Source code for gammapy.maps.hpxnd

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.units import Quantity
from ..utils.units import unit_from_fits_image_hdu
from .geom import MapCoord, pix_tuple_to_idx
from .utils import interp_to_order, INVALID_INDEX
from .hpxmap import HpxMap
from .hpx import HpxGeom, HpxToWcsMapping, nside_to_order

__all__ = ["HpxNDMap"]

[docs]class HpxNDMap(HpxMap): """HEALPix map with any number of non-spatial dimensions. This class uses a N+1D numpy array to represent the sequence of HEALPix image planes. Following the convention of WCS-based maps this class uses a column-wise ordering for the data array with the spatial dimension being tied to the last index of the array. Parameters ---------- geom : `~gammapy.maps.HpxGeom` HEALPIX geometry object. data : `~numpy.ndarray` HEALPIX data array. If none then an empty array will be allocated. meta : `~collections.OrderedDict` Dictionary to store meta data. unit : str or `~astropy.units.Unit` The map unit """ def __init__(self, geom, data=None, dtype="float32", meta=None, unit=""): data_shape = geom.data_shape if data is None: data = self._make_default_data(geom, data_shape, dtype) super().__init__(geom, data, meta, unit) self._wcs2d = None self._hpx2wcs = None @staticmethod def _make_default_data(geom, shape_np, dtype): if geom.npix.size > 1: data = np.full(shape_np, np.nan, dtype=dtype) idx = geom.get_idx(local=True) data[idx[::-1]] = 0 else: data = np.zeros(shape_np, dtype=dtype) return data
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdu(cls, hdu, hdu_bands=None): """Make a HpxNDMap object from a FITS HDU. Parameters ---------- hdu : `` The FITS HDU hdu_bands : `` The BANDS table HDU """ hpx = HpxGeom.from_header(hdu.header, hdu_bands) shape = tuple([ax.nbin for ax in hpx.axes[::-1]]) # shape_data = shape + tuple([np.max(hpx.npix)]) # TODO: Should we support extracting slices? meta = cls._get_meta_from_header(hdu.header) unit = unit_from_fits_image_hdu(hdu.header) map_out = cls(hpx, None, meta=meta, unit=unit) colnames = hdu.columns.names cnames = [] if hdu.header.get("INDXSCHM", None) == "SPARSE": pix ="PIX") vals ="VALUE") if "CHANNEL" in chan ="CHANNEL") chan = np.unravel_index(chan, shape) idx = chan + (pix,) else: idx = (pix,) map_out.set_by_idx(idx[::-1], vals) else: for c in colnames: if c.find(hpx.hpx_conv.colstring) == 0: cnames.append(c) nbin = len(cnames) if nbin == 1: =[0]) else: for i, cname in enumerate(cnames): idx = np.unravel_index(i, shape)[idx + (slice(None),)] = return map_out
[docs] def make_wcs_mapping( self, sum_bands=False, proj="AIT", oversample=2, width_pix=None ): """Make a HEALPix to WCS mapping object. Parameters ---------- sum_bands : bool sum over non-spatial dimensions before reprojecting proj : str WCS-projection oversample : float Oversampling factor for WCS map. This will be the approximate ratio of the width of a HPX pixel to a WCS pixel. If this parameter is None then the width will be set from ``width_pix``. width_pix : int Width of the WCS geometry in pixels. The pixel size will be set to the number of pixels satisfying ``oversample`` or ``width_pix`` whichever is smaller. If this parameter is None then the width will be set from ``oversample``. Returns ------- hpx2wcs : `~HpxToWcsMapping` """ self._wcs2d = self.geom.make_wcs( proj=proj, oversample=oversample, width_pix=width_pix, drop_axes=True ) self._hpx2wcs = HpxToWcsMapping.create(self.geom, self._wcs2d) return self._hpx2wcs
[docs] def to_wcs( self, sum_bands=False, normalize=True, proj="AIT", oversample=2, width_pix=None, hpx2wcs=None, ): from .wcsnd import WcsNDMap if sum_bands and self.geom.nside.size > 1: map_sum = self.sum_over_axes() return map_sum.to_wcs( sum_bands=False, normalize=normalize, proj=proj, oversample=oversample, width_pix=width_pix, ) # FIXME: Check whether the old mapping is still valid and reuse it if hpx2wcs is None: hpx2wcs = self.make_wcs_mapping( oversample=oversample, proj=proj, width_pix=width_pix ) # FIXME: Need a function to extract a valid shape from npix property if sum_bands: axes = np.arange( - 1) hpx_data = np.apply_over_axes(np.sum,, axes=axes) hpx_data = np.squeeze(hpx_data) wcs_shape = tuple([t.flat[0] for t in hpx2wcs.npix]) wcs_data = np.zeros(wcs_shape).T wcs = hpx2wcs.wcs.to_image() else: hpx_data = wcs_shape = tuple([t.flat[0] for t in hpx2wcs.npix]) + self.geom.shape_axes wcs_data = np.zeros(wcs_shape).T wcs = hpx2wcs.wcs.to_cube(self.geom.axes) # FIXME: Should reimplement instantiating map first and fill data array hpx2wcs.fill_wcs_map_from_hpx_data(hpx_data, wcs_data, normalize) return WcsNDMap(wcs, wcs_data, unit=self.unit)
[docs] def sum_over_axes(self): """Sum over all non-spatial dimensions. Returns ------- map_out : `~HpxNDMap` Summed map. """ geom = self.geom.to_image() axis = tuple(range( - 1)) data = np.nansum(, axis=axis) return self._init_copy(geom=geom, data=data)
def _reproject_to_wcs(self, geom, order=1, mode="interp"): from reproject import reproject_from_healpix data = np.empty(geom.data_shape) coordsys = "galactic" if geom.coordsys == "GAL" else "icrs" for img, idx in self.iter_by_image(): # TODO: Create WCS object for image plane if # multi-resolution geom shape_out = geom.get_image_shape(idx)[::-1] vals, footprint = reproject_from_healpix( (img, coordsys), geom.wcs, shape_out=shape_out, nested=self.geom.nest, order=order, ) data[idx] = vals return self._init_copy(geom=geom, data=data) def _reproject_to_hpx(self): raise NotImplementedError("Maybe try using Map.interp_by_coord().")
[docs] def pad(self, pad_width, mode="constant", cval=0, order=1): geom = self.geom.pad(pad_width) map_out = self._init_copy(geom=geom, data=None) map_out.coadd(self) coords = geom.get_coord(flat=True) m = self.geom.contains(coords) coords = tuple([c[~m] for c in coords]) if mode == "constant": map_out.set_by_coord(coords, cval) elif mode == "interp": # FIXME: These modes don't work at present because # interp_by_coord doesn't support extrapolation vals = self.interp_by_coord(coords, interp=order) map_out.set_by_coord(coords, vals) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized pad mode: {!r}".format(mode)) return map_out
[docs] def crop(self, crop_width): geom = self.geom.crop(crop_width) map_out = self._init_copy(geom=geom, data=None) map_out.coadd(self) return map_out
[docs] def upsample(self, factor, preserve_counts=True): geom = self.geom.upsample(factor) coords = geom.get_coord() data = self.get_by_coord(coords) if preserve_counts: data /= factor ** 2 return self._init_copy(geom=geom, data=data)
[docs] def downsample(self, factor, preserve_counts=True): geom = self.geom.downsample(factor) coords = self.geom.get_coord() vals = self.get_by_coord(coords) map_out = self._init_copy(geom=geom, data=None) map_out.fill_by_coord(coords, vals) if not preserve_counts: /= factor ** 2 return map_out
[docs] def interp_by_coord(self, coords, interp=1): # inherited docstring coords = MapCoord.create(coords, coordsys=self.geom.coordsys) order = interp_to_order(interp) if order == 1: return self._interp_by_coord(coords, order) else: raise ValueError("Invalid interpolation order: {!r}".format(order))
[docs] def interp_by_pix(self, pix, interp=None): """Interpolate map values at the given pixel coordinates. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_by_idx(self, idx): # inherited docstring idx = pix_tuple_to_idx(idx) idx = self.geom.global_to_local(idx) return[idx]
def _get_interp_weights(self, coords, idxs=None): import healpy as hp if idxs is None: idxs = self.geom.coord_to_idx(coords, clip=True)[1:] theta, phi = coords.theta, coords.phi m = ~np.isfinite(theta) theta[m] = 0 phi[m] = 0 if not self.geom.is_regular: nside = self.geom.nside[tuple(idxs)] else: nside = self.geom.nside pix, wts = hp.get_interp_weights(nside, theta, phi, nest=self.geom.nest) wts[:, m] = 0 pix[:, m] = if not self.geom.is_regular: pix_local = [self.geom.global_to_local([pix] + list(idxs))[0]] else: pix_local = [self.geom[pix]] # If a pixel lies outside of the geometry set its index to the center pixel m = pix_local[0] == if m.any(): coords_ctr = [coords.lon,] coords_ctr += [ax.pix_to_coord(t) for ax, t in zip(self.geom.axes, idxs)] idx_ctr = self.geom.coord_to_idx(coords_ctr) idx_ctr = self.geom.global_to_local(idx_ctr) pix_local[0][m] = (idx_ctr[0] * np.ones(pix.shape, dtype=int))[m] pix_local += [np.broadcast_to(t, pix_local[0].shape) for t in idxs] return pix_local, wts def _interp_by_coord(self, coords, order): """Linearly interpolate map values.""" pix, wts = self._get_interp_weights(coords) if self.geom.is_image: return np.sum([tuple(pix)] * wts, axis=0) val = np.zeros(pix[0].shape[1:]) # Loop over function values at corners for i in range(2 ** len(self.geom.axes)): pix_i = [] wt = np.ones(pix[0].shape[1:])[np.newaxis, ...] for j, ax in enumerate(self.geom.axes): idx = ax.coord_to_idx(coords[]) idx = np.clip(idx, 0, len( - 2) w =[idx + 1] -[idx] c = Quantity(coords[],, copy=False).value if i & (1 << j): wt *= (c -[idx].value) / w.value pix_i += [idx + 1] else: wt *= 1.0 - (c -[idx].value) / w.value pix_i += [idx] if not self.geom.is_regular: pix, wts = self._get_interp_weights(coords, pix_i) wts[pix[0] ==] = 0 wt[~np.isfinite(wt)] = 0 val += np.nansum(wts * wt *[tuple(pix[:1] + pix_i)], axis=0) return val
[docs] def fill_by_idx(self, idx, weights=None): idx = pix_tuple_to_idx(idx) msk = np.all(np.stack([t != for t in idx]), axis=0) if weights is not None: weights = weights[msk] idx = [t[msk] for t in idx] idx_local = list(self.geom.global_to_local(idx)) msk = idx_local[0] >= 0 idx_local = [t[msk] for t in idx_local] if weights is not None: if isinstance(weights, Quantity): weights = weights.to_value(self.unit) weights = weights[msk] idx_local = np.ravel_multi_index(idx_local, idx_local, idx_inv = np.unique(idx_local, return_inverse=True) weights = np.bincount(idx_inv, weights=weights)[idx_local] += weights
[docs] def set_by_idx(self, idx, vals): idx = pix_tuple_to_idx(idx) idx_local = self.geom.global_to_local(idx)[idx_local] = vals
def _make_cols(self, header, conv): shape = cols = [] if header["INDXSCHM"] == "SPARSE": data = data[~np.isfinite(data)] = 0 nonzero = np.where(data > 0) value = data[nonzero].astype(float) pix = self.geom.local_to_global(nonzero[::-1])[0] if len(shape) == 1: cols.append(fits.Column("PIX", "J", array=pix)) cols.append(fits.Column("VALUE", "E", array=value)) else: channel = np.ravel_multi_index(nonzero[:-1], shape[:-1]) cols.append(fits.Column("PIX", "J", array=pix)) cols.append(fits.Column("CHANNEL", "I", array=channel)) cols.append(fits.Column("VALUE", "E", array=value)) elif len(shape) == 1: name = conv.colname(indx=conv.firstcol) array = cols.append(fits.Column(name, "E", array=array)) else: for i, idx in enumerate(np.ndindex(shape[:-1])): name = conv.colname(indx=i + conv.firstcol) array =[idx].astype(float) cols.append(fits.Column(name, "E", array=array)) return cols
[docs] def to_swapped(self): import healpy as hp hpx_out = self.geom.to_swapped() map_out = self._init_copy(geom=hpx_out, data=None) idx = self.geom.get_idx(flat=True) vals = self.get_by_idx(idx) if self.geom.nside.size > 1: nside = self.geom.nside[idx[1:]] else: nside = self.geom.nside if self.geom.nest: idx_new = tuple([hp.nest2ring(nside, idx[0])]) + idx[1:] else: idx_new = tuple([hp.ring2nest(nside, idx[0])]) + idx[1:] map_out.set_by_idx(idx_new, vals) return map_out
[docs] def to_ud_graded(self, nside, preserve_counts=False): # FIXME: Should we remove/deprecate this method? order = nside_to_order(nside) new_hpx = self.geom.to_ud_graded(order) map_out = self._init_copy(geom=new_hpx, data=None) if np.all(order <= self.geom.order): # Downsample idx = self.geom.get_idx(flat=True) coords = self.geom.pix_to_coord(idx) vals = self.get_by_idx(idx) map_out.fill_by_coord(coords, vals) else: # Upsample idx = new_hpx.get_idx(flat=True) coords = new_hpx.pix_to_coord(idx) vals = self.get_by_coord(coords) m = np.isfinite(vals) map_out.fill_by_coord([c[m] for c in coords], vals[m]) if not preserve_counts: fact = (2 ** order) ** 2 / (2 ** self.geom.order) ** 2 if self.geom.nside.size > 1: fact = fact[..., None] *= fact return map_out
[docs] def plot( self, method="raster", ax=None, normalize=False, proj="AIT", oversample=2, width_pix=1000, **kwargs ): """Quickplot method. This will generate a visualization of the map by converting to a rasterized WCS image (method='raster') or drawing polygons for each pixel (method='poly'). Parameters ---------- method : {'raster','poly'} Method for mapping HEALPix pixels to a two-dimensional image. Can be set to 'raster' (rasterization to cartesian image plane) or 'poly' (explicit polygons for each pixel). WARNING: The 'poly' method is much slower than 'raster' and only suitable for maps with less than ~10k pixels. proj : string, optional Any valid WCS projection type. oversample : float Oversampling factor for WCS map. This will be the approximate ratio of the width of a HPX pixel to a WCS pixel. If this parameter is None then the width will be set from ``width_pix``. width_pix : int Width of the WCS geometry in pixels. The pixel size will be set to the number of pixels satisfying ``oversample`` or ``width_pix`` whichever is smaller. If this parameter is None then the width will be set from ``oversample``. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Returns ------- fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure object. ax : `~astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes` WCS axis object im : `~matplotlib.image.AxesImage` or `~matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection` Image object. """ if method == "raster": m = self.to_wcs( sum_bands=True, normalize=normalize, proj=proj, oversample=oversample, width_pix=width_pix, ) return m.plot(ax, **kwargs) elif method == "poly": return self._plot_poly(proj=proj, ax=ax) else: raise ValueError("Invalid method: {!r}".format(method))
def _plot_poly(self, proj="AIT", step=1, ax=None): """Plot the map using a collection of polygons. Parameters ---------- proj : string, optional Any valid WCS projection type. step : int Set the number vertices that will be computed for each pixel in multiples of 4. """ # FIXME: At the moment this only works for all-sky maps if the # projection is centered at (0,0) # FIXME: Figure out how to force a square aspect-ratio like imshow import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection import healpy as hp wcs = self.geom.make_wcs(proj=proj, oversample=1) if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=wcs.wcs, aspect="equal") wcs_lonlat = wcs.center_coord[:2] idx = self.geom.get_idx() vtx = hp.boundaries(self.geom.nside, idx[0], nest=self.geom.nest, step=step) theta, phi = hp.vec2ang(np.rollaxis(vtx, 2)) theta = theta.reshape((4 * step, -1)).T phi = phi.reshape((4 * step, -1)).T patches = [] data = [] def get_angle(x, t): return 180.0 - (180.0 - x + t) % 360.0 for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(phi, theta)): lon, lat = np.degrees(x), np.degrees(np.pi / 2.0 - y) # Add a small ofset to avoid vertices wrapping to the # other size of the projection if get_angle(np.median(lon), wcs_lonlat[0]) > 0: idx = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon - 1e-4, lat)) else: idx = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon + 1e-4, lat)) dist = np.max(np.abs(idx[0][0] - idx[0])) # Split pixels that wrap around the edges of the projection if dist > wcs.npix[0] / 1.5: lon, lat = np.degrees(x), np.degrees(np.pi / 2.0 - y) lon0 = lon - 1e-4 lon1 = lon + 1e-4 pix0 = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon0, lat)) pix1 = wcs.coord_to_pix((lon1, lat)) idx0 = np.argsort(pix0[0]) idx1 = np.argsort(pix1[0]) pix0 = (pix0[0][idx0][:3], pix0[1][idx0][:3]) pix1 = (pix1[0][idx1][1:], pix1[1][idx1][1:]) patches.append(Polygon(np.vstack((pix0[0], pix0[1])).T, True)) patches.append(Polygon(np.vstack((pix1[0], pix1[1])).T, True)) data.append([i]) data.append([i]) else: polygon = Polygon(np.vstack((idx[0], idx[1])).T, True) patches.append(polygon) data.append([i]) p = PatchCollection(patches, linewidths=0, edgecolors="None") p.set_array(np.array(data)) ax.add_collection(p) ax.autoscale_view() ax.coords.grid(color="w", linestyle=":", linewidth=0.5) return fig, ax, p