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class gammapy.image.models.SkyDiffuseMap(map, norm=1, meta=None, normalize=True, interp_kwargs=None)[source]

Bases: gammapy.image.models.SkySpatialModel

Spatial sky map template model (2D).

This is for a 2D image. Use SkyDiffuseCube for 3D cubes with an energy axis.

map : Map

Map template

norm : float

Norm parameter (multiplied with map values)

meta : dict, optional

Meta information, meta[‘filename’] will be used for serialization

normalize : bool

Normalize the input map so that it integrates to unity.

interp_kwargs : dict

Interpolation keyword arguments passed to Map.interp_by_coord(). Default arguments are {‘interp’: ‘linear’, ‘fill_value’: 0}.

Methods Summary

__call__(lon, lat) Call evaluate method
copy() A deep copy.
evaluate(lon, lat, norm) Evaluate model.
normalize() Normalize the diffuse map model so that it integrates to unity.
read(filename[, normalize]) Read spatial template model from FITS image.

Methods Documentation

__call__(lon, lat)

Call evaluate method


A deep copy.

evaluate(lon, lat, norm)[source]

Evaluate model.


Normalize the diffuse map model so that it integrates to unity.

classmethod read(filename, normalize=True, **kwargs)[source]

Read spatial template model from FITS image.

The default unit used if none is found in the file is sr-1.

filename : str

FITS image filename.

normalize : bool

Normalize the input map so that it integrates to unity.

kwargs : dict

Keyword arguments passed to