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First analysis with gammapy library API¶
Understanding the gammapy data workflow, in particular what are DL3 events and intrument response functions (IRF).
Understanding of the data reduction and modeling fitting process as shown in the first gammapy analysis with the high level interface tutorial
This notebook is an introduction to gammapy analysis this time using the lower level classes and functions the library. This allows to understand what happens during two main gammapy analysis steps, data reduction and modeling/fitting.
Objective: Create a 3D dataset of the Crab using the H.E.S.S. DL3 data release 1 and perform a simple model fitting of the Crab nebula using the lower level gammapy API.
Proposed approach:¶
Here, we have to interact with the data archive (with the
) to retrieve a list of selected observations (
). Then, we define the geometry of the gammapy.cube.MapDataset
object we want to produce and the maker object that reduce an observation to a dataset.
We can then proceed with data reduction with a loop over all selected observations to produce datasets in the relevant geometry and stack them together (i.e. sum them all).
In practice, we have to: - Create a
poiting to the relevant data - Apply an observation selection to produce a list of observations, a
object. - Define a geometry of the Map we want to produce, with a sky projection and an energy range. - Create a gammapy.maps.MapAxis
for the energy - Create a gammapy.maps.WcsGeom
for the geometry - Create the necessary makers : - the map dataset maker : gammapy.cube.MapDatasetMaker
- the
background normalization maker, here a gammapy.cube.FoVBackgroundMaker
- and usually the safe range maker : gammapy.cube.SafeRangeMaker
- Perform the data reduction loop. And for every observation: - Apply the makers sequentially to produce the current gammapy.maps.MapDataset
- Stack it on the target one. - Define the gammapy.modeling.models.SkyModel
to apply to the dataset. - Create a gammapy.modeling.Fit
object and run it to fit the model parameters - Apply a
to compute flux points for the spectral part of the fit.
First, we setup the analysis by performing required imports.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from regions import CircleSkyRegion
from import DataStore
from gammapy.maps import WcsGeom, MapAxis, Map
from gammapy.cube import (
from gammapy.modeling.models import (
from gammapy.modeling import Fit
from gammapy.spectrum import FluxPointsEstimator
Defining the datastore and selecting observations¶
We first use the
object to access the observations we want to analyse. Here the H.E.S.S. DL3 DR1.
data_store = DataStore.from_dir("$GAMMAPY_DATA/hess-dl3-dr1")
We can now define an observation filter to select only the relevant observations. Here we use a cone search which we define with a python dict.
We then filter the ObservationTable
selection = dict(
lon="83.633 deg",
lat="22.014 deg",
radius="5 deg",
selected_obs_table = data_store.obs_table.select_observations(selection)
We can now retrieve the relevant observations by passing their obs_id
observations = data_store.get_observations(selected_obs_table["OBS_ID"])
Preparing reduced datasets geometry¶
Now we define a reference geometry for our analysis, We choose a WCS based geometry with a binsize of 0.02 deg and also define an energy axis:
energy_axis = MapAxis.from_energy_bounds(1.0, 10.0, 4, unit="TeV")
geom = WcsGeom.create(
skydir=(83.633, 22.014),
width=(2, 2),
# Reduced IRFs are defined in true energy (i.e. not measured energy).
energy_axis_true = MapAxis.from_energy_bounds(0.5, 20, 10, unit="TeV")
Now we can define the target dataset with this geometry.
stacked = MapDataset.create(
geom=geom, energy_axis_true=energy_axis_true, name="crab-stacked"
Data reduction¶
Create the maker classes to be used¶
The gammapy.cube.MapDatasetMaker
object is initialized as well as the gammapy.cube.SafeMaskMaker
that carries here a maximum offset selection.
offset_max = 2.5 * u.deg
maker = MapDatasetMaker()
maker_safe_mask = SafeMaskMaker(methods=["offset-max"], offset_max=offset_max)
circle = CircleSkyRegion(
center=SkyCoord("83.63 deg", "22.14 deg"), radius=0.2 * u.deg
data = geom.region_mask(regions=[circle], inside=False)
exclusion_mask = Map.from_geom(geom=geom, data=data)
maker_fov = FoVBackgroundMaker(method="fit", exclusion_mask=exclusion_mask)
Perform the data reduction loop¶
for obs in observations:
# First a cutout of the target map is produced
cutout = stacked.cutout(obs.pointing_radec, width=2 * offset_max)
# A MapDataset is filled in this cutout geometry
dataset =, obs)
# fit background model
dataset =
f"Background norm obs {obs.obs_id}: {dataset.background_model.norm.value:.2f}"
# The data quality cut is applied
dataset =, obs)
# The resulting dataset cutout is stacked onto the final one
Background norm obs 23523: 0.99
Background norm obs 23526: 1.08
Background norm obs 23559: 0.98
Background norm obs 23592: 1.09
CPU times: user 1.78 s, sys: 102 ms, total: 1.88 s
Wall time: 1.91 s
Inspect the reduced dataset¶
stacked.counts.sum_over_axes().smooth(0.05 * u.deg).plot(
stretch="sqrt", add_cbar=True
(<Figure size 432x288 with 2 Axes>,
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.WCSAxesSubplot at 0x1c1d3c9c88>,
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x1c1d4e3da0>)
Save dataset to disk¶
It is common to run the preparation step independent of the likelihood fit, because often the preparation of maps, PSF and energy dispersion is slow if you have a lot of data. We first create a folder:
path = Path("analysis_2")
And then write the maps and IRFs to disk by calling the dedicated gammapy.cube.MapDataset.write()
filename = path / "crab-stacked-dataset.fits.gz"
stacked.write(filename, overwrite=True)
Define the model¶
We first define the model, a SkyModel
, as the combination of a point source SpatialModel
with a powerlaw SpectralModel
target_position = SkyCoord(ra=83.63308, dec=22.01450, unit="deg")
spatial_model = PointSpatialModel(
lon_0=target_position.ra, lat_0=target_position.dec, frame="icrs"
spectral_model = PowerLawSpectralModel(
amplitude=4.712e-11 * u.Unit("1 / (cm2 s TeV)"),
reference=1 * u.TeV,
sky_model = SkyModel(
spatial_model=spatial_model, spectral_model=spectral_model, name="crab"
Now we assign this model to our reduced dataset:
stacked.models = sky_model
Fit the model¶
The gammapy.modeling.Fit
class is orchestrating the fit, connecting the stats
method of the dataset to the minimizer. By default, it uses iminuit
Its contructor takes a list of dataset as argument.
fit = Fit([stacked])
result ={"print_level": 1})
| FCN = 1.624E+04 | Ncalls=137 (137 total) |
| EDM = 5.25E-05 (Goal: 1E-05) | up = 1.0 |
| Valid Min. | Valid Param. | Above EDM | Reached call limit |
| True | True | False | False |
| Hesse failed | Has cov. | Accurate | Pos. def. | Forced |
| False | True | True | True | False |
CPU times: user 3.08 s, sys: 134 ms, total: 3.22 s
Wall time: 3.27 s
The FitResult
contains information on the fitted parameters.
name | value | error | unit | min | max | frozen |
str9 | float64 | float64 | str14 | float64 | float64 | bool |
lon_0 | 8.362e+01 | 3.116e-03 | deg | nan | nan | False |
lat_0 | 2.202e+01 | 2.965e-03 | deg | -9.000e+01 | 9.000e+01 | False |
index | 2.595e+00 | 1.000e-01 | nan | nan | False | |
amplitude | 4.590e-11 | 3.757e-12 | cm-2 s-1 TeV-1 | nan | nan | False |
reference | 1.000e+00 | 0.000e+00 | TeV | nan | nan | True |
norm | 9.370e-01 | 2.198e-02 | 0.000e+00 | nan | False | |
tilt | 0.000e+00 | 0.000e+00 | nan | nan | True | |
reference | 1.000e+00 | 0.000e+00 | TeV | nan | nan | True |
Inspecting residuals¶
For any fit it is usefull to inspect the residual images. We have a few option on the dataset object to handle this. First we can use .plot_residuals()
to plot a residual image, summed over all energies:
stacked.plot_residuals(method="diff/sqrt(model)", vmin=-0.5, vmax=0.5)
(<matplotlib.axes._subplots.WCSAxesSubplot at 0x1c1d761400>, None)
In addition we can aslo specify a region in the map to show the spectral residuals:
region = CircleSkyRegion(
center=SkyCoord("83.63 deg", "22.14 deg"), radius=0.5 * u.deg
region=region, method="diff/sqrt(model)", vmin=-0.5, vmax=0.5
(<matplotlib.axes._subplots.WCSAxesSubplot at 0x1c1fd84780>,
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1c1fc93160>)
We can also directly access the .residuals()
to get a map, that we can plot interactively:
residuals = stacked.residuals(method="diff")
residuals.smooth("0.08 deg").plot_interactive(
cmap="coolwarm", vmin=-0.1, vmax=0.1, stretch="linear", add_cbar=True
Inspecting fit statistic profiles¶
To check the quality of the fit it is also useful to plot fit statistic profiles for specific parameters. For this we use gammapy.modeling.Fit.stat_profile()
profile = fit.stat_profile(parameter="lon_0")
For a good fit and error estimate the profile should be parabolic, if we plot it:
total_stat = result.total_stat
plt.plot(profile["values"], profile["stat"] - total_stat)
plt.xlabel("Lon (deg)")
plt.ylabel("Delta TS")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Delta TS')
Plot the fitted spectrum¶
Making a butterfly plot¶
The SpectralModel
component can be used to produce a, so-called, butterfly plot showing the enveloppe of the model taking into account parameter uncertainties.
To do so, we have to copy the part of the covariance matrix stored on the FitResult
on the model parameters:
spec = sky_model.spectral_model
# set covariance on the spectral model
covar = result.parameters.get_subcovariance(spec.parameters)
spec.parameters.covariance = covar
Now we can actually do the plot using the plot_error
energy_range = [1, 10] * u.TeV
spec.plot(energy_range=energy_range, energy_power=2)
ax = spec.plot_error(energy_range=energy_range, energy_power=2)
Computing flux points¶
We can now compute some flux points using the gammapy.spectrum.FluxPointsEstimator
Besides the list of datasets to use, we must provide it the energy intervals on which to compute flux points as well as the model component name.
e_edges = [1, 2, 4, 10] * u.TeV
fpe = FluxPointsEstimator(datasets=[stacked], e_edges=e_edges, source="crab")
flux_points =
CPU times: user 1.78 s, sys: 42.7 ms, total: 1.83 s
Wall time: 1.85 s
ax = spec.plot_error(energy_range=energy_range, energy_power=2)
flux_points.plot(ax=ax, energy_power=2)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1c1bbbc710>