Source code for gammapy.modeling.models.utils

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from import fits
from astropy.nddata import NoOverlapError
from astropy.time import Time
from regions import PointSkyRegion
from gammapy.maps import HpxNDMap, Map, MapAxis, RegionNDMap
from import HPX_FITS_CONVENTIONS, HpxConv
from gammapy.utils.scripts import make_path, make_name
from gammapy.utils.time import time_ref_from_dict, time_ref_to_dict
from . import LightCurveTemplateTemporalModel, Models, SkyModel, TemplateSpatialModel

__all__ = ["read_hermes_cube"]

def _template_model_from_cta_sdc(filename, t_ref=None):
    """To create a `LightCurveTemplateTemporalModel` from the energy-dependent temporal model files of the cta-sdc1.

    This format is subject to change.
    filename = str(make_path(filename))
    with as hdul:
        frame = hdul[0].header.get("frame", "icrs")
        position = SkyCoord(
            hdul[0].header["LONG"] * u.deg, hdul[0].header["LAT"] * u.deg, frame=frame

        energy_hdu = hdul["ENERGIES"]
        energy_axis = MapAxis.from_nodes(
        time_hdu = hdul["TIMES"]
        time_header = time_hdu.header

        if t_ref is None:
            t_ref = Time(55555.5, format="mjd", scale="tt")
        time_header.update(time_ref_to_dict(t_ref, t_ref.scale))
        time_min =["Initial Time"]
        time_max =["Final Time"]
        edges = np.append(time_min, time_max[-1]) * u.Unit(time_header["TUNIT1"])
        data = hdul["SPECTRA"]

        time_ref = time_ref_from_dict(time_header, scale=t_ref.scale)
        time_axis = MapAxis.from_edges(edges=edges, name="time", interp="log")

        reg_map = RegionNDMap.create(
            axes=[energy_axis, time_axis],
            data=np.array(list( * u.Unit(data.header["UNITS"])),
    return LightCurveTemplateTemporalModel(reg_map, t_ref=time_ref, filename=filename)

[docs] def read_hermes_cube(filename): """Read 3d templates produced with hermes.""" # add hermes conventions to the list used by gammapy hermes_conv = HpxConv( convname="hermes-template", colstring="TFLOAT", hduname="xtension", frame="COORDTYPE", quantity_type="differential", ) HPX_FITS_CONVENTIONS["hermes-template"] = hermes_conv maps = [] energy_nodes = [] with as hdulist: # cannot read directly in 3d with because BANDS HDU is missing # # so we have to loop over hdus and create the energy axis for hdu in hdulist[1:]: template = HpxNDMap.from_hdu(hdu, format="hermes-template") # fix missing/incompatible infos template._unit = u.Unit(hdu.header["TUNIT1"]) # .from_hdu expect "BUNIT" if template.geom.frame == "G": template._geom._frame = "galactic" maps.append(template) energy_nodes.append(hdu.header["ENERGY"]) # SI unit (see header comment) # create energy axis and set unit energy_nodes *= u.Joule energy_nodes ="GeV") axis = MapAxis( energy_nodes, interp="log", name="energy_true", node_type="center", unit="GeV" ) return Map.from_stack(maps, axis=axis)
def cutout_template_models(models, cutout_kwargs, datasets_names=None): """Apply cutout to template models. Parameters ---------- models : `~gammapy.modeling.Models` List of models cutout_kwargs : dict Arguments passed to `` datasets_names : list of str Names of the datasets to which the new model is applied. Returns ------- models_cut : `~gammapy.modeling.Models` Models with cutout """ models_cut = Models() if models is None: return models_cut for m in models: if isinstance(m.spatial_model, TemplateSpatialModel): try: map_ =**cutout_kwargs) except (NoOverlapError, ValueError): continue template_cut = TemplateSpatialModel( map_, normalize=m.spatial_model.normalize, ) model_cut = SkyModel( spatial_model=template_cut, spectral_model=m.spectral_model, datasets_names=datasets_names, if not datasets_names else f"{}_{make_name()}", ) models_cut.append(model_cut) else: models_cut.append(m) return models_cut