Source code for gammapy.maps.geom

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import abc
import copy
import inspect
import logging
from import Sequence
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from import fits
from astropy.table import Column, Table, hstack
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from gammapy.utils.interpolation import interpolation_scale
from .utils import INVALID_INDEX, edges_from_lo_hi, find_bands_hdu, find_hdu

__all__ = ["MapCoord", "Geom", "MapAxis", "MapAxes"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def get_shape(param):
    if param is None:
        return tuple()

    if not isinstance(param, tuple):
        param = [param]

    return max([np.array(p, ndmin=1).shape for p in param])

def skycoord_to_lonlat(skycoord, frame=None):
    """Convert SkyCoord to lon, lat, frame.

    lon : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Longitude in degrees.
    lat : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Latitude in degrees.
    if frame:
        skycoord = skycoord.transform_to(frame)


def pix_tuple_to_idx(pix):
    """Convert a tuple of pixel coordinate arrays to a tuple of pixel indices.

    Pixel coordinates are rounded to the closest integer value.

    pix : tuple
        Tuple of pixel coordinates with one element for each dimension

    idx : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Array of pixel indices
    idx = []
    for p in pix:
        p = np.array(p, ndmin=1)
        if np.issubdtype(p.dtype, np.integer):
            idx += [p]
            p_idx = np.rint(p).astype(int)
            p_idx[~np.isfinite(p)] =
            idx += [p_idx]

    return tuple(idx)

def coord_to_pix(edges, coord, interp="lin"):
    """Convert axis to pixel coordinates for given interpolation scheme."""
    scale = interpolation_scale(interp)

    interp_fn = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(
        scale(edges), np.arange(len(edges), dtype=float), fill_value="extrapolate"

    return interp_fn(scale(coord))

def pix_to_coord(edges, pix, interp="lin"):
    """Convert pixel to grid coordinates for given interpolation scheme."""
    scale = interpolation_scale(interp)

    interp_fn = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(
        np.arange(len(edges), dtype=float), scale(edges), fill_value="extrapolate"

    return scale.inverse(interp_fn(pix))

[docs]class MapAxes(Sequence): """MapAxis container class. Parameters ---------- axes : list of `MapAxis` List of map axis objects. """ def __init__(self, axes): unique_names = [] for ax in axes: if in unique_names: raise (ValueError("Axis names must be unique")) unique_names.append( self._axes = axes @property def shape(self): """Shape of the axes""" return tuple([ax.nbin for ax in self]) @property def names(self): """Names of the axes""" return [ for ax in self]
[docs] def index(self, axis_name): """Get index in list""" return self.names.index(axis_name)
[docs] def index_data(self, axis_name): """Get data index of the axes Parameters ---------- axis_name : str Name of the axis. Returns ------- idx : int Data index """ idx = self.names.index(axis_name) return len(self) - idx - 1
def __len__(self): return len(self._axes) def __add__(self, other): return self.__class__(list(self) + list(other))
[docs] def upsample(self, factor, axis_name): """Upsample axis by a given factor Parameters ---------- factor : int Upsampling factor. axis_name : str Axis to upsample. Returns ------- axes : `MapAxes` Map axes """ axes = [] for ax in self: if == axis_name: ax = ax.upsample(factor=factor) axes.append(ax.copy()) return self.__class__(axes=axes)
[docs] def resample(self, axis): """Resample axis binning. This method groups the existing bins into a new binning. Parameters ---------- axis : `MapAxis` New map axis. Returns ------- axes : `MapAxes` Axes object with resampled axis. """ axis_self = self[] groups = axis_self.group_table(axis.edges) # Keep only normal bins groups = groups[groups["bin_type"] == "normal "] edges = edges_from_lo_hi( groups[ + "_min"].quantity, groups[ + "_max"].quantity, ) axis_resampled = MapAxis.from_edges( edges=edges, interp=axis.interp, ) axes = [] for ax in self: if == axes.append(axis_resampled) else: axes.append(ax.copy()) return self.__class__(axes=axes)
[docs] def downsample(self, factor, axis_name): """Downsample axis by a given factor Parameters ---------- factor : int Upsampling factor. axis_name : str Axis to upsample. Returns ------- axes : `MapAxes` Map axes """ axes = [] for ax in self: if == axis_name: ax = ax.downsample(factor=factor) axes.append(ax.copy()) return self.__class__(axes=axes)
[docs] def squash(self, axis_name): """Squash axis. Parameters ---------- axis_name : str Axis to squash. Returns ------- axes : `MapAxes` Axes with squashed axis. """ axes = [] for ax in self: if == axis_name: ax = ax.squash() axes.append(ax.copy()) return self.__class__(axes=axes)
[docs] def drop(self, axis_name): """Drop an axis. Parameters ---------- axis_name : str Name of the axis to remove. Returns ------- axes : `MapAxes` Axes with squashed axis. """ axes = [] for ax in self: if == axis_name: continue axes.append(ax.copy()) return self.__class__(axes=axes)
def __getitem__(self, idx): if isinstance(idx, (int, slice)): return self._axes[idx] elif isinstance(idx, str): for ax in self._axes: if == idx: return ax raise KeyError(f"No axes: {idx!r}") else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid type: {type(idx)!r}")
[docs] def coord_to_idx(self, coord, clip=True): """Transform from axis to pixel indices. Parameters ---------- coord : dict of `~numpy.ndarray` or `MapCoord` Array of axis coordinate values. Returns ------- pix : tuple of `~numpy.ndarray` Array of pixel indices values. """ return tuple([ax.coord_to_idx(coord[], clip=clip) for ax in self])
[docs] def coord_to_pix(self, coord): """Transform from axis to pixel coordinates. Parameters ---------- coord : dict of `~numpy.ndarray` Array of axis coordinate values. Returns ------- pix : tuple of `~numpy.ndarray` Array of pixel coordinate values. """ return tuple([ax.coord_to_pix(coord[]) for ax in self])
[docs] def pix_to_coord(self, pix): """Convert pixel coordinates to map coordinates. Parameters ---------- pix : tuple Tuple of pixel coordinates. Returns ------- coords : tuple Tuple of map coordinates. """ return tuple([ax.pix_to_coord(p) for ax, p in zip(self, pix)])
[docs] def slice_by_idx(self, slices): """Create a new geometry by slicing the non-spatial axes. Parameters ---------- slices : dict Dict of axes names and integers or `slice` object pairs. Contains one element for each non-spatial dimension. For integer indexing the corresponding axes is dropped from the map. Axes not specified in the dict are kept unchanged. Returns ------- geom : `~Geom` Sliced geometry. """ axes = [] for ax in self: ax_slice = slices.get(, slice(None)) # in the case where isinstance(ax_slice, int) the axes is dropped if isinstance(ax_slice, slice): ax_sliced = ax.slice(ax_slice) axes.append(ax_sliced.copy()) return self.__class__(axes=axes)
[docs] def to_header(self, header=None): """Convert axes to FITS header Parameters ---------- header : `` If a header is provided it is extended with the information. Otherwise a new one is created. Returns ------- header : `` FITS header. """ if header is None: header = fits.Header() for idx, ax in enumerate(self, start=1): key = f"AXCOLS{idx}" name = if == "energy" and ax.node_type == "edges": header[key] = "E_MIN,E_MAX" elif == "energy" and ax.node_type == "center": header[key] = "ENERGY" elif ax.node_type == "edges": header[key] = f"{name}_MIN,{name}_MAX" elif ax.node_type == "center": header[key] = name else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid node type {ax.node_type!r}") key_interp = f"INTERP{idx}" header[key_interp] = ax.interp return header
[docs] def to_table(self, format=None): """Convert axes to table Parameters ---------- format : {"gadf-dl3"} Format to use. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table with axis data """ tables = [] for ax in self: tables.append(ax.to_table(format=format)) return hstack(tables)
[docs] def to_table_hdu(self, format=None, prefix=None): """Make FITS table columns for map axes. Parameters ---------- format : {"gadf", "fgst-ccube", "fgst-template"} Format to use. prefix : str HDU name prefix to use Returns ------- hdu : `` Bin table HDU. """ # FIXME: Check whether convention is compatible with # dimensionality of geometry and simplify!!! if format == "fgst-ccube": hdu = "EBOUNDS" elif format == "fgst-template": hdu = "ENERGIES" elif format == "gadf" or format is None: if prefix: hdu = f"{prefix}_BANDS" else: hdu = "BANDS" else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown format {format}") size =[ax.nbin for ax in self]) chan = np.arange(0, size) cols = [fits.Column("CHANNEL", "I", array=chan)] axes_ctr = np.meshgrid(*[ for ax in self]) axes_min = np.meshgrid(*[ax.edges[:-1] for ax in self]) axes_max = np.meshgrid(*[ax.edges[1:] for ax in self]) for idx, ax in enumerate(self): name = if name == "ENERGY": colnames = ["ENERGY", "E_MIN", "E_MAX"] else: colnames = [name, name + "_MIN", name + "_MAX"] for colname, v in zip(colnames, [axes_ctr, axes_min, axes_max]): array = np.ravel(v[idx]) unit = ax.unit.to_string("fits") cols.append(fits.Column(colname, "E", array=array, unit=unit)) header = self.to_header() return fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols, name=hdu, header=header)
[docs] @classmethod def from_table_hdu(cls, hdu, format=None): """Create MapAxes from BinTableHDU """ if hdu is None: return cls([]) if format in ["fgst-ccube", "fgst-template", "fgst-bexpcube"]: axes = [MapAxis.from_table_hdu(hdu, format=format)] else: axes = [] for idx in range(5): try: axis = MapAxis.from_table_hdu(hdu, format="gadf", idx=idx) axes.append(axis) except AttributeError: continue return cls(axes)
[docs] @classmethod def from_default(cls, axes): """Make a sequence of `~MapAxis` objects.""" if axes is None: return cls([]) axes_out = [] for idx, ax in enumerate(axes): if isinstance(ax, np.ndarray): ax = MapAxis(ax) if == "": = f"axis{idx}" axes_out.append(ax) return cls(axes_out)
[docs]class MapAxis: """Class representing an axis of a map. Provides methods for transforming to/from axis and pixel coordinates. An axis is defined by a sequence of node values that lie at the center of each bin. The pixel coordinate at each node is equal to its index in the node array (0, 1, ..). Bin edges are offset by 0.5 in pixel coordinates from the nodes such that the lower/upper edge of the first bin is (-0.5,0.5). Parameters ---------- nodes : `~numpy.ndarray` or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Array of node values. These will be interpreted as either bin edges or centers according to ``node_type``. interp : str Interpolation method used to transform between axis and pixel coordinates. Valid options are 'log', 'lin', and 'sqrt'. name : str Axis name node_type : str Flag indicating whether coordinate nodes correspond to pixel edges (node_type = 'edge') or pixel centers (node_type = 'center'). 'center' should be used where the map values are defined at a specific coordinate (e.g. differential quantities). 'edge' should be used where map values are defined by an integral over coordinate intervals (e.g. a counts histogram). unit : str String specifying the data units. """ # TODO: Add methods to faciliate FITS I/O. # TODO: Cache an interpolation object? def __init__(self, nodes, interp="lin", name="", node_type="edges", unit=""): self._name = name if len(nodes) != len(np.unique(nodes)): raise ValueError("MapAxis: node values must be unique") if ~(np.all(nodes == np.sort(nodes)) or np.all(nodes[::-1] == np.sort(nodes))): raise ValueError("MapAxis: node values must be sorted") if len(nodes) == 1 and node_type == "center": raise ValueError("Single bins can only be used with node-type 'edges'") if isinstance(nodes, u.Quantity): unit = nodes.unit if nodes.unit is not None else "" nodes = nodes.value else: nodes = np.array(nodes) self._unit = u.Unit(unit) self._nodes = nodes.astype(float) self._node_type = node_type self._interp = interp if (self._nodes < 0).any() and interp != "lin": raise ValueError( f"Interpolation scaling {interp!r} only support for positive node values." ) # Set pixel coordinate of first node if node_type == "edges": self._pix_offset = -0.5 nbin = len(nodes) - 1 elif node_type == "center": self._pix_offset = 0.0 nbin = len(nodes) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid node type: {node_type!r}") self._nbin = nbin
[docs] def is_aligned(self, other, atol=2e-2): """Check if other map axis is aligned. Two axes are aligned if their center coordinate values map to integers on the other axes as well and if the interpolation modes are equivalent. Parameters ---------- other : `MapAxis` Other map axis. atol : float Absolute numerical tolerance for the comparison measured in bins. Returns ------- aligned : bool Whether the axes are aligned """ pix = self.coord_to_pix( pix_other = other.coord_to_pix( pix_all = np.append(pix, pix_other) aligned = np.allclose(np.round(pix_all) - pix_all, 0, atol=atol) return aligned and self.interp == other.interp
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented # TODO: implement an allclose method for MapAxis and call it here if self.edges.shape != other.edges.shape: return False if self.unit.is_equivalent(other.unit) is False: return False return ( np.allclose(, other.edges.value, atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-6 ) and self._node_type == other._node_type and self._interp == other._interp and == ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return id(self) @property def is_energy_axis(self): return in ["energy", "energy_true"] @property def interp(self): """Interpolation scale of the axis.""" return self._interp @property def name(self): """Name of the axis.""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): """Name of the axis.""" self._name = value @lazyproperty def edges(self): """Return array of bin edges.""" pix = np.arange(self.nbin + 1, dtype=float) - 0.5 return u.Quantity(self.pix_to_coord(pix), self._unit, copy=False) @lazyproperty def center(self): """Return array of bin centers.""" pix = np.arange(self.nbin, dtype=float) return u.Quantity(self.pix_to_coord(pix), self._unit, copy=False) @lazyproperty def bin_width(self): """Array of bin widths.""" return np.diff(self.edges) @property def nbin(self): """Return number of bins.""" return self._nbin @property def nbin_per_decade(self): """Return number of bins.""" if self.interp != "log": raise ValueError("Bins per decade can only be computed for log-spaced axes") if self.node_type == "edges": values = self.edges else: values = ndecades = np.log10(values.max() / values.min()) return (self._nbin / ndecades).value @property def node_type(self): """Return node type ('center' or 'edge').""" return self._node_type @property def unit(self): """Return coordinate axis unit.""" return self._unit
[docs] @classmethod def from_bounds(cls, lo_bnd, hi_bnd, nbin, **kwargs): """Generate an axis object from a lower/upper bound and number of bins. If node_type = 'edge' then bounds correspond to the lower and upper bound of the first and last bin. If node_type = 'center' then bounds correspond to the centers of the first and last bin. Parameters ---------- lo_bnd : float Lower bound of first axis bin. hi_bnd : float Upper bound of last axis bin. nbin : int Number of bins. interp : {'lin', 'log', 'sqrt'} Interpolation method used to transform between axis and pixel coordinates. Default: 'lin'. """ nbin = int(nbin) interp = kwargs.setdefault("interp", "lin") node_type = kwargs.setdefault("node_type", "edges") if node_type == "edges": nnode = nbin + 1 elif node_type == "center": nnode = nbin else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid node type: {node_type!r}") if interp == "lin": nodes = np.linspace(lo_bnd, hi_bnd, nnode) elif interp == "log": nodes = np.exp(np.linspace(np.log(lo_bnd), np.log(hi_bnd), nnode)) elif interp == "sqrt": nodes = np.linspace(lo_bnd ** 0.5, hi_bnd ** 0.5, nnode) ** 2.0 else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid interp: {interp}") return cls(nodes, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_energy_edges(cls, energy_edges, unit=None, name=None, interp="log"): """Make an energy axis from adjacent edges. Parameters ---------- energy_edges : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, float Energy edges unit : `~astropy.units.Unit` Energy unit name : str Name of the energy axis, either 'energy' or 'energy_true' interp: str interpolation mode. Default is 'log'. Returns ------- axis : `MapAxis` Axis with name "energy" and interp "log". """ energy_edges = u.Quantity(energy_edges, unit) if unit is None: unit = energy_edges.unit energy_edges = if name is None: name = "energy" if name not in ["energy", "energy_true"]: raise ValueError("Energy axis can only be named 'energy' or 'energy_true'") return cls.from_edges(energy_edges, unit=unit, interp=interp, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_energy_bounds( cls, energy_min, energy_max, nbin, unit=None, per_decade=False, name=None, node_type="edges", ): """Make an energy axis. Used frequently also to make energy grids, by making the axis, and then using ```` or ``axis.edges``. Parameters ---------- energy_min, energy_max : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, float Energy range nbin : int Number of bins unit : `~astropy.units.Unit` Energy unit per_decade : bool Whether `nbin` is given per decade. name : str Name of the energy axis, either 'energy' or 'energy_true' Returns ------- axis : `MapAxis` Axis with name "energy" and interp "log". """ energy_min = u.Quantity(energy_min, unit) energy_max = u.Quantity(energy_max, unit) if unit is None: unit = energy_max.unit energy_min = if per_decade: nbin = np.ceil(np.log10(energy_max / energy_min).value * nbin) if name is None: name = "energy" if name not in ["energy", "energy_true"]: raise ValueError("Energy axis can only be named 'energy' or 'energy_true'") return cls.from_bounds( energy_min.value, energy_max.value, nbin=nbin, unit=unit, interp="log", name=name, node_type=node_type, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_nodes(cls, nodes, **kwargs): """Generate an axis object from a sequence of nodes (bin centers). This will create a sequence of bins with edges half-way between the node values. This method should be used to construct an axis where the bin center should lie at a specific value (e.g. a map of a continuous function). Parameters ---------- nodes : `~numpy.ndarray` Axis nodes (bin center). interp : {'lin', 'log', 'sqrt'} Interpolation method used to transform between axis and pixel coordinates. Default: 'lin'. """ if len(nodes) < 1: raise ValueError("Nodes array must have at least one element.") return cls(nodes, node_type="center", **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_edges(cls, edges, **kwargs): """Generate an axis object from a sequence of bin edges. This method should be used to construct an axis where the bin edges should lie at specific values (e.g. a histogram). The number of bins will be one less than the number of edges. Parameters ---------- edges : `~numpy.ndarray` Axis bin edges. interp : {'lin', 'log', 'sqrt'} Interpolation method used to transform between axis and pixel coordinates. Default: 'lin'. """ if len(edges) < 2: raise ValueError("Edges array must have at least two elements.") return cls(edges, node_type="edges", **kwargs)
[docs] def append(self, axis): """Append another map axis to this axis Name, interp type and node type must agree between the axes. If the node type is "edges", the edges must be contiguous and non-overlapping. Parameters ---------- axis : `MapAxis` Axis to append. Returns ------- axis : `MapAxis` Appended axis """ if self.node_type != axis.node_type: raise ValueError( f"Node type must agree, got {self.node_type} and {axis.node_type}" ) if != raise ValueError(f"Names must agree, got {} and {} ") if self.interp != axis.interp: raise ValueError( f"Interp type must agree, got {self.interp} and {axis.interp}" ) if self.node_type == "edges": edges = np.append(self.edges, axis.edges[1:]) return self.from_edges(edges=edges, interp=self.interp, else: nodes = np.append(, return self.from_nodes(nodes=nodes, interp=self.interp,
[docs] @classmethod def from_stack(cls, axes): """Create a map axis by merging a list of other map axes. If the node type is "edges" the bin edges in the provided axes must be contiguous and non-overlapping. Parameters ---------- axes : list of `MapAxis` List of map axis to merge. Returns ------- axis : `MapAxis` Merged axis """ ax_stacked = axes[0] for ax in axes[1:]: ax_stacked = ax_stacked.append(ax) return ax_stacked
[docs] def pix_to_coord(self, pix): """Transform from pixel to axis coordinates. Parameters ---------- pix : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of pixel coordinate values. Returns ------- coord : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of axis coordinate values. """ pix = pix - self._pix_offset values = pix_to_coord(self._nodes, pix, interp=self._interp) return u.Quantity(values, unit=self.unit, copy=False)
[docs] def coord_to_pix(self, coord): """Transform from axis to pixel coordinates. Parameters ---------- coord : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of axis coordinate values. Returns ------- pix : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of pixel coordinate values. """ coord = u.Quantity(coord, self.unit, copy=False).value pix = coord_to_pix(self._nodes, coord, interp=self._interp) return np.array(pix + self._pix_offset, ndmin=1)
[docs] def coord_to_idx(self, coord, clip=False): """Transform from axis coordinate to bin index. Parameters ---------- coord : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of axis coordinate values. clip : bool Choose whether to clip the index to the valid range of the axis. If false then indices for values outside the axis range will be set -1. Returns ------- idx : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of bin indices. """ coord = u.Quantity(coord, self.unit, copy=False, ndmin=1).value edges = self.edges.value idx = np.digitize(coord, edges) - 1 if clip: idx = np.clip(idx, 0, self.nbin - 1) else: with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): idx[coord > edges[-1]] = idx[~np.isfinite(coord)] = return idx
[docs] def slice(self, idx): """Create a new axis object by extracting a slice from this axis. Parameters ---------- idx : slice Slice object selecting a subselection of the axis. Returns ------- axis : `~MapAxis` Sliced axis object. """ center =[idx].value idx = self.coord_to_idx(center) # For edge nodes we need to keep N+1 nodes if self._node_type == "edges": idx = tuple(list(idx) + [1 + idx[-1]]) nodes = self._nodes[(idx,)] return MapAxis( nodes, interp=self._interp, name=self._name, node_type=self._node_type, unit=self._unit, )
[docs] def squash(self): """Create a new axis object by squashing the axis into one bin. Returns ------- axis : `~MapAxis` Sliced axis object. """ # TODO: Decide on handling node_type=center # See return MapAxis.from_bounds( lo_bnd=self.edges[0].value, hi_bnd=self.edges[-1].value, nbin=1, interp=self._interp, name=self._name, unit=self._unit, )
def __repr__(self): str_ = self.__class__.__name__ str_ += "\n\n" fmt = "\t{:<10s} : {:<10s}\n" str_ += fmt.format("name", str_ += fmt.format("unit", "{!r}".format(str(self.unit))) str_ += fmt.format("nbins", str(self.nbin)) str_ += fmt.format("node type", self.node_type) vals = self.edges if self.node_type == "edges" else str_ += fmt.format(f"{self.node_type} min", "{:.1e}".format(vals.min())) str_ += fmt.format(f"{self.node_type} max", "{:.1e}".format(vals.max())) str_ += fmt.format("interp", self._interp) return str_ def _init_copy(self, **kwargs): """Init map axis instance by copying missing init arguments from self. """ argnames = inspect.getfullargspec(self.__init__).args argnames.remove("self") for arg in argnames: value = getattr(self, "_" + arg) kwargs.setdefault(arg, copy.deepcopy(value)) return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): """Copy `MapAxis` instance and overwrite given attributes. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to overwrite in the map axis constructor. Returns ------- copy : `MapAxis` Copied map axis. """ return self._init_copy(**kwargs)
[docs] def round(self, coord, clip=False): """Round coord to nearest axis edge. Parameters ---------- coord : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Coordinates clip : bool Choose whether to clip indices to the valid range of the axis. Returns ------- coord : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Rounded coordinates """ edges_pix = self.coord_to_pix(coord) if clip: edges_pix = np.clip(edges_pix, -0.5, self.nbin - 0.5) edges_idx = np.round(edges_pix + 0.5) - 0.5 return self.pix_to_coord(edges_idx)
[docs] def group_table(self, edges): """Compute bin groups table for the map axis, given coarser bin edges. Parameters ---------- edges : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Group bin edges. Returns ------- groups : `~astropy.table.Table` Map axis group table. """ # TODO: try to simplify this code if not self.node_type == "edges": raise ValueError("Only edge based map axis can be grouped") edges_pix = self.coord_to_pix(edges) edges_pix = np.clip(edges_pix, -0.5, self.nbin - 0.5) edges_idx = np.round(edges_pix + 0.5) - 0.5 edges_idx = np.unique(edges_idx) edges_ref = self.pix_to_coord(edges_idx) groups = Table() groups[f"{}_min"] = edges_ref[:-1] groups[f"{}_max"] = edges_ref[1:] groups["idx_min"] = (edges_idx[:-1] + 0.5).astype(int) groups["idx_max"] = (edges_idx[1:] - 0.5).astype(int) if len(groups) == 0: raise ValueError("No overlap between reference and target edges.") groups["bin_type"] = "normal " edge_idx_start, edge_ref_start = edges_idx[0], edges_ref[0] if edge_idx_start > 0: underflow = { "bin_type": "underflow", "idx_min": 0, "idx_max": edge_idx_start, f"{}_min": self.pix_to_coord(-0.5), f"{}_max": edge_ref_start, } groups.insert_row(0, vals=underflow) edge_idx_end, edge_ref_end = edges_idx[-1], edges_ref[-1] if edge_idx_end < (self.nbin - 0.5): overflow = { "bin_type": "overflow", "idx_min": edge_idx_end + 1, "idx_max": self.nbin - 1, f"{}_min": edge_ref_end, f"{}_max": self.pix_to_coord(self.nbin - 0.5), } groups.add_row(vals=overflow) group_idx = Column(np.arange(len(groups))) groups.add_column(group_idx, name="group_idx", index=0) return groups
[docs] def upsample(self, factor): """Upsample map axis by a given factor. When up-sampling for each node specified in the axis, the corresponding number of sub-nodes are introduced and preserving the initial nodes. For node type "edges" this results in nbin * factor new bins. For node type "center" this results in (nbin - 1) * factor + 1 new bins. Parameters ---------- factor : int Upsampling factor. Returns ------- axis : `MapAxis` Usampled map axis. """ if self.node_type == "edges": pix = self.coord_to_pix(self.edges) nbin = int(self.nbin * factor) + 1 pix_new = np.linspace(pix.min(), pix.max(), nbin) edges = self.pix_to_coord(pix_new) return self.from_edges(edges,, interp=self.interp) else: pix = self.coord_to_pix( nbin = int((self.nbin - 1) * factor) + 1 pix_new = np.linspace(pix.min(), pix.max(), nbin) nodes = self.pix_to_coord(pix_new) return self.from_nodes(nodes,, interp=self.interp)
[docs] def downsample(self, factor): """Downsample map axis by a given factor. When down-sampling each n-th (given by the factor) bin is selected from the axis while preserving the axis limits. For node type "edges" this requires nbin to be dividable by the factor, for node type "center" this requires nbin - 1 to be dividable by the factor. Parameters ---------- factor : int Downsampling factor. Returns ------- axis : `MapAxis` Downsampled map axis. """ if self.node_type == "edges": nbin = self.nbin / factor if np.mod(nbin, 1) > 0: raise ValueError( f"Number of {} bins is not divisible by {factor}" ) edges = self.edges[::factor] return self.from_edges(edges,, interp=self.interp) else: nbin = (self.nbin - 1) / factor if np.mod(nbin, 1) > 0: raise ValueError( f"Number of {} bins - 1 is not divisible by {factor}" ) nodes =[::factor] return self.from_nodes(nodes,, interp=self.interp)
[docs] def to_header(self, header, format="ogip"): """Create FITS header Parameters ---------- header : `` Header to extend. format : {"ogip"} Format specification Returns ------- header : `` Header to extend. """ if format == "ogip": header["EXTNAME"] = "EBOUNDS", "Name of this binary table extension" header["TELESCOP"] = "DUMMY", "Mission/satellite name" header["INSTRUME"] = "DUMMY", "Instrument/detector" header["FILTER"] = "None", "Filter information" header["CHANTYPE"] = "PHA", "Type of channels (PHA, PI etc)" header["DETCHANS"] = self.nbin, "Total number of detector PHA channels" header["HDUCLASS"] = "OGIP", "Organisation devising file format" header["HDUCLAS1"] = "RESPONSE", "File relates to response of instrument" header["HDUCLAS2"] = "EBOUNDS", "This is an EBOUNDS extension" header["HDUVERS"] = "1.2.0", "Version of file format" else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown format {format}") return header
[docs] def to_table(self, format="ogip"): """Convert `~astropy.units.Quantity` to OGIP ``EBOUNDS`` extension. See The 'ogip-sherpa' format is equivalent to 'ogip' but uses keV energy units. Parameters ---------- format : {"ogip", "ogip-sherpa", "gadf-dl3"} Format specification Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table HDU """ table = Table() if format in ["ogip", "ogip-sherpa"]: if "energy" not in raise ValueError("Only energy axes can be converted to HDU") edges = self.edges if format == "ogip-sherpa": edges ="keV") table["CHANNEL"] = np.arange(self.nbin, dtype=np.int16) table["E_MIN"] = edges[:-1] table["E_MAX"] = edges[1:] elif format == "gadf-dl3": from import IRF_DL3_AXES_SPECIFICATION if == "energy": column_prefix = "ENERG" else: for column_prefix, spec in IRF_DL3_AXES_SPECIFICATION.items(): if spec["name"] == break if self.node_type == "edges": edges_hi, edges_lo = self.edges[:-1], self.edges[1:] else: edges_hi, edges_lo =, table[f"{column_prefix}_LO"] = edges_hi[np.newaxis] table[f"{column_prefix}_HI"] = edges_lo[np.newaxis] else: raise ValueError(f"{format} is not a valid format") return table
[docs] def to_table_hdu(self, format="ogip"): """Convert `~astropy.units.Quantity` to OGIP ``EBOUNDS`` extension. See The 'ogip-sherpa' format is equivalent to 'ogip' but uses keV energy units. Parameters ---------- format : {"ogip", "ogip-sherpa"} Format specification Returns ------- hdu : `` Table HDU """ table = self.to_table(format=format) hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(table) if format in ["ogip", "ogip-sherpa"]: hdu.header = self.to_header(hdu.header, format=format) return hdu
[docs] @classmethod def from_table(cls, table, format="ogip", idx=0, column_prefix=""): """Instanciate MapAxis from table HDU Parameters ---------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table format : {"ogip", "ogip-arf", "fgst-ccube", "fgst-template", "gadf", "gadf-dl3"} Format specification idx : int Column index of the axis. column_prefix : str Column name prefix of the axis, used for Returns ------- axis : `MapAxis` Map Axis """ if format in ["ogip", "fgst-ccube"]: energy_min = table["E_MIN"].quantity energy_max = table["E_MAX"].quantity energy_edges = ( np.append(energy_min.value, energy_max.value[-1]) * energy_min.unit ) axis = cls.from_edges(energy_edges, name="energy", interp="log") elif format == "ogip-arf": energy_min = table["ENERG_LO"].quantity energy_max = table["ENERG_HI"].quantity energy_edges = ( np.append(energy_min.value, energy_max.value[-1]) * energy_min.unit ) axis = cls.from_edges(energy_edges, name="energy_true", interp="log") elif format in ["fgst-template", "fgst-bexpcube"]: allowed_names = ["Energy", "ENERGY", "energy"] for colname in table.colnames: if colname in allowed_names: tag = colname break nodes = table[tag].data axis = cls.from_nodes( nodes=nodes, name="energy_true", unit="MeV", interp="log" ) elif format == "gadf": axcols = table.meta.get("AXCOLS{}".format(idx + 1)) colnames = axcols.split(",") node_type = "edges" if len(colnames) == 2 else "center" # TODO: check why this extra case is needed if colnames[0] == "E_MIN": name = "energy" else: name = colnames[0].replace("_MIN", "").lower() # this is need for backward compatibility if name == "theta": name = "rad" interp = table.meta.get("INTERP{}".format(idx + 1), "lin") if node_type == "center": nodes = np.unique(table[colnames[0]].quantity) else: edges_min = np.unique(table[colnames[0]].quantity) edges_max = np.unique(table[colnames[1]].quantity) nodes = edges_from_lo_hi(edges_min, edges_max) axis = MapAxis(nodes=nodes, node_type=node_type, interp=interp, name=name) elif format == "gadf-dl3": from import IRF_DL3_AXES_SPECIFICATION spec = IRF_DL3_AXES_SPECIFICATION[column_prefix] name, interp = spec["name"], spec["interp"] # background models are stored in reconstructed energy extname = table.meta.get("EXTNAME") if extname in ["BACKGROUND", "BKG"] and column_prefix == "ENERG": name = "energy" edges_lo = table[f"{column_prefix}_LO"].quantity[0] edges_hi = table[f"{column_prefix}_HI"].quantity[0] if np.allclose(edges_hi, edges_lo): axis = MapAxis.from_nodes(edges_hi, interp=interp, name=name) else: edges = edges_from_lo_hi(edges_lo, edges_hi) axis = MapAxis.from_edges(edges, interp=interp, name=name) else: raise ValueError(f"Format '{format}' not supported") return axis
[docs] @classmethod def from_table_hdu(cls, hdu, format="ogip", idx=0): """Instanciate MapAxis from table HDU Parameters ---------- hdu : `` Table HDU format : {"ogip", "ogip-arf", "fgst-ccube", "fgst-template"} Format specification idx : int Column index of the axis. Returns ------- axis : `MapAxis` Map Axis """ table = return cls.from_table(table, format=format, idx=idx)
[docs]class MapCoord: """Represents a sequence of n-dimensional map coordinates. Contains coordinates for 2 spatial dimensions and an arbitrary number of additional non-spatial dimensions. For further information see :ref:`mapcoord`. Parameters ---------- data : `dict` of `~numpy.ndarray` Dictionary of coordinate arrays. frame : {"icrs", "galactic", None} Spatial coordinate system. If None then the coordinate system will be set to the native coordinate system of the geometry. match_by_name : bool Match coordinates to axes by name? If false coordinates will be matched by index. """ def __init__(self, data, frame=None, match_by_name=True): if "lon" not in data or "lat" not in data: raise ValueError("data dictionary must contain axes named 'lon' and 'lat'.") data = {k: np.atleast_1d(np.asanyarray(v)) for k, v in data.items()} vals = np.broadcast_arrays(*data.values(), subok=True) self._data = dict(zip(data.keys(), vals)) self._frame = frame self._match_by_name = match_by_name def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): return self._data[key] else: return list(self._data.values())[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._data.values()) @property def ndim(self): """Number of dimensions.""" return len(self._data) @property def shape(self): """Coordinate array shape.""" return self[0].shape @property def size(self): return self[0].size @property def lon(self): """Longitude coordinate in degrees.""" return self._data["lon"] @property def lat(self): """Latitude coordinate in degrees.""" return self._data["lat"] @property def theta(self): """Theta co-latitude angle in radians.""" theta = u.Quantity(, unit="deg", copy=False).to_value("rad") return np.pi / 2.0 - theta @property def phi(self): """Phi longitude angle in radians.""" phi = u.Quantity(self.lon, unit="deg", copy=False).to_value("rad") return phi @property def frame(self): """Coordinate system (str).""" return self._frame @property def match_by_name(self): """Boolean flag: axis lookup by name (True) or index (False).""" return self._match_by_name @property def skycoord(self): return SkyCoord(self.lon,, unit="deg", frame=self.frame) @classmethod def _from_lonlat(cls, coords, frame=None, axis_names=None): """Create a `~MapCoord` from a tuple of coordinate vectors. The first two elements of the tuple should be longitude and latitude in degrees. Parameters ---------- coords : tuple Tuple of `~numpy.ndarray`. Returns ------- coord : `~MapCoord` A coordinates object. """ if axis_names is None: axis_names = [f"axis{idx}" for idx in range(len(coords) - 2)] if isinstance(coords, (list, tuple)): coords_dict = {"lon": coords[0], "lat": coords[1]} for name, c in zip(axis_names, coords[2:]): coords_dict[name] = c else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized input type.") return cls(coords_dict, frame=frame, match_by_name=False) @classmethod def _from_tuple(cls, coords, frame=None, axis_names=None): """Create from tuple of coordinate vectors.""" if isinstance(coords[0], (list, np.ndarray)) or np.isscalar(coords[0]): return cls._from_lonlat(coords, frame=frame, axis_names=axis_names) elif isinstance(coords[0], SkyCoord): lon, lat, frame = skycoord_to_lonlat(coords[0], frame=frame) coords = (lon, lat) + coords[1:] return cls._from_lonlat(coords, frame=frame, axis_names=axis_names) else: raise TypeError(f"Type not supported: {type(coords)!r}") @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, coords, frame=None): """Create from a dictionary of coordinate vectors.""" if "lon" in coords and "lat" in coords: return cls(coords, frame=frame) elif "skycoord" in coords: lon, lat, frame = skycoord_to_lonlat(coords["skycoord"], frame=frame) coords_dict = {"lon": lon, "lat": lat} for k, v in coords.items(): if k == "skycoord": continue coords_dict[k] = v return cls(coords_dict, frame=frame) else: raise ValueError("coords dict must contain 'lon'/'lat' or 'skycoord'.")
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, data, frame=None, axis_names=None): """Create a new `~MapCoord` object. This method can be used to create either unnamed (with tuple input) or named (via dict input) axes. Parameters ---------- data : tuple, dict, `MapCoord` or `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Object containing coordinate arrays. frame : {"icrs", "galactic", None}, optional Set the coordinate system for longitude and latitude. If None longitude and latitude will be assumed to be in the coordinate system native to a given map geometry. axis_names : list of str Axis names use if a tuple is provided Examples -------- >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord >>> from gammapy.maps import MapCoord >>> lon, lat = [1, 2], [2, 3] >>> skycoord = SkyCoord(lon, lat, unit='deg') >>> energy = [1000] >>> c = MapCoord.create((lon,lat)) >>> c = MapCoord.create((skycoord,)) >>> c = MapCoord.create((lon,lat,energy)) >>> c = MapCoord.create(dict(lon=lon,lat=lat)) >>> c = MapCoord.create(dict(lon=lon,lat=lat,energy=energy)) >>> c = MapCoord.create(dict(skycoord=skycoord,energy=energy)) """ if isinstance(data, cls): if data.frame is None or frame == data.frame: return data else: return data.to_frame(frame) elif isinstance(data, dict): return cls._from_dict(data, frame=frame) elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): return cls._from_tuple(data, frame=frame, axis_names=axis_names) elif isinstance(data, SkyCoord): return cls._from_tuple((data,), frame=frame, axis_names=axis_names) else: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported input type: {type(data)!r}")
[docs] def to_frame(self, frame): """Convert to a different coordinate frame. Parameters ---------- frame : {"icrs", "galactic"} Coordinate system, either Galactic ("galactic") or Equatorial ("icrs"). Returns ------- coords : `~MapCoord` A coordinates object. """ if frame == self.frame: return copy.deepcopy(self) else: lon, lat, frame = skycoord_to_lonlat(self.skycoord, frame=frame) data = copy.deepcopy(self._data) if isinstance(self.lon, u.Quantity): lon = u.Quantity(lon, unit="deg", copy=False) if isinstance(self.lon, u.Quantity): lat = u.Quantity(lat, unit="deg", copy=False) data["lon"] = lon data["lat"] = lat return self.__class__(data, frame, self._match_by_name)
[docs] def apply_mask(self, mask): """Return a masked copy of this coordinate object. Parameters ---------- mask : `~numpy.ndarray` Boolean mask. Returns ------- coords : `~MapCoord` A coordinates object. """ data = {k: v[mask] for k, v in self._data.items()} return self.__class__(data, self.frame, self._match_by_name)
[docs] def copy(self): """Copy `MapCoord` object.""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}\n\n" f"\taxes : {list(self._data.keys())}\n" f"\tshape : {self.shape[::-1]}\n" f"\tndim : {self.ndim}\n" f"\tframe : {self.frame}\n" )
[docs]class Geom(abc.ABC): """Map geometry base class. See also: `~gammapy.maps.WcsGeom` and `~gammapy.maps.HpxGeom` """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def data_shape(self): """Shape of the Numpy data array matching this geometry.""" pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def is_allsky(self): pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def center_coord(self): pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def center_pix(self): pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def center_skydir(self): pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdulist(cls, hdulist, hdu=None, hdu_bands=None): """Load a geometry object from a FITS HDUList. Parameters ---------- hdulist : `` HDU list containing HDUs for map data and bands. hdu : str Name or index of the HDU with the map data. hdu_bands : str Name or index of the HDU with the BANDS table. If not defined this will be inferred from the FITS header of the map HDU. Returns ------- geom : `~Geom` Geometry object. """ if hdu is None: hdu = find_hdu(hdulist) else: hdu = hdulist[hdu] if hdu_bands is None: hdu_bands = find_bands_hdu(hdulist, hdu) if hdu_bands is not None: hdu_bands = hdulist[hdu_bands] return cls.from_header(hdu.header, hdu_bands)
[docs] def to_bands_hdu(self, hdu=None, hdu_skymap=None, format=None): table_hdu = self.axes.to_table_hdu(format=format, prefix=hdu_skymap) cols = table_hdu.columns.columns cols.extend(self._make_bands_cols()) return fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns( cols, header=table_hdu.header, )
@abc.abstractmethod def _make_bands_cols(self): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_idx(self, idx=None, local=False, flat=False): """Get tuple of pixel indices for this geometry. Returns all pixels in the geometry by default. Pixel indices for a single image plane can be accessed by setting ``idx`` to the index tuple of a plane. Parameters ---------- idx : tuple, optional A tuple of indices with one index for each non-spatial dimension. If defined only pixels for the image plane with this index will be returned. If none then all pixels will be returned. local : bool Flag to return local or global pixel indices. Local indices run from 0 to the number of pixels in a given image plane. flat : bool, optional Return a flattened array containing only indices for pixels contained in the geometry. Returns ------- idx : tuple Tuple of pixel index vectors with one vector for each dimension. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_coord(self, idx=None, flat=False): """Get the coordinate array for this geometry. Returns a coordinate array with the same shape as the data array. Pixels outside the geometry are set to NaN. Coordinates for a single image plane can be accessed by setting ``idx`` to the index tuple of a plane. Parameters ---------- idx : tuple, optional A tuple of indices with one index for each non-spatial dimension. If defined only coordinates for the image plane with this index will be returned. If none then coordinates for all pixels will be returned. flat : bool, optional Return a flattened array containing only coordinates for pixels contained in the geometry. Returns ------- coords : tuple Tuple of coordinate vectors with one vector for each dimension. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def coord_to_pix(self, coords): """Convert map coordinates to pixel coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : tuple Coordinate values in each dimension of the map. This can either be a tuple of numpy arrays or a MapCoord object. If passed as a tuple then the ordering should be (longitude, latitude, c_0, ..., c_N) where c_i is the coordinate vector for axis i. Returns ------- pix : tuple Tuple of pixel coordinates in image and band dimensions. """ pass
[docs] def coord_to_idx(self, coords, clip=False): """Convert map coordinates to pixel indices. Parameters ---------- coords : tuple or `~MapCoord` Coordinate values in each dimension of the map. This can either be a tuple of numpy arrays or a MapCoord object. If passed as a tuple then the ordering should be (longitude, latitude, c_0, ..., c_N) where c_i is the coordinate vector for axis i. clip : bool Choose whether to clip indices to the valid range of the geometry. If false then indices for coordinates outside the geometry range will be set -1. Returns ------- pix : tuple Tuple of pixel indices in image and band dimensions. Elements set to -1 correspond to coordinates outside the map. """ pix = self.coord_to_pix(coords) return self.pix_to_idx(pix, clip=clip)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def pix_to_coord(self, pix): """Convert pixel coordinates to map coordinates. Parameters ---------- pix : tuple Tuple of pixel coordinates. Returns ------- coords : tuple Tuple of map coordinates. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def pix_to_idx(self, pix, clip=False): """Convert pixel coordinates to pixel indices. Returns -1 for pixel coordinates that lie outside of the map. Parameters ---------- pix : tuple Tuple of pixel coordinates. clip : bool Choose whether to clip indices to the valid range of the geometry. If false then indices for coordinates outside the geometry range will be set -1. Returns ------- idx : tuple Tuple of pixel indices. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def contains(self, coords): """Check if a given map coordinate is contained in the geometry. Parameters ---------- coords : tuple or `~gammapy.maps.MapCoord` Tuple of map coordinates. Returns ------- containment : `~numpy.ndarray` Bool array. """ pass
[docs] def contains_pix(self, pix): """Check if a given pixel coordinate is contained in the geometry. Parameters ---------- pix : tuple Tuple of pixel coordinates. Returns ------- containment : `~numpy.ndarray` Bool array. """ idx = self.pix_to_idx(pix) return np.all(np.stack([t != for t in idx]), axis=0)
[docs] def slice_by_idx(self, slices): """Create a new geometry by slicing the non-spatial axes. Parameters ---------- slices : dict Dict of axes names and integers or `slice` object pairs. Contains one element for each non-spatial dimension. For integer indexing the corresponding axes is dropped from the map. Axes not specified in the dict are kept unchanged. Returns ------- geom : `~Geom` Sliced geometry. """ axes = self.axes.slice_by_idx(slices) return self._init_copy(axes=axes)
@property def as_energy_true(self): """If the geom contains an energy axis rename it to energy true""" energy_axis = self.axes["energy"].copy(name="energy_true") return self.to_image().to_cube([energy_axis])
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def to_image(self): """Create 2D image geometry (drop non-spatial dimensions). Returns ------- geom : `~Geom` Image geometry. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def to_cube(self, axes): """Append non-spatial axes to create a higher-dimensional geometry. This will result in a new geometry with N+M dimensions where N is the number of current dimensions and M is the number of axes in the list. Parameters ---------- axes : list Axes that will be appended to this geometry. Returns ------- geom : `~Geom` Map geometry. """ pass
[docs] def squash(self, axis_name): """Squash geom axis. Parameters ---------- axis_name : str Axis to squash. Returns ------- geom : `Geom` Geom with squashed axis. """ axes = self.axes.squash(axis_name=axis_name) return self.to_image().to_cube(axes=axes)
[docs] def drop(self, axis_name): """Drop an axis from the geom. Parameters ---------- axis_name : str Name of the axis to remove. Returns ------- geom : `Geom` New geom with the axis removed. """ axes = self.axes.drop(axis_name=axis_name) return self.to_image().to_cube(axes=axes)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def pad(self, pad_width): """ Pad the geometry at the edges. Parameters ---------- pad_width : {sequence, array_like, int} Number of values padded to the edges of each axis. Returns ------- geom : `~Geom` Padded geometry. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def crop(self, crop_width): """ Crop the geometry at the edges. Parameters ---------- crop_width : {sequence, array_like, int} Number of values cropped from the edges of each axis. Returns ------- geom : `~Geom` Cropped geometry. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def downsample(self, factor, axis_name): """Downsample the spatial dimension of the geometry by a given factor. Parameters ---------- factor : int Downsampling factor. axis_name : str Axis to downsample. Returns ------- geom : `~Geom` Downsampled geometry. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def upsample(self, factor, axis_name): """Upsample the spatial dimension of the geometry by a given factor. Parameters ---------- factor : int Upsampling factor. axis_name : str Axis to upsample. Returns ------- geom : `~Geom` Upsampled geometry. """ pass
[docs] def resample_axis(self, axis): """Resample geom to a new axis binning. This method groups the existing bins into a new binning. Parameters ---------- axis : `MapAxis` New map axis. Returns ------- map : `Geom` Geom with resampled axis. """ axes = self.axes.resample(axis=axis) return self._init_copy(axes=axes)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def solid_angle(self): """Solid angle (`~astropy.units.Quantity` in ``sr``).""" pass
@property def is_image(self): """Whether the geom is an image without extra dimensions.""" if self.axes is None: return True return len(self.axes) == 0 @property def is_flat(self): """Whether the geom non spatial axes have length 1, i.e. if the geom is equivalent to an image.""" if self.is_image: return True else: valid = True for axis in self.axes: valid = valid and (axis.nbin == 1) return valid def _init_copy(self, **kwargs): """Init map geom instance by copying missing init arguments from self. """ argnames = inspect.getfullargspec(self.__init__).args argnames.remove("self") for arg in argnames: value = getattr(self, "_" + arg) kwargs.setdefault(arg, copy.deepcopy(value)) return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): """Copy and overwrite given attributes. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to overwrite in the map geometry constructor. Returns ------- copy : `Geom` Copied map geometry. """ return self._init_copy(**kwargs)
[docs] def energy_mask(self, energy_min=None, energy_max=None, round_to_edge=False): """Create a mask for a given energy range. The energy bin must be fully contained to be included in the mask. Parameters ---------- energy_min, energy_max : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Energy range Returns ------- mask : `~numpy.ndarray` Energy mask """ # get energy axes and values energy_axis = self.axes["energy"] if round_to_edge: energy_min, energy_max = energy_axis.round([energy_min, energy_max]) # TODO: make this more general shape = (-1, 1) if self.is_hpx else (-1, 1, 1) energy_edges = energy_axis.edges.reshape(shape) # set default values energy_min = energy_min if energy_min is not None else energy_edges[0] energy_max = energy_max if energy_max is not None else energy_edges[-1] mask = (energy_edges[:-1] >= energy_min) & (energy_edges[1:] <= energy_max) return np.broadcast_to(mask, shape=self.data_shape)