Source code for gammapy.background.reflected

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_edt
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from regions import PixCoord, CirclePixelRegion
from ..maps import WcsNDMap
from .background_estimate import BackgroundEstimate

__all__ = ["ReflectedRegionsFinder", "ReflectedRegionsBackgroundEstimator"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _compute_distance_image(mask_map):
    """Distance to nearest exclusion region.

    Compute distance image, i.e. the Euclidean (=Cartesian 2D)
    distance (in pixels) to the nearest exclusion region.

    We need to call distance_transform_edt twice because it only computes
    dist for pixels outside exclusion regions, so to get the
    distances for pixels inside we call it on the inverted mask
    and then combine both distance images into one, using negative
    distances (note the minus sign) for pixels inside exclusion regions.

    If data consist only of ones, it'll be supposed to be far away
    from zero pixels, so in capacity of answer it should be return
    the matrix with the shape as like as data but packed by constant
    value Max_Value (MAX_VALUE = 1e10).

    If data consist only of zeros, it'll be supposed to be deep inside
    an exclusion region, so in capacity of answer it should be return
    the matrix with the shape as like as data but packed by constant
    value -Max_Value (MAX_VALUE = 1e10).

    distance : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap`
        Map of distance to nearest exclusion region.
    max_value = 1e10

    if np.all( == 1):
        dist_map = mask_map.copy( * max_value)
        return dist_map

    if np.all( == 0):
        dist_map = mask_map.copy( - max_value)
        return dist_map

    distance_outside = distance_transform_edt(

    invert_mask = np.invert(np.array(, dtype=np.bool))
    distance_inside = distance_transform_edt(invert_mask)

    distance = np.where(,
        -distance_inside,  # pylint:disable=invalid-unary-operand-type

    return mask_map.copy(data=distance)

[docs]class ReflectedRegionsFinder(object): """Find reflected regions. This class is responsible for placing :ref:`region_reflected` for a given input region and pointing position. It converts to pixel coordinates internally. At the moment it works only for circles. If you want to make a background estimate for an IACT observation using the reflected regions method, see also `~gammapy.background.ReflectedRegionsBackgroundEstimator` Parameters ---------- region : `~regions.CircleSkyRegion` Region to rotate center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Rotation point angle_increment : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional Rotation angle applied when a region falls in an excluded region. min_distance : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional Minimal distance between to reflected regions min_distance_input : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional Minimal distance from input region max_region_number : int, optional Maximum number of regions to use exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap`, optional Exclusion mask Examples -------- >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Angle >>> from regions import CircleSkyRegion >>> from gammapy.background import ReflectedRegionsFinder >>> pointing = SkyCoord(83.2, 22.7, unit='deg', frame='icrs') >>> target_position = SkyCoord(80.2, 23.5, unit='deg', frame='icrs') >>> theta = Angle(0.4, 'deg') >>> on_region = CircleSkyRegion(target_position, theta) >>> finder = ReflectedRegionsFinder(min_distance_input='1 rad', region=on_region, center=pointing) >>> >>> print(finder.reflected_regions[0]) Region: CircleSkyRegion center: <SkyCoord (Galactic): (l, b) in deg ( 184.9367087, -8.37920222)> radius: 0.400147197682 deg """ def __init__( self, region, center, angle_increment="0.1 rad", min_distance="0 rad", min_distance_input="0.1 rad", max_region_number=10000, exclusion_mask=None, ): self.region = region = center self.angle_increment = Angle(angle_increment) if self.angle_increment <= Angle(0, "deg"): raise ValueError("angle_increment is too small") self.min_distance = Angle(min_distance) self.min_distance_input = Angle(min_distance_input) self.exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask self.max_region_number = max_region_number self.reflected_regions = None
[docs] def run(self): """Run all steps. """ if self.exclusion_mask is None: self.exclusion_mask = self.make_empty_mask(self.region, self.setup() self.find_regions()
[docs] @staticmethod def make_empty_mask(region, center): """Create empty exclusion mask. The size of the mask is chosen such that all reflected region are contained on the image. Parameters ---------- region : `~regions.CircleSkyRegion` Region to rotate center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Rotation point """ log.debug("No exclusion mask provided, creating an emtpy one") binsz = 0.02 width = 3 * maskmap = WcsNDMap.create( skydir=center, binsz=binsz, width=width, coordsys="GAL", proj="TAN" ) += 1.0 return maskmap
[docs] def setup(self): """Compute parameters for reflected regions algorithm.""" wcs = self.exclusion_mask.geom.wcs self._pix_region = self.region.to_pixel(wcs) self._pix_center = PixCoord(* dx = - self._pix_center.x dy = - self._pix_center.y # Offset of region in pix coordinates self._offset = np.hypot(dx, dy) # Starting angle of region self._angle = Angle(np.arctan2(dx, dy), "rad") # Minimum angle a circle has to be moved to not overlap with previous one min_ang = Angle(2 * np.arcsin(self._pix_region.radius / self._offset), "rad") # Add required minimal distance between two off regions self._min_ang = min_ang + self.min_distance # Maximum possible angle before regions is reached again self._max_angle = ( self._angle + Angle("360deg") - self._min_ang - self.min_distance_input ) # Distance image self._distance_image = _compute_distance_image(self.exclusion_mask)
[docs] def find_regions(self): """Find reflected regions.""" curr_angle = self._angle + self._min_ang + self.min_distance_input reflected_regions = [] while curr_angle < self._max_angle: test_pos = self._compute_xy(self._pix_center, self._offset, curr_angle) test_reg = CirclePixelRegion(test_pos, self._pix_region.radius) if not self._is_inside_exclusion(test_reg, self._distance_image): refl_region = test_reg.to_sky(self.exclusion_mask.geom.wcs) log.debug("Placing reflected region\n{}".format(refl_region)) reflected_regions.append(refl_region) curr_angle = curr_angle + self._min_ang if self.max_region_number <= len(reflected_regions): break else: curr_angle = curr_angle + self.angle_increment log.debug("Found {} reflected regions".format(len(reflected_regions))) self.reflected_regions = reflected_regions
[docs] def plot(self, fig=None, ax=None): """Standard debug plot. See example here: :ref:'regions_reflected'. """ fig, ax, cbar = self.exclusion_mask.plot(fig=fig, ax=ax, cmap="gray") wcs = self.exclusion_mask.geom.wcs on_patch = self.region.to_pixel(wcs=wcs).as_artist(color="red", alpha=0.6) ax.add_patch(on_patch) for off in self.reflected_regions: tmp = off.to_pixel(wcs=wcs) off_patch = tmp.as_artist(color="blue", alpha=0.6) ax.add_patch(off_patch) test_pointing = ax.scatter(,, transform=ax.get_transform("galactic"), marker="+", s=300, linewidths=3, color="green", ) return fig, ax
@staticmethod def _is_inside_exclusion(pixreg, distance_image): """Test if a `~regions.PixRegion` overlaps with an exclusion mask. If the regions is outside the exclusion mask, return 'False' """ x, y =, try: val =[np.round(y).astype(int), np.round(x).astype(int)] except IndexError: return False else: return val < pixreg.radius @staticmethod def _compute_xy(pix_center, offset, angle): """Compute x, y position for a given position angle and offset. # TODO: replace by calculation using `astropy.coordinates` """ dx = offset * np.sin(angle) dy = offset * np.cos(angle) x = pix_center.x + dx y = pix_center.y + dy return PixCoord(x=x, y=y)
[docs]class ReflectedRegionsBackgroundEstimator(object): """Reflected Regions background estimator. This class is responsible for creating a `~gammapy.background.BackgroundEstimate` by placing reflected regions given a target region and an observation. For a usage example see :gp-notebook:`spectrum_analysis` Parameters ---------- on_region : `~regions.CircleSkyRegion` Target region observations : `` Observations to process kwargs : dict Forwarded to `gammapy.background.ReflectedRegionsFinder` """ def __init__(self, on_region, observations, **kwargs): self.on_region = on_region self.observations = observations self.finder = ReflectedRegionsFinder(region=on_region, center=None, **kwargs) self.result = None def __str__(self): s = self.__class__.__name__ s += "\n{}".format(self.on_region) s += "\n{}".format(self.observations) s += "\n{}".format(self.finder) return s
[docs] def run(self): """Run all steps.""" log.debug("Computing reflected regions") result = [] for obs in self.observations: temp = self.process(obs=obs) result.append(temp) self.result = result
[docs] def process(self, obs): """Estimate background for one observation.""" log.debug("Processing observation {}".format(obs)) = obs.pointing_radec off_region = self.finder.reflected_regions off_events = on_events = a_on = 1 a_off = len(off_region) return BackgroundEstimate( on_region=self.on_region, on_events=on_events, off_region=off_region, off_events=off_events, a_on=a_on, a_off=a_off, method="Reflected Regions", )
[docs] def plot(self, fig=None, ax=None, cmap=None, idx=None, add_legend=False): """Standard debug plot. Parameters ---------- cmap : `~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap`, optional Color map to use idx : int, optional Observations to include in the plot, default: all add_legend : boolean, optional Enable/disable legend in the plot, default: False """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax, cbar = self.finder.exclusion_mask.plot(fig=fig, ax=ax) wcs = self.finder.exclusion_mask.geom.wcs on_patch = self.on_region.to_pixel(wcs=wcs).as_artist(color="red") ax.add_patch(on_patch) result = self.result obs_list = list(self.observations) if idx is not None: obs_list = np.asarray(self.observations)[idx] obs_list = np.atleast_1d(obs_list) result = np.asarray(self.result)[idx] result = np.atleast_1d(result) cmap = cmap or plt.get_cmap("viridis") colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.observations))) handles = [] for idx_ in np.arange(len(obs_list)): obs = obs_list[idx_] off_regions = result[idx_].off_region for off in off_regions: off_patch = off.to_pixel(wcs=wcs).as_artist( alpha=0.8, color=colors[idx_], label="Obs {}".format(obs.obs_id) ) handle = ax.add_patch(off_patch) if off_regions: handles.append(handle) test_pointing = obs.pointing_radec.galactic ax.scatter(,, transform=ax.get_transform("galactic"), marker="+", color=colors[idx_], s=300, linewidths=3, ) if add_legend: ax.legend(handles=handles) return fig, ax, cbar