(source_table['flux'])):
        lon = source_table['GLON'][source]
        if lon >= 180:
            lon = lon - 360
        if (glon_min < lon) & (lon < glon_max):
            lat = source_table['GLAT'][source]
            if (glat_min < lat) & (lat < glat_max):
                flux = source_table['flux'][source]
                wcs = reference_cube.wcs
                origin = 0  # convention for gammapy
                x, y = wcs.wcs_world2pix(lon, lat, origin)
                xi, yi = x.astype(int), y.astype(int)
                new_image[yi, xi] = new_image[yi, xi] + flux
    if total_flux:
        factor = source_table['flux'].sum() / new_image.sum()
        factor = 1

    return new_image * factor, energies

[docs]def catalog_image(reference, psf, catalog='1FHL', source_type='point', total_flux=False, sim_table=None): """Creates an image from a simulated catalog, or from 1FHL or 2FGL sources. Parameters ---------- reference : `` Reference Image HDU. The output takes the shape and resolution of this. psf : `~gammapy.irf.EnergyDependentTablePSF` Energy dependent Table PSF object for image convolution. catalog : {'1FHL', '2FGL', 'simulation'} Flag which source catalog is to be used to create the image. If 'simulation' is used, sim_table must also be provided. source_type : {'point', 'extended', 'all'} Specify whether point or extended sources should be included, or both. TODO: Currently only 'point' is implemented. total_flux : bool Specify whether to conserve total flux. sim_table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table of simulated point sources. Only required if ``catalog='simulation'`` Returns ------- out_cube : `` 2D Spectral cube containing the image. Notes ----- This is currently only implemented for a single energy band. """ from scipy.ndimage import convolve # This import is here instead of at the top to avoid an ImportError # due to circular dependencies from ..cube import SkyCube from ..spectrum import LogEnergyAxis wcs = WCS(reference.header) # Uses dummy energy for now to construct spectral cube # TODO : Fix this hack reference_cube = SkyCube(data=Quantity(np.array(, ''), wcs=wcs) if source_type == 'extended': raise NotImplementedError # TODO: Currently fluxes are not correct for extended sources. new_image = _extended_image(catalog, reference_cube) elif source_type == 'point': new_image, energy = _source_image(catalog, reference_cube, sim_table, total_flux) elif source_type == 'all': raise NotImplementedError # TODO: Currently Extended Sources do not work extended = _extended_image(catalog, reference_cube) point_source = _source_image(catalog, reference_cube, total_flux=True)[0] new_image = extended + point_source else: raise ValueError total_point_image = SkyCube(data=new_image, wcs=wcs, energy_axis=LogEnergyAxis(energy)) convolved_cube = new_image.copy() psf = psf.table_psf_in_energy_band(Quantity([np.min(energy).value, np.max(energy).value], energy.unit)) resolution = abs(reference.header['CDELT1']) ref = total_point_image.sky_image_ref kernel_array = psf.kernel(ref, normalize=True) convolved_cube = convolve(new_image, kernel_array, mode='constant') out_cube = SkyCube(data=Quantity(convolved_cube, ''), wcs=total_point_image.wcs, energy_axis=LogEnergyAxis(energy)) return out_cube
[docs]def catalog_table(catalog, energy_bands=False): """Creates catalog table from published source catalog. This creates a table of catalog sources, positions and fluxes for an indicated published source catalog - either 1FHL or 2FGL. This should be used to in instances where a table is required, for instance as an input for the `~gammapy.image.catalog_image` function. Parameters ---------- catalog : {'1FHL', '2FGL'} Catalog to load. energy_bands : bool Whether to return catalog in energy bands. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Point source catalog table. """ # This import is here instead of at the top to avoid an ImportError # due to circular dependencies from ..catalog import fetch_fermi_catalog data = [] cat_table = fetch_fermi_catalog(catalog, 'LAT_Point_Source_Catalog') for source in np.arange(len(cat_table)): glon = cat_table['GLON'][source] glat = cat_table['GLAT'][source] # Different from here between each catalog because of different catalog header names if catalog in ['1FHL', 'simulation']: energy = Quantity([10, 30, 100, 500], 'GeV') if energy_bands: Flux_10_30 = cat_table['Flux10_30GeV'][source] Flux_30_100 = cat_table['Flux30_100GeV'][source] Flux_100_500 = cat_table['Flux100_500GeV'][source] row = dict(Source_Type='PointSource', GLON=glon, GLAT=glat, Flux10_30=Flux_10_30, Flux30_100=Flux_30_100, Flux100_500=Flux_100_500) else: flux_bol = cat_table['Flux'][source] row = dict(Source_Type='PointSource', GLON=glon, GLAT=glat, flux=flux_bol) elif catalog == '2FGL': energy = Quantity([30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000, 10000, 100000], 'GeV') if not energy_bands: flux_bol = cat_table['Flux_Density'][source] row = dict(Source_Type='PointSource', GLON=glon, GLAT=glat, flux=flux_bol) else: Flux_30_100 = cat_table['Flux30_100'][source] Flux_100_300 = cat_table['Flux100_300'][source] Flux_300_1000 = cat_table['Flux300_1000'][source] Flux_1000_3000 = cat_table['Flux1000_3000'][source] Flux_3000_10000 = cat_table['Flux3000_10000'][source] Flux_10000_100000 = cat_table['Flux10000_100000'][source] row = dict(Source_Type='PointSource', Source_Name=source, GLON=glon, GLAT=glat, Flux_30_100=Flux_30_100, Flux_100_300=Flux_100_300, Flux_300_1000=Flux_300_1000, Flux_1000_3000=Flux_1000_3000, Flux_3000_10000=Flux_3000_10000, Flux_10000_100000=Flux_10000_100000) data.append(row) table = Table(data) table.meta['Energy Bins'] = energy return table