Source code for gammapy.spectrum.energy_group

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Spectrum energy bin grouping.

There are three classes:

* SpectrumEnergyGroup - one group
* SpectrumEnergyGroups - one grouping, i.e. collection of groups
* SpectrumEnergyGroupMaker - algorithms to compute groupings.

Algorithms to compute groupings are both on SpectrumEnergyGroups and SpectrumEnergyGroupMaker.
The difference is that SpectrumEnergyGroups contains the algorithms and book-keeping that
just have to do with the groups, whereas SpectrumEnergyGroupMaker also accesses
information from SpectrumObservation (e.g. safe energy range or counts data) and
implements higher-level algorithms.
from collections import OrderedDict, UserList
import copy
import logging
import numpy as np
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.table import vstack as table_vstack
from ..utils.table import table_from_row_data, table_row_to_dict

__all__ = ["SpectrumEnergyGroup", "SpectrumEnergyGroups", "SpectrumEnergyGroupMaker"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SpectrumEnergyGroup: """Spectrum energy group. Represents a consecutive range of bin indices (both ends inclusive). """ fields = [ "energy_group_idx", "bin_idx_min", "bin_idx_max", "bin_type", "energy_min", "energy_max", ] """List of data members of this class.""" valid_bin_types = ["normal", "underflow", "overflow"] """Valid values for ``bin_types`` attribute.""" def __init__( self, energy_group_idx, bin_idx_min, bin_idx_max, bin_type, energy_min, energy_max, ): self.energy_group_idx = energy_group_idx self.bin_idx_min = bin_idx_min self.bin_idx_max = bin_idx_max if bin_type not in self.valid_bin_types: raise ValueError("Invalid bin type: {}".format(bin_type)) self.bin_type = bin_type self.energy_min = Quantity(energy_min) self.energy_max = Quantity(energy_max)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): data = {_: data[_] for _ in cls.fields} return cls(**data)
@property def _data(self): return [(_, getattr(self, _)) for _ in self.fields] def __repr__(self): txt = ["{}={!r}".format(k, v) for k, v in self._data] return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(txt)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.to_dict() == other.to_dict()
[docs] def to_dict(self): return OrderedDict(self._data)
@property def bin_idx_array(self): """Numpy array of bin indices in the group.""" return np.arange(self.bin_idx_min, self.bin_idx_max + 1) @property def bin_table(self): """Create `~astropy.table.Table` with bins in the group. Columns are: ``energy_group_idx``, ``bin_idx``, ``bin_type`` """ table = Table() table["bin_idx"] = self.bin_idx_array table["energy_group_idx"] = self.energy_group_idx table["bin_type"] = self.bin_type table["energy_min"] = self.energy_min table["energy_max"] = self.energy_max return table
[docs]class SpectrumEnergyGroups(UserList): """List of `~gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumEnergyGroup` objects. A helper class used by the `gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumEnergyGroupsMaker`. """ def __repr__(self): return "{}(len={})".format(self.__class__.__name__, len(self)) def __str__(self): ss = "{}:\n".format(self.__class__.__name__) lines = self.to_group_table().pformat(max_width=-1, max_lines=-1) ss += "\n".join(lines) return ss + "\n"
[docs] def copy(self): """Deep copy""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_total_table(cls, table): """Create list of SpectrumEnergyGroup objects from table.""" groups = cls() for energy_group_idx in np.unique(table["energy_group_idx"]): mask = table["energy_group_idx"] == energy_group_idx group_table = table[mask] bin_idx_min = group_table["bin_idx"][0] bin_idx_max = group_table["bin_idx"][-1] if len(set(group_table["bin_type"])) > 1: raise ValueError("Inconsistent bin_type within group.") bin_type = group_table["bin_type"][0] energy_min = group_table["energy_min"].quantity[0] energy_max = group_table["energy_max"].quantity[-1] group = SpectrumEnergyGroup( energy_group_idx=energy_group_idx, bin_idx_min=bin_idx_min, bin_idx_max=bin_idx_max, bin_type=bin_type, energy_min=energy_min, energy_max=energy_max, ) groups.append(group) return groups
[docs] @classmethod def from_group_table(cls, table): """Create from energy groups in `~astropy.table.Table` format.""" return cls( [SpectrumEnergyGroup.from_dict(table_row_to_dict(row)) for row in table] )
[docs] def to_total_table(self): """Table with one energy bin per row (`~astropy.table.Table`). Columns: * ``energy_group_idx`` - Energy group index (int) * ``bin_idx`` - Energy bin index (int) * ``bin_type`` - Bin type {'normal', 'underflow', 'overflow'} (str) There are no energy columns, because the per-bin energy info was lost during grouping. """ tables = [group.bin_table for group in self] return table_vstack(tables)
[docs] def to_group_table(self): """Table with one energy group per row (`~astropy.table.Table`). Columns: * ``energy_group_idx`` - Energy group index (int) * ``energy_group_n_bins`` - Number of bins in the energy group (int) * ``bin_idx_min`` - First bin index in the energy group (int) * ``bin_idx_max`` - Last bin index in the energy group (int) * ``bin_type`` - Bin type {'normal', 'underflow', 'overflow'} (str) * ``energy_min`` - Energy group start energy (Quantity) * ``energy_max`` - Energy group end energy (Quantity) """ rows = [group.to_dict() for group in self] table = table_from_row_data(rows) return table
@property def energy_range(self): """Total energy range (`~astropy.units.Quantity` of length 2).""" return Quantity([self[0].energy_min, self[-1].energy_max]) @property def energy_bounds(self): """Energy group bounds (`~astropy.units.Quantity`).""" energy = [_.energy_min for _ in self] energy.append(self[-1].energy_max) return Quantity(energy)
[docs]class SpectrumEnergyGroupMaker: """Energy bin groups for spectral analysis. This class contains both methods that run algorithms that compute groupings as well as the results as data members and methods to debug and assess the results. The input ``obs`` is used read-only, to access the counts energy binning, as well as some other info that is used for energy bin grouping. Parameters ---------- obs : `~gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumObservation` Spectrum observation Attributes ---------- obs : `~gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumObservation` Spectrum observation data groups : `~gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumEnergyGroups` List of energy groups See Also -------- SpectrumEnergyGroups, SpectrumEnergyGroup, FluxPointEstimator """ def __init__(self, obs): self.obs = obs self.groups = None
[docs] def groups_from_obs(self): """Compute energy groups with one group per energy bin.""" ebounds_obs = self.obs.e_reco size = ebounds_obs.nbins table = Table() table["bin_idx"] = np.arange(size) table["energy_group_idx"] = np.arange(size) table["bin_type"] = ["normal"] * size table["energy_min"] = ebounds_obs.lower_bounds table["energy_max"] = ebounds_obs.upper_bounds self.groups = SpectrumEnergyGroups.from_total_table(table)
[docs] def compute_groups_fixed(self, ebounds): """Apply grouping for a given fixed energy binning. This groups the observation ``obs.e_reco`` binning and ``ebounds`` using a nearest neighbor match on the bin edges. Parameters ---------- ebounds : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Energy bounds array """ ebounds_src = bin_edges_src = np.arange(len(ebounds_src)) temp = np.interp(ebounds, ebounds_src, bin_edges_src) bin_edges = np.round(temp, decimals=0).astype( # Check for duplicates duplicates_removed = set(bin_edges) if len(duplicates_removed) != len(bin_edges): warn_str = "Input binning\n{}\n contains bins that are finer than the" warn_str += " target binning\n{}\n or outside the valid range" log.warning(warn_str.format(ebounds, ebounds_src)) bin_edges = sorted(duplicates_removed) # Create normal bins groups = [] for idx in np.arange(len(bin_edges) - 1): group = SpectrumEnergyGroup( energy_group_idx=-1, bin_idx_min=bin_edges[idx], bin_idx_max=bin_edges[idx + 1] - 1, bin_type="normal", energy_min=ebounds_src[bin_edges[idx]], energy_max=ebounds_src[bin_edges[idx + 1]], ) groups.append(group) if groups == []: err_str = "Input binning\n{}\n has no overlap with" err_str += " target binning\n{}" raise ValueError(err_str.format(ebounds, ebounds_src)) # Add underflow bin start_edge = groups[0].bin_idx_min if start_edge != 0: underflow = SpectrumEnergyGroup( energy_group_idx=-1, bin_idx_min=0, bin_idx_max=start_edge - 1, bin_type="underflow", energy_min=ebounds_src[0], energy_max=ebounds_src[start_edge], ) groups.insert(0, underflow) # Add overflow bin end_edge = groups[-1].bin_idx_max if end_edge != ebounds_src.nbins - 1: overflow = SpectrumEnergyGroup( energy_group_idx=-1, bin_idx_min=end_edge + 1, bin_idx_max=ebounds_src.nbins - 1, bin_type="overflow", energy_min=ebounds_src[end_edge + 1], energy_max=ebounds_src[-1], ) groups.append(overflow) # Set energy_group_idx for group_idx, group in enumerate(groups): group.energy_group_idx = group_idx self.groups = SpectrumEnergyGroups(groups)