# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import numpy as np
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
from ..utils.time import time_ref_from_dict, time_relative_to_ref
from ..utils.scripts import make_path
__all__ = ["GTI"]
[docs]class GTI:
"""Good time intervals (GTI) `~astropy.table.Table`.
Data format specification: :ref:`gadf:iact-gti`
Note: at the moment dead-time and live-time is in the
EVENTS header ... the GTI header just deals with
observation times.
table : `~astropy.table.Table`
GTI table
Load GTIs for a H.E.S.S. event list:
>>> from gammapy.data import GTI
>>> gti = GTI.read('$GAMMAPY_DATA/hess-dl3-dr1//data/hess_dl3_dr1_obs_id_023523.fits.gz')
>>> print(gti)
GTI info:
- Number of GTIs: 1
- Duration: 1687.0 s
- Start: 53343.92234009259 MET
- Start: 2004-12-04T22:08:10.184(TT)
- Stop: 53343.94186555556 MET
- Stop: 2004-12-04T22:36:17.184(TT)
Load GTIs for a Fermi-LAT event list:
>>> gti = GTI.read("$GAMMAPY_DATA/fermi-3fhl-gc/fermi-3fhl-gc-events.fits.gz")
>>> print(gti)
GTI info:
- Number of GTIs: 39042
- Duration: 183139597.9032163 s
- Start: 54682.65603794185 MET
- Start: 2008-08-04T15:44:41.678(TT)
- Stop: 57236.96833546296 MET
- Stop: 2015-08-02T23:14:24.184(TT)
def __init__(self, table):
self.table = table
[docs] def copy(self):
return self.__class__(self.table)
[docs] @classmethod
def read(cls, filename, **kwargs):
"""Read from FITS file.
filename : `pathlib.Path`, str
filename = make_path(filename)
kwargs.setdefault("hdu", "GTI")
table = Table.read(str(filename), **kwargs)
return cls(table=table)
def __str__(self):
ss = "GTI info:\n"
ss += "- Number of GTIs: {}\n".format(len(self.table))
ss += "- Duration: {}\n".format(self.time_sum)
ss += "- Start: {} MET\n".format(self.time_start[0])
ss += "- Start: {}\n".format(self.time_start[0].fits)
ss += "- Stop: {} MET\n".format(self.time_stop[-1])
ss += "- Stop: {}\n".format(self.time_stop[-1].fits)
return ss
def time_delta(self):
"""GTI durations in seconds (`~astropy.units.Quantity`)."""
start = self.table["START"].astype("float64")
stop = self.table["STOP"].astype("float64")
return Quantity(stop - start, "second")
def time_ref(self):
"""Time reference (`~astropy.time.Time`)."""
return time_ref_from_dict(self.table.meta)
def time_sum(self):
"""Sum of GTIs in seconds (`~astropy.units.Quantity`)."""
return self.time_delta.sum()
def time_start(self):
"""GTI start times (`~astropy.time.Time`)."""
met = Quantity(self.table["START"].astype("float64"), "second")
return self.time_ref + met
def time_stop(self):
"""GTI end times (`~astropy.time.Time`)."""
met = Quantity(self.table["STOP"].astype("float64"), "second")
return self.time_ref + met
[docs] def select_time(self, time_interval):
"""Select and crop GTIs in time interval.
time_interval : `astropy.time.Time`
Start and stop time for the selection.
gti : `GTI`
Copy of the GTI table with selection applied.
# get GTIs that fall within the time_interval
mask = self.time_start < time_interval[1]
mask &= self.time_stop > time_interval[0]
gti_within = self.table[mask]
# crop the GTIs
start_met = time_relative_to_ref(time_interval[0], self.table.meta)
stop_met = time_relative_to_ref(time_interval[1], self.table.meta)
gti_within["STOP"], start_met.value, stop_met.value, out=gti_within["STOP"]
return self.__class__(gti_within)
[docs] def stack(self, other):
"""Stack with another GTI.
This simply changes the time reference of the second GTI table
and stack the two tables. No logic is applied to the intervals.
other : `~gammapy.data.GTI`
GTI to stack to self
new_gti : `~gammapy.data.GTI`
start = (other.time_start - self.time_ref).sec
end = (other.time_stop - self.time_ref).sec
table = Table({"START": start, "STOP": end}, names=["START", "STOP"])
return self.__class__(vstack([self.table, table]))
[docs] def union(self):
"""Union of overlapping time intervals.
Returns a new `~gammapy.data.GTI` object.
Intervals that touch will be merged, e.g.
``(1, 2)`` and ``(2, 3)`` will result in ``(1, 3)``.
# Algorithm to merge overlapping intervals is well-known,
# see e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/a/43600953/498873
table = self.table.copy()
# We use Python dict instead of astropy.table.Row objects,
# because on some versions modifying Row entries doesn't behave as expected
merged = [{"START": table[0]["START"], "STOP": table[0]["STOP"]}]
for row in table[1:]:
interval = {"START": row["START"], "STOP": row["STOP"]}
if merged[-1]["STOP"] <= interval["START"]:
merged[-1]["STOP"] = max(interval["STOP"], merged[-1]["STOP"])
merged = Table(rows=merged, names=["START", "STOP"], meta=self.table.meta)
return self.__class__(merged)