
gammapy.cube.simulate_dataset(skymodel, geom, pointing, irfs, livetime=<Quantity 1. h>, offset=<Quantity 0. deg>, max_radius=<Quantity 0.8 deg>, random_state='random-seed')[source]

Simulate a 3D dataset.

Simulate a source defined with a sky model for a given pointing, geometry and irfs for a given exposure time. This will return a dataset object which includes the counts cube, the exposure cube, the psf cube, the background model and the sky model.

skymodel : SkyModel

Background model map

geom : WcsGeom

Geometry object for the observation

pointing : SkyCoord

Pointing position

irfs : dict

Irfs used for simulating the observation

livetime : Quantity

Livetime exposure of the simulated observation

offset : Quantity

Offset from the center of the pointing position. This is used for the PSF and Edisp estimation

max_radius : Angle

The maximum radius of the PSF kernel.

random_state: {int, ‘random-seed’, ‘global-rng’, `~numpy.random.RandomState`}

Defines random number generator initialisation.

dataset : MapDataset

A dataset of the simulated observation.