# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Dark matter spectra."""
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.table import Table
from gammapy.modeling import Parameter
from gammapy.modeling.models import SpectralModel, TemplateSpectralModel
from gammapy.utils.interpolation import LogScale
from gammapy.utils.scripts import make_path
__all__ = ["PrimaryFlux", "DarkMatterAnnihilationSpectralModel"]
[docs]class PrimaryFlux:
"""DM-annihilation gamma-ray spectra.
Based on the precomputed models by Cirelli et al. (2016). All available
annihilation channels can be found there. The dark matter mass will be set
to the nearest available value. The spectra will be available as
`~gammapy.modeling.models.TemplateSpectralModel` for a chosen dark matter mass and
annihilation channel.
* `2011JCAP...03..051 <https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011JCAP...03..051>`_
* Cirelli et al (2016): http://www.marcocirelli.net/PPPC4DMID.html
channel_registry = {
"eL": "eL",
"eR": "eR",
"e": "e",
"muL": r"\[Mu]L",
"muR": r"\[Mu]R",
"mu": r"\[Mu]",
"tauL": r"\[Tau]L",
"tauR": r"\[Tau]R",
"tau": r"\[Tau]",
"q": "q",
"c": "c",
"b": "b",
"t": "t",
"WL": "WL",
"WT": "WT",
"W": "W",
"ZL": "ZL",
"ZT": "ZT",
"Z": "Z",
"g": "g",
"gamma": r"\[Gamma]",
"h": "h",
"nu_e": r"\[Nu]e",
"nu_mu": r"\[Nu]\[Mu]",
"nu_tau": r"\[Nu]\[Tau]",
"V->e": "V->e",
"V->mu": r"V->\[Mu]",
"V->tau": r"V->\[Tau]",
table_filename = "$GAMMAPY_DATA/dark_matter_spectra/AtProduction_gammas.dat"
def __init__(self, mDM, channel):
self.table_path = make_path(self.table_filename)
if not self.table_path.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(
f"\n\nFile not found: {self.table_filename}\n"
"You may download the dataset needed with the following command:\n"
"gammapy download datasets --src dark_matter_spectra"
self.table = Table.read(
delimiter=" ",
self.mDM = mDM
self.channel = channel
def mDM(self):
"""Dark matter mass."""
return self._mDM
def mDM(self, mDM):
mDM_vals = self.table["mDM"].data
mDM_ = u.Quantity(mDM).to_value("GeV")
interp_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(mDM_vals - mDM_))
self._mDM = u.Quantity(mDM_vals[interp_idx], "GeV")
def allowed_channels(self):
"""List of allowed annihilation channels."""
return list(self.channel_registry.keys())
def channel(self):
"""Annihilation channel (str)."""
return self._channel
def channel(self, channel):
if channel not in self.allowed_channels:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid channel: {channel}\nAvailable: {self.allowed_channels}\n"
self._channel = channel
def table_model(self):
"""Spectrum as `~gammapy.modeling.models.TemplateSpectralModel`."""
subtable = self.table[self.table["mDM"] == self.mDM.value]
energies = (10 ** subtable["Log[10,x]"]) * self.mDM
channel_name = self.channel_registry[self.channel]
dN_dlogx = subtable[channel_name]
dN_dE = dN_dlogx / (energies * np.log(10))
return TemplateSpectralModel(
interp_kwargs={"fill_value": np.log(LogScale.tiny)},
[docs]class DarkMatterAnnihilationSpectralModel(SpectralModel):
r"""Dark matter annihilation spectral model.
The gamma-ray flux is computed as follows:
.. math::
\frac{\mathrm d \phi}{\mathrm d E} =
\frac{\langle \sigma\nu \rangle}{4\pi k m^2_{\mathrm{DM}}}
\frac{\mathrm d N}{\mathrm dE} \times J(\Delta\Omega)
mass : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Dark matter mass
channel : str
Annihilation channel for `~gammapy.astro.darkmatter.PrimaryFlux`
scale : float
Scale parameter for model fitting
jfactor : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Integrated J-Factor needed when `~gammapy.modeling.models.PointSpatialModel` spatial model is used
z: float
Redshift value
k: int
Type of dark matter particle (k:2 Majorana, k:4 Dirac)
This is how to instantiate a `DarkMatterAnnihilationSpectralModel` model::
from astropy import units as u
from gammapy.astro.darkmatter import DarkMatterAnnihilationSpectralModel
channel = "b"
massDM = 5000*u.Unit("GeV")
jfactor = 3.41e19 * u.Unit("GeV2 cm-5")
modelDM = DarkMatterAnnihilationSpectralModel(mass=massDM, channel=channel, jfactor=jfactor)
* `2011JCAP...03..051 <https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011JCAP...03..051>`_
THERMAL_RELIC_CROSS_SECTION = 3e-26 * u.Unit("cm3 s-1")
"""Thermally averaged annihilation cross-section"""
scale = Parameter("scale", 1)
def __init__(self, mass, channel, scale=scale.quantity, jfactor=1, z=0, k=2):
self.k = k
self.z = z
self.mass = mass
self.channel = channel
self.jfactor = jfactor
self.primary_flux = PrimaryFlux(mass, channel=self.channel).table_model
[docs] def evaluate(self, energy, scale):
"""Evaluate dark matter annihilation model."""
flux = (
* self.jfactor
* self.primary_flux(energy=energy * (1 + self.z))
/ self.k
/ self.mass
/ self.mass
/ (4 * np.pi)
return flux