- class gammapy.estimators.TSMapEstimator(model=None, kernel_width=None, downsampling_factor=None, n_sigma=1, n_sigma_ul=2, threshold=None, rtol=0.01, selection_optional=None, energy_edges=None, sum_over_energy_groups=True, n_jobs=None)[source]#
Compute TS map from a MapDataset using different optimization methods.
The map is computed fitting by a single parameter norm fit. The fit is simplified by finding roots of the derivative of the fit statistics using various root finding algorithms. The approach is described in Appendix A in Stewart (2009).
- Parameters
- model
Source model kernel. If set to None, assume spatail model: point source model, PointSpatialModel. spectral model: PowerLawSpectral Model of index 2
- kernel_width
Width of the kernel to use: the kernel will be truncated at this size
- n_sigmaint
Number of sigma for flux error. Default is 1.
- n_sigma_ulint
Number of sigma for flux upper limits. Default is 2.
- downsampling_factorint
Sample down the input maps to speed up the computation. Only integer values that are a multiple of 2 are allowed. Note that the kernel is not sampled down, but must be provided with the downsampled bin size.
- thresholdfloat (None)
If the TS value corresponding to the initial flux estimate is not above this threshold, the optimizing step is omitted to save computing time.
- rtolfloat (0.01)
Relative precision of the flux estimate. Used as a stopping criterion for the norm fit.
- selection_optionallist of str
Which maps to compute besides TS, sqrt(TS), flux and symmetric error on flux. Available options are:
“all”: all the optional steps are executed
“errn-errp”: estimate asymmetric error on flux.
“ul”: estimate upper limits on flux.
Default is None so the optional steps are not executed.
- energy_edges
Energy edges of the maps bins.
- sum_over_energy_groupsbool
Whether to sum over the energy groups or fit the norm on the full energy cube.
- n_jobsint
Number of processes used in parallel for the computation.
- model
values are defined as following:Where
is the fitted flux norm.References
>>> import astropy.units as u >>> from gammapy.estimators import TSMapEstimator >>> from gammapy.datasets import MapDataset >>> from gammapy.modeling.models import (SkyModel, PowerLawSpectralModel,PointSpatialModel) >>> spatial_model = PointSpatialModel() >>> spectral_model = PowerLawSpectralModel(amplitude="1e-22 cm-2 s-1 keV-1", index=2) >>> model = SkyModel(spatial_model=spatial_model, spectral_model=spectral_model) >>> dataset = MapDataset.read("$GAMMAPY_DATA/fermi-3fhl-gc/fermi-3fhl-gc.fits.gz") >>> estimator = TSMapEstimator(model, kernel_width="1 deg",energy_edges=[10, 100] * u.GeV, downsampling_factor=4) >>> maps = estimator.run(dataset) >>> print(maps) FluxMaps -------- geom : WcsGeom axes : ['lon', 'lat', 'energy'] shape : (400, 200, 1) quantities : ['ts', 'norm', 'niter', 'norm_err', 'npred', 'npred_excess', 'stat', 'stat_null', 'success'] ref. model : pl n_sigma : 1 n_sigma_ul : 2 sqrt_ts_threshold_ul : 2 sed type init : likelihood
Attributes Summary
Config parameters
Which quantities are computed
Methods Summary
()Copy estimator
(dataset)Estimate fit input maps
(dataset[, kernel, ...])Estimate default flux map using a given kernel.
(dataset)Estimate flux and ts maps for single dataset
(dataset)Get the convolution kernel for the input dataset.
(dataset)Compute default mask where to estimate TS values.
(dataset[, kernel])Estimate pad width of the dataset
(dataset)Run TS map estimation.
Attributes Documentation
- config_parameters#
Config parameters
- selection_all#
Which quantities are computed
- selection_optional#
- tag = 'TSMapEstimator'#
Methods Documentation
- copy()#
Copy estimator
- estimate_fit_input_maps(dataset)[source]#
Estimate fit input maps
- Parameters
- dataset
Map dataset
- dataset
- Returns
- mapsdict of
Maps dict
- mapsdict of
- estimate_flux_default(dataset, kernel=None, exposure=None)[source]#
Estimate default flux map using a given kernel.
- Parameters
- dataset
Input dataset.
- kernel
Source model kernel.
- exposure
Exposure map on reconstructed energy.
- dataset
- Returns
- flux
Approximate flux map.
- flux
- estimate_flux_map(dataset)[source]#
Estimate flux and ts maps for single dataset
- Parameters
- dataset
Map dataset
- dataset
- estimate_kernel(dataset)[source]#
Get the convolution kernel for the input dataset.
Convolves the model with the PSFKernel at the center of the dataset.
- Parameters
- dataset
Input dataset.
- dataset
- Returns
- kernel
Kernel map
- kernel
- static estimate_mask_default(dataset)[source]#
Compute default mask where to estimate TS values.
- Parameters
- dataset
Input dataset.
- dataset
- Returns
- mask
Mask map.
- mask
- estimate_pad_width(dataset, kernel=None)[source]#
Estimate pad width of the dataset
- Parameters
- dataset
Input MapDataset.
- kernel
Source model kernel.
- dataset
- Returns
- pad_widthtuple
Padding width
- run(dataset)[source]#
Run TS map estimation.
Requires a MapDataset with counts, exposure and background_model properly set to run.
- Parameters
- dataset
Input MapDataset.
- dataset
- Returns
- mapsdict
Dictionary containing result maps. Keys are:
ts : delta TS map
sqrt_ts : sqrt(delta TS), or significance map
flux : flux map
flux_err : symmetric error map
flux_ul : upper limit map