
class gammapy.spectrum.models.PowerLaw(index=2.0, amplitude='1e-12 cm-2 s-1 TeV-1', reference='1 TeV')[source]

Bases: gammapy.spectrum.models.SpectralModel

Spectral power-law model.

\[\phi(E) = \phi_0 \cdot \left( \frac{E}{E_0} \right)^{-\Gamma}\]
index : Quantity


amplitude : Quantity


reference : Quantity



This is how to plot the default PowerLaw model:

from astropy import units as u
from gammapy.spectrum.models import PowerLaw

pwl = PowerLaw()
pwl.plot(energy_range=[0.1, 100] * u.TeV)

Attributes Summary

parameters Parameters (Parameters)
pivot_energy The decorrelation energy is defined as:

Methods Summary

__call__(self, energy) Call self as a function.
copy(self) A deep copy.
energy_flux(self, emin, emax) Compute energy flux in given energy range analytically.
energy_flux_error(self, emin, emax, \*\*kwargs) Compute energy flux in given energy range analytically with error propagation.
evaluate(energy, index, amplitude, reference) Evaluate the model (static function).
evaluate_energy_flux(emin, emax, index, …) Evaluate the energy flux (static function)
evaluate_error(self, energy) Evaluate spectral model with error propagation.
evaluate_integral(emin, emax, index, …) Evaluate the model integral (static function).
from_dict(data) Create from dict.
integral(self, emin, emax, \*\*kwargs) Integrate power law analytically.
integral_error(self, emin, emax, \*\*kwargs) Integrate power law analytically with error propagation.
inverse(self, value) Return energy for a given function value of the spectral model.
plot(self, energy_range[, ax, energy_unit, …]) Plot spectral model curve.
plot_error(self, energy_range[, ax, …]) Plot spectral model error band.
spectral_index(self, energy[, epsilon]) Compute spectral index at given energy.
to_dict(self[, selection])

Attributes Documentation


Parameters (Parameters)


The decorrelation energy is defined as:

\[E_D = E_0 * \exp{cov(\phi_0, \Gamma) / (\phi_0 \Delta \Gamma^2)}\]

Formula (1) in https://arxiv.org/pdf/0910.4881.pdf


Methods Documentation

__call__(self, energy)

Call self as a function.


A deep copy.

energy_flux(self, emin, emax)[source]

Compute energy flux in given energy range analytically.

\[G(E_{min}, E_{max}) = \int_{E_{min}}^{E_{max}}E \phi(E)dE = \left. \phi_0 \frac{E_0^2}{-\Gamma + 2} \left( \frac{E}{E_0} \right)^{-\Gamma + 2} \right \vert _{E_{min}}^{E_{max}}\]
emin, emax : Quantity

Lower and upper bound of integration range.

energy_flux_error(self, emin, emax, **kwargs)[source]

Compute energy flux in given energy range analytically with error propagation.

emin, emax : Quantity

Lower and upper bound of integration range.

energy_flux, energy_flux_error : tuple of Quantity

Tuple of energy flux and energy flux error.

static evaluate(energy, index, amplitude, reference)[source]

Evaluate the model (static function).

static evaluate_energy_flux(emin, emax, index, amplitude, reference)[source]

Evaluate the energy flux (static function)

evaluate_error(self, energy)

Evaluate spectral model with error propagation.

energy : Quantity

Energy at which to evaluate

flux, flux_error : tuple of Quantity

Tuple of flux and flux error.

static evaluate_integral(emin, emax, index, amplitude, reference)[source]

Evaluate the model integral (static function).

classmethod from_dict(data)

Create from dict.

integral(self, emin, emax, **kwargs)[source]

Integrate power law analytically.

\[F(E_{min}, E_{max}) = \int_{E_{min}}^{E_{max}}\phi(E)dE = \left. \phi_0 \frac{E_0}{-\Gamma + 1} \left( \frac{E}{E_0} \right)^{-\Gamma + 1} \right \vert _{E_{min}}^{E_{max}}\]
emin, emax : Quantity

Lower and upper bound of integration range

integral_error(self, emin, emax, **kwargs)[source]

Integrate power law analytically with error propagation.

emin, emax : Quantity

Lower and upper bound of integration range.

integral, integral_error : tuple of Quantity

Tuple of integral flux and integral flux error.

inverse(self, value)[source]

Return energy for a given function value of the spectral model.

value : Quantity

Function value of the spectral model.

plot(self, energy_range, ax=None, energy_unit='TeV', flux_unit='cm-2 s-1 TeV-1', energy_power=0, n_points=100, **kwargs)

Plot spectral model curve.

kwargs are forwarded to matplotlib.pyplot.plot

By default a log-log scaling of the axes is used, if you want to change the y axis scaling to linear you can use:

from gammapy.spectrum.models import ExponentialCutoffPowerLaw
from astropy import units as u

pwl = ExponentialCutoffPowerLaw()
ax = pwl.plot(energy_range=(0.1, 100) * u.TeV)
ax : Axes, optional


energy_range : Quantity

Plot range

energy_unit : str, Unit, optional

Unit of the energy axis

flux_unit : str, Unit, optional

Unit of the flux axis

energy_power : int, optional

Power of energy to multiply flux axis with

n_points : int, optional

Number of evaluation nodes

ax : Axes, optional


plot_error(self, energy_range, ax=None, energy_unit='TeV', flux_unit='cm-2 s-1 TeV-1', energy_power=0, n_points=100, **kwargs)

Plot spectral model error band.


This method calls ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip') and ax.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip') to create a log-log representation. The additional argument nonposx='clip' avoids artefacts in the plot, when the error band extends to negative values (see also https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/8623).

When you call plt.loglog() or plt.semilogy() explicitely in your plotting code and the error band extends to negative values, it is not shown correctly. To circumvent this issue also use plt.loglog(nonposx='clip', nonposy='clip') or plt.semilogy(nonposy='clip').

ax : Axes, optional


energy_range : Quantity

Plot range

energy_unit : str, Unit, optional

Unit of the energy axis

flux_unit : str, Unit, optional

Unit of the flux axis

energy_power : int, optional

Power of energy to multiply flux axis with

n_points : int, optional

Number of evaluation nodes

**kwargs : dict

Keyword arguments forwarded to matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between

ax : Axes, optional


spectral_index(self, energy, epsilon=1e-05)

Compute spectral index at given energy.

energy : Quantity

Energy at which to estimate the index

epsilon : float

Fractional energy increment to use for determining the spectral index.

index : float

Estimated spectral index.

to_dict(self, selection='all')