Model gallery#
The model gallery provides a visual overview of the available models in Gammapy. In general the models are grouped into the following categories:
: models to describe spectral shapes of sourcesSpatialModel
: models to describe spatial shapes (morphologies) of sourcesTemporalModel
: models to describe temporal flux evolution of sources, such as light and phase curves
The models follow a naming scheme which contains the category as a suffix to the class name.
Spatial models#
Spectral models#

Exponential cutoff power law spectral model used for 3FGL
Exponential cutoff power law spectral model used for 3FGL

Super Exponential Cutoff Power Law Model used for 4FGL-DR1 (and DR2)
Super Exponential Cutoff Power Law Model used for 4FGL-DR1 (and DR2)

Super Exponential Cutoff Power Law Model used for 4FGL-DR3
Super Exponential Cutoff Power Law Model used for 4FGL-DR3

Super exponential cutoff power law model used for 3FGL
Super exponential cutoff power law model used for 3FGL