
gammapy.datasets.make_test_dataset(outdir, overwrite=False, observatory_name='HESS', n_obs=10, az_range=<Angle [ 0., 360.] deg>, alt_range=<Angle [ 45., 90.] deg>, date_range=(<Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=2010-01-01 00:00:00.000>, <Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' value=2015-01-01 00:00:00.000>), n_tels_range=(3, 4), sigma=<Angle 5.0 deg>, spectral_index=2.7, random_state='random-seed')[source]

Make a test dataset and save it to disk.


This method is useful for instance to produce samples in order to test the machinery for reconstructing background (cube) models.

See also Simulate event lists.


outdir : str

Path to store the files.

overwrite : bool, optional

Flag to remove previous datasets in outdir (if existing).

observatory_name : str, optional

Name of the observatory; a list of choices is given in observatory_locations.

n_obs : int

Number of observations for the obs table.

az_range : Angle, optional

Azimuth angle range (start, end) for random generation of observation pointing positions.

alt_range : Angle, optional

Altitude angle range (start, end) for random generation of observation pointing positions.

date_range : Time, optional

Date range (start, end) for random generation of observation start time.

n_tels_range : int, optional

Range (start, end) of number of telescopes participating in the observations.

sigma : Angle, optional

Width of the gaussian model used for the spatial coordinates.

spectral_index : float, optional

Index for the power-law model used for the energy coordinate.

random_state : {int, ‘random-seed’, ‘global-rng’, RandomState}, optional

Defines random number generator initialisation. Passed to get_random_state.