
gammapy.image.catalog_image(reference, psf, catalog='1FHL', source_type='point', total_flux=False, sim_table=None)[source]

Creates an image from a simulated catalog, or from 1FHL or 2FGL sources.


reference : ImageHDU

Reference Image HDU. The output takes the shape and resolution of this.

psf : EnergyDependentTablePSF

Energy dependent Table PSF object for image convolution.

catalog : {‘1FHL’, ‘2FGL’, ‘simulation’}

Flag which source catalog is to be used to create the image. If ‘simulation’ is used, sim_table must also be provided.

source_type : {‘point’, ‘extended’, ‘all’}

Specify whether point or extended sources should be included, or both. TODO: Currently only ‘point’ is implemented.

total_flux : bool

Specify whether to conserve total flux.

sim_table : Table

Table of simulated point sources. Only required if catalog='simulation'


out_cube : SkyCube

2D Spectral cube containing the image.


This is currently only implemented for a single energy band.