# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import logging
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import Angle, SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u
from regions import PixCoord
from ..maps import WcsNDMap, WcsGeom, Map
from .background_estimate import BackgroundEstimate
__all__ = ["ReflectedRegionsFinder", "ReflectedRegionsBackgroundEstimator"]
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class ReflectedRegionsFinder:
"""Find reflected regions.
This class is responsible for placing :ref:`region_reflected` for a given
input region and pointing position. It converts to pixel coordinates
internally assuming a tangent projection at center position.
If the center lies inside the input region, no reflected regions
can be found.
If you want to make a
background estimate for an IACT observation using the reflected regions
method, see also `~gammapy.background.ReflectedRegionsBackgroundEstimator`
region : `~regions.SkyRegion`
Region to rotate
center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
Rotation point
angle_increment : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional
Rotation angle applied when a region falls in an excluded region.
min_distance : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional
Minimal distance between two consecutive reflected regions
min_distance_input : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional
Minimal distance from input region
max_region_number : int, optional
Maximum number of regions to use
exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap`, optional
Exclusion mask
binsz : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
Bin size of the reference map used for region finding. Default : 0.01 deg
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Angle
>>> from regions import CircleSkyRegion
>>> from gammapy.background import ReflectedRegionsFinder
>>> pointing = SkyCoord(83.2, 22.7, unit='deg', frame='icrs')
>>> target_position = SkyCoord(80.2, 23.5, unit='deg', frame='icrs')
>>> theta = Angle(0.4, 'deg')
>>> on_region = CircleSkyRegion(target_position, theta)
>>> finder = ReflectedRegionsFinder(min_distance_input='1 rad', region=on_region, center=pointing)
>>> finder.run()
>>> print(finder.reflected_regions[0])
Region: CircleSkyRegion
center: <SkyCoord (Galactic): (l, b) in deg
( 184.9367087, -8.37920222)>
radius: 0.400147197682 deg
def __init__(
angle_increment="0.1 rad",
min_distance="0 rad",
min_distance_input="0.1 rad",
binsz="0.01 deg",
self.region = region
self.center = center
self.angle_increment = Angle(angle_increment)
if self.angle_increment <= Angle(0, "deg"):
raise ValueError("angle_increment is too small")
self.min_distance = Angle(min_distance)
self.min_distance_input = Angle(min_distance_input)
self.exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask
self.max_region_number = max_region_number
self.reflected_regions = None
self.reference_map = None
self.binsz = Angle(binsz)
[docs] def run(self):
"""Run all steps.
self.reference_map = self.make_reference_map(
self.region, self.center, self.binsz
if self.exclusion_mask is not None:
coords = self.reference_map.geom.get_coord()
vals = self.exclusion_mask.get_by_coord(coords)
self.reference_map.data += vals
self.reference_map.data += 1
# Check if center is contained in region
if self.region.contains(self.center, self.reference_map.geom.wcs):
self.reflected_regions = []
[docs] @staticmethod
def make_reference_map(region, center, binsz="0.01 deg", min_width="0.3 deg"):
"""Create empty reference map.
The size of the map is chosen such that all reflected regions are
contained on the image.
To do so, the reference map width is taken to be 4 times the distance between
the target region center and the rotation point. This distance is larger than
the typical dimension of the region itself (otherwise the rotation point would
lie inside the region). A minimal width value is added by default in case the
region center and the rotation center are too close.
The WCS of the map is the TAN projection at the `center` in the coordinate
system used by the `region` center.
region : `~regions.SkyRegion`
Region to rotate
center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
Rotation point
binsz : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
Reference map bin size. Default : 0.01 deg
min_width : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
Minimal map width. Default : 0.3 deg
reference_map : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap`
Map containing the region
if "ra" in region.center.representation_component_names:
coordsys = "CEL"
coordsys = "GAL"
raise TypeError("Algorithm not yet adapted to this Region shape")
# width is the full width of an image (not the radius)
width = 4 * region.center.separation(center) + Angle(min_width)
return WcsNDMap.create(
skydir=center, binsz=binsz, width=width, coordsys=coordsys, proj="TAN"
def _region_angular_size(pixels, center):
"""Compute maximum angular size of a group of pixels as seen from center.
This assumes that the center lies outside the group of pixel
pixels : `~astropy.regions.PixCoord`
the pixels coordinates
center : `~astropy.regions.PixCoord`
the center coordinate in pixels
angular_size : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
the maximum angular size
newX, newY = center.x - pixels.x, center.y - pixels.y
angles = Angle(np.arctan2(newX, newY), "rad")
angular_size = np.max(angles) - np.min(angles)
if angular_size.value > np.pi:
angular_size = np.max(angles.wrap_at(0 * u.rad)) - np.min(
angles.wrap_at(0 * u.rad)
return angular_size
[docs] def setup(self):
"""Compute parameters for reflected regions algorithm."""
geom = self.reference_map.geom
self._pix_region = self.region.to_pixel(geom.wcs)
self._pix_center = PixCoord.from_sky(self.center, geom.wcs)
# Make the ON reference map
mask = geom.region_mask([self.region], inside=True)
# on_reference_map = WcsNDMap(geom=geom, data=mask)
# Extract all pixcoords in the geom
X, Y = geom.get_pix()
ONpixels = PixCoord(X[mask], Y[mask])
# find excluded PixCoords
mask = self.reference_map.data == 0
self.excluded_pixcoords = PixCoord(X[mask], Y[mask])
# Minimum angle a region has to be moved to not overlap with previous one
min_ang = self._region_angular_size(ONpixels, self._pix_center)
# Add required minimal distance between two off regions
self._min_ang = min_ang + self.min_distance
# Maximum possible angle before regions is reached again
self._max_angle = Angle("360deg") - self._min_ang - self.min_distance_input
[docs] def find_regions(self):
"""Find reflected regions."""
curr_angle = self._min_ang + self.min_distance_input
reflected_regions = []
while curr_angle < self._max_angle:
test_reg = self._pix_region.rotate(self._pix_center, curr_angle)
if not np.any(test_reg.contains(self.excluded_pixcoords)):
region = test_reg.to_sky(self.reference_map.geom.wcs)
curr_angle += self._min_ang
if self.max_region_number <= len(reflected_regions):
curr_angle = curr_angle + self.angle_increment
self.reflected_regions = reflected_regions
[docs] def plot(self, fig=None, ax=None):
"""Standard debug plot.
See example here: :ref:'regions_reflected'.
fig, ax, cbar = self.reference_map.plot(
fig=fig, ax=ax, cmap="gray", vmin=0, vmax=1
wcs = self.reference_map.geom.wcs
on_patch = self.region.to_pixel(wcs=wcs).as_artist(edgecolor="red", alpha=0.6)
for off in self.reflected_regions:
tmp = off.to_pixel(wcs=wcs)
off_patch = tmp.as_artist(edgecolor="blue", alpha=0.6)
xx, yy = self.center.to_pixel(wcs)
ax.plot(xx, yy, marker="+", color="green", markersize=20, linewidth=5)
return fig, ax
[docs]class ReflectedRegionsBackgroundEstimator:
"""Reflected Regions background estimator.
This class is responsible for creating a
`~gammapy.background.BackgroundEstimate` by placing reflected regions given
a target region and an observation.
For a usage example see :gp-notebook:`spectrum_analysis`
on_region : `~regions.SkyRegion`
Target region with any shape, except `~region.PolygonSkyRegion`
observations : `~gammapy.data.Observations`
Observations to process
binsz : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
Optional, bin size of the maps used to compute the regions, Default '0.01 deg'
kwargs : dict
Forwarded to `~gammapy.background.ReflectedRegionsFinder`
def __init__(self, on_region, observations, binsz=0.01 * u.deg, **kwargs):
self.on_region = on_region
self.observations = observations
self.binsz = binsz
self.finder = ReflectedRegionsFinder(
region=on_region, center=None, binsz=Angle(self.binsz), **kwargs
self.exclusion_mask = kwargs.get("exclusion_mask")
self.result = None
def __str__(self):
s = self.__class__.__name__
s += "\n{}".format(self.on_region)
s += "\n{}".format(self.observations)
s += "\n{}".format(self.finder)
return s
[docs] def run(self):
"""Run all steps."""
log.debug("Computing reflected regions")
result = []
for obs in self.observations:
temp = self.process(obs)
self.result = result
[docs] def process(self, obs):
"""Estimate background for one observation."""
log.debug("Processing observation {}".format(obs))
self.finder.center = obs.pointing_radec
wcs = self.finder.reference_map.geom.wcs
on_events = obs.events.select_region(self.on_region, wcs)
a_on = 1
off_region = self.finder.reflected_regions
a_off = len(off_region)
if a_off == 0:
off_events = obs.events.select_row_subset([])
off_regions = off_region[0]
for reg in off_region[1:]:
off_regions = off_regions.union(reg)
off_events = obs.events.select_region(off_regions, wcs)
"Found {0} reflected regions for the Obs #{1}".format(a_off, obs.obs_id)
return BackgroundEstimate(
method="Reflected Regions",
[docs] def plot(self, fig=None, ax=None, cmap=None, idx=None, add_legend=False):
"""Standard debug plot.
fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure`
Top level container of the figure
ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
Axes of the figure
cmap : `~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap`, optional
Color map to use
idx : int, optional
Observations to include in the plot, default: all
add_legend : boolean, optional
Enable/disable legend in the plot, default: False
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if "ra" in self.on_region.center.representation_component_names:
coordsys = "CEL"
coordsys = "GAL"
pnt_radec = SkyCoord([_.pointing_radec for _ in self.observations.list])
width = np.max(5 * self.on_region.center.separation(pnt_radec).to_value("deg"))
geom = WcsGeom.create(
plot_map = Map.from_geom(geom)
if fig is None:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
if self.exclusion_mask is not None:
coords = geom.get_coord()
vals = self.exclusion_mask.get_by_coord(coords)
plot_map.data += vals
plot_map.data += 1.0
fig, ax, cbar = plot_map.plot(fig=fig, ax=ax, vmin=0, vmax=1)
on_patch = self.on_region.to_pixel(wcs=geom.wcs).as_artist(edgecolor="red")
result = self.result
obs_list = list(self.observations)
if idx is not None:
obs_list = np.asarray(self.observations)[idx]
obs_list = np.atleast_1d(obs_list)
result = np.asarray(self.result)[idx]
result = np.atleast_1d(result)
cmap = cmap or plt.get_cmap("viridis")
colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.observations)))
handles = []
for idx_ in np.arange(len(obs_list)):
obs = obs_list[idx_]
off_regions = result[idx_].off_region
for off in off_regions:
off_patch = off.to_pixel(wcs=geom.wcs).as_artist(
alpha=0.8, edgecolor=colors[idx_], label="Obs {}".format(obs.obs_id)
handle = ax.add_patch(off_patch)
if off_regions:
xx, yy = obs.pointing_radec.to_pixel(geom.wcs)
ax.plot(xx, yy, marker="+", color=colors[idx_], markersize=20, linewidth=5)
if add_legend:
return fig, ax, cbar