Time handling and analysis (gammapy.time
contains methods for timing analysis.
There is also gammapy.utils.time
, which contains low-level helper functions
for time conversions e.g. following the
At the moment there isn’t a lot of functionality yet … contributions welcome!
Getting Started¶
This section introduces the LightCurve
Read a table that contains a lightcurve:
>>> from astropy.table import Table
>>> url = 'https://github.com/gammapy/gamma-cat/raw/master/input/data/2006/2006A%2526A...460..743A/tev-000119-lc.ecsv'
>>> table = Table.read(url, format='ascii.ecsv')
Create a LightCurve
>>> from gammapy.time import LightCurve
>>> lc = LightCurve(table)
is a simple container that stores the LC table,
and provices a few conveniences, like creating time objects
and a quick-look plot:
>>> lc.time[:2].iso
['2004-05-23 01:47:08.160' '2004-05-23 02:17:31.200']
>>> lc.plot()
Variability test¶
The exptest
function can be used to compute the significance
of variability (compared to the null hypothesis of constant rate)
for a list of event time differences.
Here’s an example how to use the random_times
function to simulate a TimeDelta
array for a given constant rate
and use exptest
to assess the level of variability (0.11 sigma in this case,
not variable):
>>> from astropy.units import Quantity
>>> from gammapy.time import random_times, exptest
>>> rate = Quantity(10, 'Hz')
>>> time_delta = random_times(size=100, rate=rate, return_diff=True, random_state=0)
>>> mr = exptest(time_delta)
>>> print(mr)
See examples/example_exptest.py
for a longer example.
TODO: apply this to the 2FHL events and check which sources are variable as a nice example.
from gammapy.data import EventList
from gammapy.time import exptest
events = EventList.read('$GAMMAPY_EXTRA/datasets/fermi_2fhl/2fhl_events.fits.gz ', hdu='EVENTS')
# TODO: cone select events for 2FHL catalog sources, compute mr for each and print 10 most variable sources
Other codes¶
Where possible we shouldn’t duplicate timing analysis functionality that’s already available elsewhere. In some cases it’s enough to refer gamma-ray astronomers to other packages, sometimes a convenience wrapper for our data formats or units might make sense.
Some references (please add what you find useful
- https://github.com/astroML/gatspy
- https://github.com/matteobachetti/MaLTPyNT
- https://github.com/nanograv/PINT
- http://www.astroml.org/modules/classes.html#module-astroML.time_series
- http://www.astroml.org/book_figures/chapter10/index.html
- http://docs.astropy.org/en/latest/api/astropy.stats.bayesian_blocks.html
- https://github.com/samconnolly/DELightcurveSimulation
- https://github.com/cokelaer/spectrum
- https://github.com/YSOVAR/YSOVAR
- https://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/YSOVAR/Analysis/blob/master/TimeScalesinYSOVAR.ipynb
gammapy.time Package¶
Time-based analysis.
exptest (time_delta) |
Compute the level of variability for a certain period of time. |
lomb_scargle (time, flux, flux_err, dt[, …]) |
Compute period and its false alarm probability of a light curve using Lomb-Scargle PSD. |
plot_periodogram (time, flux, flux_err, …) |
Plot a light curve, its periodogram and spectral window function. |
random_times (size, rate[, dead_time, …]) |
Make random times assuming a Poisson process. |
LightCurve (table) |
Lightcurve container. |
LightCurveEstimator (spec_extract) |
Light curve estimator. |
gammapy.time.models Module¶
PhaseCurve (table, time_0, phase_0, f0, f1, f2) |
Temporal phase curve model. |