Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""On-off bin stats computations."""

__all__ = ["Stats"]

[docs]class Stats: """Container for an on-off observation. Parameters ---------- n_on : array_like Observed number of counts in the on region n_off : array_like Observed number of counts in the off region a_on : array_like Relative background exposure of the on region a_off : array_like Relative background exposure in the off region """ # TODO: use numpy arrays and properties # TODO: add gamma exposure def __init__(self, n_on, n_off, a_on, a_off): self.n_on = n_on self.n_off = n_off self.a_on = a_on self.a_off = a_off @property def alpha(self): r"""Background exposure ratio (float). .. math:: \alpha = a_\mathrm{on} / a_\mathrm{off} """ return self.a_on / self.a_off @property def background(self): r"""Background estimate (float). .. math:: \mu_\mathrm{bg} = \alpha\ n_\mathrm{off} """ return self.alpha * self.n_off @property def excess(self): r"""Excess (float). .. math:: n_\mathrm{ex} = n_\mathrm{on} - \mu_\mathrm{bg} """ return self.n_on - self.background def __str__(self): keys = ["n_on", "n_off", "a_on", "a_off", "alpha", "background", "excess"] values = [ self.n_on, self.n_off, self.a_on, self.a_off, self.alpha, self.background, self.excess, ] return "\n".join(["{} = {}".format(k, v) for (k, v) in zip(keys, values)])