Source code for gammapy.estimators.lightcurve

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import logging
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.time import Time
from import GTI
from gammapy.datasets import Datasets
from gammapy.utils.scripts import make_path
from gammapy.utils.table import table_from_row_data
from .core import Estimator
from .flux_point import FluxPoints, FluxPointsEstimator

__all__ = ["LightCurve", "LightCurveEstimator"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class LightCurve: """Lightcurve container. The lightcurve data is stored in ``table``. For now we only support times stored in MJD format! TODO: specification of format is work in progress See Usage: :ref:`time` Parameters ---------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table with lightcurve data """ def __init__(self, table): self.table = table def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(len={len(self.table)})" @property def time_scale(self): """Time scale (str). Taken from table "TIMESYS" header. Common values: "TT" or "UTC". Assumed default is "UTC". """ return self.table.meta.get("TIMESYS", "utc") @property def time_format(self): """Time format (str).""" return "mjd" # @property # def time_ref(self): # """Time reference (`~astropy.time.Time`).""" # return time_ref_from_dict(self.table.meta) def _make_time(self, colname): val = self.table[colname].data scale = self.time_scale format = self.time_format return Time(val, scale=scale, format=format) @property def time(self): """Time (`~astropy.time.Time`).""" return self.time_mid @property def time_min(self): """Time bin start (`~astropy.time.Time`).""" return self._make_time("time_min") @property def time_max(self): """Time bin end (`~astropy.time.Time`).""" return self._make_time("time_max") @property def time_mid(self): """Time bin center (`~astropy.time.Time`).""" return self.time_min + 0.5 * self.time_delta @property def time_delta(self): """Time bin width (`~astropy.time.TimeDelta`).""" return self.time_max - self.time_min
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename, **kwargs): """Read from file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to ``. """ table =, **kwargs) return cls(table=table)
[docs] def write(self, filename, **kwargs): """Write to file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `astropy.table.Table.write`. """ self.table.write(make_path(filename), **kwargs)
[docs] def plot( self, ax=None, energy_index=None, time_format="mjd", flux_unit="cm-2 s-1", **kwargs, ): """Plot flux points. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional. The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object to be drawn on. If None, uses the current `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`. energy_index : int The index of the energy band to use. If set to None, use the first energy index. Default is None. time_format : {'mjd', 'iso'}, optional If 'iso', the x axis will contain Matplotlib dates. For formatting these dates see: flux_unit : str, `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional Unit of the flux axis kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.errorbar` Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axis object """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() x, xerr = self._get_times_and_errors(time_format=time_format) y, yerr = self._get_fluxes_and_errors(unit=flux_unit) is_ul, yul = self._get_flux_uls(unit=flux_unit) if len(y.shape) > 1: if energy_index is None: energy_index = 0 y = y[:, energy_index] if len(yerr) > 1: yerr = [_[:, energy_index] for _ in yerr] else: yerr = yerr[:, energy_index] is_ul = is_ul[:, energy_index] yul = yul[:, energy_index] # length of the ul arrow ul_arr = ( np.nanmax(np.concatenate((y[~is_ul], yul[is_ul]))) - np.nanmin(np.concatenate((y[~is_ul], yul[is_ul]))) ) * 0.1 # join fluxes and upper limits for the plot y[is_ul] = yul[is_ul] yerr[0][is_ul] = ul_arr # set plotting defaults and plot kwargs.setdefault("marker", "+") kwargs.setdefault("ls", "None") ax.errorbar(x=x, y=y, xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, uplims=is_ul, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel("Time ({})".format(time_format.upper())) ax.set_ylabel("Flux ({:FITS})".format(u.Unit(flux_unit))) ax.legend() if time_format == "iso": ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) plt.setp( ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=30, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor", ) return ax
def _get_fluxes_and_errors(self, unit="cm-2 s-1"): """Extract fluxes and corresponding errors Helper function for the plot method. Parameters ---------- unit : str, `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional Unit of the returned flux and errors values Returns ------- y : `numpy.ndarray` Flux values (yn, yp) : tuple of `numpy.ndarray` Flux error values """ y = self.table["flux"] if all(k in self.table.colnames for k in ["flux_errp", "flux_errn"]): yp = self.table["flux_errp"] yn = self.table["flux_errn"] elif "flux_err" in self.table.colnames: yp = self.table["flux_err"] yn = self.table["flux_err"] else: yp, yn = np.zeros_like(y), np.zeros_like(y) return y.value, (yn.value, yp.value) def _get_flux_uls(self, unit="cm-2 s-1"): """Extract flux upper limits Helper function for the plot method. Parameters ---------- unit : str, `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional Unit of the returned flux upper limit values Returns ------- is_ul : `numpy.ndarray` Is flux point is an upper limit? (boolean array) yul : `numpy.ndarray` Flux upper limit values """ try: is_ul = self.table["is_ul"].data.astype("bool") except KeyError: is_ul = np.zeros_like(self.table["flux"]).data.astype("bool") if is_ul.any(): yul = self.table["flux_ul"] else: yul = np.zeros_like(self.table["flux"]).quantity yul[:] = np.nan return is_ul, yul.value def _get_times_and_errors(self, time_format="mjd"): """Extract times and corresponding errors Helper function for the plot method. Parameters ---------- time_format : {'mjd', 'iso'}, optional Time format of the times. If 'iso', times and errors will be returned as `~datetime.datetime` and `~datetime.timedelta` objects Returns ------- x : `~numpy.ndarray` or of `~datetime.datetime` Time values or `~datetime.datetime` instances if 'iso' is chosen as time format (xn, xp) : tuple of `numpy.ndarray` of `~datetime.timedelta` Tuple of time error values or `~datetime.timedelta` instances if 'iso' is chosen as time format """ x = self.time try: xn, xp = x - self.time_min, self.time_max - x except KeyError: xn, xp = x - x, x - x if time_format == "iso": x = x.datetime xn = xn.to_datetime() xp = xp.to_datetime() elif time_format == "mjd": x = x.mjd xn ="day").value xp ="day").value else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid time_format: {time_format}") return x, (xn, xp)
[docs]class LightCurveEstimator(Estimator): """Estimate light curve. The estimator will fit the source model component to datasets in each of the provided time intervals. If no time intervals are provided, the estimator will use the time intervals defined by the datasets GTIs. To be included in the estimation, the dataset must have their GTI fully overlapping a time interval. Parameters ---------- time_intervals : list of `astropy.time.Time` Start and stop time for each interval to compute the LC source : str For which source in the model to compute the flux points. Default is 0 energy_edges : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Energy edges of the light curve. atol : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Tolerance value for time comparison with different scale. Default 1e-6 sec. norm_min : float Minimum value for the norm used for the fit statistic profile evaluation. norm_max : float Maximum value for the norm used for the fit statistic profile evaluation. norm_n_values : int Number of norm values used for the fit statistic profile. norm_values : `numpy.ndarray` Array of norm values to be used for the fit statistic profile. n_sigma : int Number of sigma to use for asymmetric error computation. Default is 1. n_sigma_ul : int Number of sigma to use for upper limit computation. Default is 2. reoptimize : bool reoptimize other parameters during fit statistic scan? selection_optional : list of str Which steps to execute. Available options are: * "errn-errp": estimate asymmetric errors. * "ul": estimate upper limits. * "scan": estimate fit statistic profiles. By default all steps are executed. """ tag = "LightCurveEstimator" _available_selection_optional = ["errn-errp", "ul", "scan"] def __init__( self, time_intervals=None, source=0, energy_edges=None, atol="1e-6 s", norm_min=0.2, norm_max=5, norm_n_values=11, norm_values=None, n_sigma=1, n_sigma_ul=2, reoptimize=False, selection_optional="all", ): self.source = source self.time_intervals = time_intervals self.atol = u.Quantity(atol) self.energy_edges = energy_edges self.norm_min = norm_min self.norm_max = norm_max self.norm_n_values = norm_n_values self.norm_values = norm_values self.n_sigma = n_sigma self.n_sigma_ul = n_sigma_ul self.reoptimize = reoptimize self.selection_optional = selection_optional
[docs] def run(self, datasets): """Run light curve extraction. Normalize integral and energy flux between emin and emax. Parameters ---------- datasets : list of `~gammapy.datasets.SpectrumDataset` or `~gammapy.datasets.MapDataset` Spectrum or Map datasets. Returns ------- lightcurve : `~gammapy.estimators.LightCurve` the Light Curve object """ datasets = Datasets(datasets) if self.time_intervals is None: gti = datasets.gti else: gti = GTI.from_time_intervals(self.time_intervals) gti = gti.union(overlap_ok=False, merge_equal=False) rows = [] for t_min, t_max in gti.time_intervals: datasets_to_fit = datasets.select_time( t_min=t_min, t_max=t_max, atol=self.atol ) if len(datasets_to_fit) == 0: log.debug(f"No Dataset for the time interval {t_min} to {t_max}") continue row = {"time_min": t_min.mjd, "time_max": t_max.mjd} row.update(self.estimate_time_bin_flux(datasets_to_fit)) rows.append(row) if len(rows) == 0: raise ValueError("LightCurveEstimator: No datasets in time intervals") table = table_from_row_data(rows=rows, meta={"SED_TYPE": "likelihood"}) table = FluxPoints(table).to_sed_type("flux").table return LightCurve(table)
[docs] def estimate_time_bin_flux(self, datasets): """Estimate flux point for a single energy group. Parameters ---------- datasets : `~gammapy.modeling.Datasets` the list of dataset object Returns ------- result : dict Dict with results for the flux point. """ if self.energy_edges is None: energy_min, energy_max = datasets.energy_ranges energy_edges = energy_min.min(), energy_max.max() else: energy_edges = self.energy_edges fe = FluxPointsEstimator( source=self.source, energy_edges=energy_edges, norm_min=self.norm_min, norm_max=self.norm_max, norm_n_values=self.norm_n_values, norm_values=self.norm_values, n_sigma=self.n_sigma, n_sigma_ul=self.n_sigma_ul, reoptimize=self.reoptimize, selection_optional=self.selection_optional, ) fp = # TODO: remove once FluxPointsEstimator returns object with all energies in one row result = {} for colname in fp.table.colnames: if colname is not "counts": result[colname] = fp.table[colname].quantity else: result[colname] = np.atleast_1d(fp.table[colname].quantity.sum(axis=1)) # return fp.to_sed_type("flux")# return result