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gammapy.astro.population.make_catalog_random_positions_sphere(size, center='Earth', distance=<Quantity [0., 1.] Mpc>, random_state='random-seed')[source]

Sample random source locations in a sphere.

This can be used to generate an isotropic source population to represent extra-galactic sources.

size : int

Number of sources

center : {‘Earth’, ‘Milky Way’}

Sphere center

distance : Quantity tuple

Distance min / max range.

random_state : {int, ‘random-seed’, ‘global-rng’, RandomState}

Defines random number generator initialisation. Passed to get_random_state.

catalog : Table

Source catalog with columns:

  • RAJ2000, DEJ2000 (deg)
  • GLON, GLAT (deg)
  • Distance (Mpc)