Gammapy is a community-developed, open-source Python package for gamma-ray astronomy. It is a prototype for the CTA science tools. This page (https://docs.gammapy.org ) contains the Gammapy documentation. The Gammapy webpage ( https://gammapy.org ) contains information about Gammapy, including news and contact information if you have any questions, want to report and issue or request a feature, or need help with anything Gammapy-related.
To get started with Gammapy, follow the installation and setup instructions in Getting Started and then learn Gammapy via the Jupyter Tutorial notebooks.
Getting Started¶
Gammapy Package¶
- data - Data and observations
- irf - Instrument response functions
- maps - Sky maps
- image - Map image analysis
- cube - Map cube analysis
- detect - Source detection
- background - Background modeling
- spectrum - 1D spectrum analysis
- time - Time analysis
- stats - Statistics
- utils - Utilities
- scripts - Command line tools
- catalog - Source catalogs
- astro - Astrophysics
Developer Documentation¶