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Makers - Data reduction#
Data reduction: from observations to binned datasets
The gammapy.makers
sub-package contains classes to perform data
reduction tasks from DL3 data to binned datasets. In the data reduction
step the DL3 data is prepared for modeling and fitting, by binning
events into a counts map and interpolating the exposure, background, psf
and energy dispersion on the chosen analysis geometry.
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from regions import CircleSkyRegion
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display
from import DataStore
from gammapy.datasets import Datasets, MapDataset, SpectrumDataset
from gammapy.makers import (
from gammapy.maps import MapAxis, RegionGeom, WcsGeom
Check setup#
from gammapy.utils.check import check_tutorials_setup
python_executable : /home/runner/work/gammapy-docs/gammapy-docs/gammapy/.tox/build_docs/bin/python
python_version : 3.9.15
machine : x86_64
system : Linux
Gammapy package:
version : 1.0
path : /home/runner/work/gammapy-docs/gammapy-docs/gammapy/.tox/build_docs/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gammapy
Other packages:
numpy : 1.23.4
scipy : 1.9.3
astropy : 5.1.1
regions : 0.7
click : 8.1.3
yaml : 6.0
IPython : 8.6.0
jupyterlab : not installed
matplotlib : 3.6.2
pandas : not installed
healpy : 1.16.1
iminuit : 2.17.0
sherpa : 4.15.0
naima : 0.10.0
emcee : 3.1.3
corner : 2.2.1
Gammapy environment variables:
GAMMAPY_DATA : /home/runner/work/gammapy-docs/gammapy-docs/gammapy-datasets/1.0
The counts, exposure, background and IRF maps are bundled together in a
data structure named MapDataset
The first step of the data reduction is to create an empty dataset. A
can be created from any WcsGeom
object. This is illustrated in the following example:
energy_axis = MapAxis.from_bounds(
1, 10, nbin=11, name="energy", unit="TeV", interp="log"
geom = WcsGeom.create(
skydir=(83.63, 22.01),
width=5 * u.deg,
binsz=0.05 * u.deg,
dataset_empty = MapDataset.create(geom=geom)
Name : oPVGifzf
Total counts : 0
Total background counts : 0.00
Total excess counts : 0.00
Predicted counts : 0.00
Predicted background counts : 0.00
Predicted excess counts : nan
Exposure min : 0.00e+00 m2 s
Exposure max : 0.00e+00 m2 s
Number of total bins : 110000
Number of fit bins : 0
Fit statistic type : cash
Fit statistic value (-2 log(L)) : nan
Number of models : 0
Number of parameters : 0
Number of free parameters : 0
It is possible to compute the instrument response functions with different spatial and energy binnings as compared to the counts and background maps. For example, one can specify a true energy axis which defines the energy binning of the IRFs:
energy_axis_true = MapAxis.from_bounds(
0.3, 10, nbin=31, name="energy_true", unit="TeV", interp="log"
dataset_empty = MapDataset.create(geom=geom, energy_axis_true=energy_axis_true)
For the detail of the other options availables, you can always call the help:
Help on method create in module
create(geom, energy_axis_true=None, migra_axis=None, rad_axis=None, binsz_irf=None, reference_time='2000-01-01', name=None, meta_table=None, **kwargs) method of abc.ABCMeta instance
Create a MapDataset object with zero filled maps.
geom : `~gammapy.maps.WcsGeom`
Reference target geometry in reco energy, used for counts and background maps
energy_axis_true : `~gammapy.maps.MapAxis`
True energy axis used for IRF maps
migra_axis : `~gammapy.maps.MapAxis`
If set, this provides the migration axis for the energy dispersion map.
If not set, an EDispKernelMap is produced instead. Default is None
rad_axis : `~gammapy.maps.MapAxis`
Rad axis for the psf map
binsz_irf : float
IRF Map pixel size in degrees.
reference_time : `~astropy.time.Time`
the reference time to use in GTI definition
name : str
Name of the returned dataset.
meta_table : `~astropy.table.Table`
Table listing information on observations used to create the dataset.
One line per observation for stacked datasets.
empty_maps : `MapDataset`
A MapDataset containing zero filled maps
>>> from gammapy.datasets import MapDataset
>>> from gammapy.maps import WcsGeom, MapAxis
>>> energy_axis = MapAxis.from_energy_bounds(1.0, 10.0, 4, unit="TeV")
>>> energy_axis_true = MapAxis.from_energy_bounds(
0.5, 20, 10, unit="TeV", name="energy_true"
>>> geom = WcsGeom.create(
skydir=(83.633, 22.014),
binsz=0.02, width=(2, 2),
>>> empty = MapDataset.create(geom=geom, energy_axis_true=energy_axis_true, name="empty")
Once this empty “reference” dataset is defined, it can be filled with
observational data using the MapDatasetMaker
# get observation
data_store = DataStore.from_dir("$GAMMAPY_DATA/hess-dl3-dr1")
obs = data_store.get_observations([23592])[0]
# fill dataset
maker = MapDatasetMaker()
dataset =, obs)
dataset.counts.sum_over_axes().plot(stretch="sqrt", add_cbar=True)

Name : Cx0HGGDW
Total counts : 2016
Total background counts : 1866.72
Total excess counts : 149.28
Predicted counts : 1866.72
Predicted background counts : 1866.72
Predicted excess counts : nan
Exposure min : 1.19e+02 m2 s
Exposure max : 1.09e+09 m2 s
Number of total bins : 110000
Number of fit bins : 110000
Fit statistic type : cash
Fit statistic value (-2 log(L)) : nan
Number of models : 0
Number of parameters : 0
Number of free parameters : 0
<WCSAxesSubplot: >
The MapDatasetMaker
fills the corresponding counts
, background
, psf
and edisp
map per observation.
The MapDatasetMaker
has a selection
parameter, in case some of
the maps should not be computed. There is also a
parameter that defines the oversampling
factor in energy used to compute the bakcground (default is None).
Safe data range handling#
To exclude the data range from a MapDataset
, that is associated with
high systematics on instrument response functions, a mask_safe
can be defined. The mask_safe
is a Map
with bool
data type, which indicates for each pixel, whether it should be included in
the analysis. The convention is that a value of True
or 1
includes the pixel, while a value of False
or 0
excludes a
pixels from the analysis. To compute safe data range masks according to
certain criteria, Gammapy provides a SafeMaskMaker
class. The
different criteria are given by the methods
argument, available
options are :
aeff-default, uses the energy ranged specified in the DL3 data files, if available.
aeff-max, the lower energy threshold is determined such as the effective area is above a given percentage of its maximum
edisp-bias, the lower energy threshold is determined such as the energy bias is below a given percentage
offset-max, the data beyond a given offset radius from the observation center are excluded
bkg-peak, the energy threshold is defined as the upper edge of the energy bin with the highest predicted background rate. This method was introduced in the HESS DL3 validation paper:
Note that currently some methods computing a safe energy range (“aeff-default”, “aeff-max” and “edisp-bias”) determine a true energy range and
apply it to reconstructed energy, effectively neglecting the energy dispersion.
Multiple methods can be combined. Here is an example :
safe_mask_maker = SafeMaskMaker(
methods=["aeff-default", "offset-max"], offset_max="3 deg"
dataset =, obs)
dataset =, obs)

geom : WcsGeom
axes : ['lon', 'lat', 'energy']
shape : (100, 100, 11)
ndim : 3
unit :
dtype : bool
<WCSAxesSubplot: >
The SafeMaskMaker
does not modify any data, but only defines the
attribute. This means that the safe data range
can be defined and modified in between the data reduction and stacking
and fitting. For a joint-likelihood analysis of multiple observations
the safe mask is applied to the counts and predicted number of counts
map during fitting. This correctly accounts for contributions
(spill-over) by the PSF from outside the field of view.
Background estimation#
The background computed by the MapDatasetMaker
gives the number of
counts predicted by the background IRF of the observation. Because its
actual normalization, or even its spectral shape, might be poorly
constrained, it is necessary to correct it with the data themselves.
This is the role of background estimation Makers.
FoV background#
If the background energy dependent morphology is well reproduced by the
background model stored in the IRF, it might be that its normalization
is incorrect and that some spectral corrections are necessary. This is
made possible thanks to the FoVBackgroundMaker
. This
technique is recommended in most 3D data reductions. For more details
and usage, see fov_background.
Here we are going to use a FoVBackgroundMaker
will rescale the background model to the data excluding the region where
a known source is present. For more details on the way to create
exclusion masks see the mask maps notebook.
circle = CircleSkyRegion(center=geom.center_skydir, radius=0.2 * u.deg)
exclusion_mask = geom.region_mask([circle], inside=False)
fov_bkg_maker = FoVBackgroundMaker(method="scale", exclusion_mask=exclusion_mask)
dataset =
Other backgrounds production methods are available as listed below.
Ring background#
If the background model does not reproduce well the morphology, a
classical approach consists in applying local corrections by smoothing
the data with a ring kernel. This allows to build a set of OFF counts
taking into account the inperfect knowledge of the background. This is
implemented in the RingBackgroundMaker
transforms the Dataset in a MapDatasetOnOff
. This technique is
mostly used for imaging, and should not be applied for 3D modeling and
For more details and usage, see ring_background.
Reflected regions background#
In the absence of a solid background model, a classical technique in
Cherenkov astronomy for 1D spectral analysis is to estimate the
background in a number of OFF regions. When the background can be safely
estimated as radially symmetric w.r.t. the pointing direction, one can
apply the reflected regions background technique. This is implemented in
the ReflectedRegionsBackgroundMaker
which transforms
a SpectrumDataset
in a SpectrumDatasetOnOff
This method is only used for 1D spectral analysis.
For more details and usage, see reflected_background.
Data reduction loop#
The data reduction steps can be combined in a single loop to run a full
data reduction chain. For this the MapDatasetMaker
is run first and
the output dataset is the passed on to the next maker step. Finally the
dataset per observation is stacked into a larger map.
data_store = DataStore.from_dir("$GAMMAPY_DATA/hess-dl3-dr1")
observations = data_store.get_observations([23523, 23592, 23526, 23559])
energy_axis = MapAxis.from_bounds(
1, 10, nbin=11, name="energy", unit="TeV", interp="log"
geom = WcsGeom.create(skydir=(83.63, 22.01), axes=[energy_axis], width=5, binsz=0.02)
dataset_maker = MapDatasetMaker()
safe_mask_maker = SafeMaskMaker(
methods=["aeff-default", "offset-max"], offset_max="3 deg"
stacked = MapDataset.create(geom)
for obs in observations:
local_dataset = stacked.cutout(obs.pointing_radec, width="6 deg")
dataset =, obs)
dataset =, obs)
dataset =
Name : AMnCwv3w
Total counts : 7972
Total background counts : 7555.42
Total excess counts : 416.58
Predicted counts : 7555.42
Predicted background counts : 7555.42
Predicted excess counts : nan
Exposure min : 1.04e+06 m2 s
Exposure max : 3.22e+09 m2 s
Number of total bins : 687500
Number of fit bins : 687214
Fit statistic type : cash
Fit statistic value (-2 log(L)) : nan
Number of models : 0
Number of parameters : 0
Number of free parameters : 0
To maintain good performance it is always recommended to do a cutout of
the MapDataset
as shown above. In case you want to increase the
offset-cut later, you can also choose a larger width of the cutout than
2 * offset_max
Note that we stack the individual MapDataset
, which are computed per
observation into a larger dataset. During the stacking the safe data
range mask (mask_safe
) is applied by setting data outside
to zero, then data is added to the larger map dataset. To stack multiple
observations, the larger dataset must be created first.
The data reduction loop shown above can be done throught the
class that take as argument a list of makers. Note
that the order of the makers list is important as it determines their
execution order. Moreover the stack_datasets
option offers the
possibily to stack or not the output datasets, and the n_jobs
allow to use multiple processes on run.
global_dataset = MapDataset.create(geom)
makers = [dataset_maker, safe_mask_maker, fov_bkg_maker] # the order matter
datasets_maker = DatasetsMaker(makers, stack_datasets=False, n_jobs=1)
datasets =, observations)
Dataset 0:
Type : MapDataset
Name : bf9NIDjt
Instrument : HESS
Models : ['bf9NIDjt-bkg']
Dataset 1:
Type : MapDataset
Name : LsdEskpe
Instrument : HESS
Models : ['LsdEskpe-bkg']
Dataset 2:
Type : MapDataset
Name : 63FnQIY-
Instrument : HESS
Models : ['63FnQIY--bkg']
Dataset 3:
Type : MapDataset
Name : dAjxdKpd
Instrument : HESS
Models : ['dAjxdKpd-bkg']
Spectrum dataset#
The spectrum datasets represent 1D spectra along an energy axis whitin a
given on region. The SpectrumDataset
contains a counts spectrum, and
a background model. The SpectrumDatasetOnOff
contains ON and OFF
count spectra, background is implicitly modeled via the OFF counts
The SpectrumDatasetMaker
make spectrum dataset for a single
observation. In that case the irfs and background are computed at a
single fixed offset, which is recommend only for point-sources.
Here is an example of data reduction loop to create
# on region is given by the CircleSkyRegion previously defined
geom = RegionGeom.create(region=circle, axes=[energy_axis])
exclusion_mask_2d = exclusion_mask.reduce_over_axes(np.logical_or, keepdims=False)
spectrum_dataset_empty = SpectrumDataset.create(
geom=geom, energy_axis_true=energy_axis_true
spectrum_dataset_maker = SpectrumDatasetMaker(
containment_correction=False, selection=["counts", "exposure", "edisp"]
reflected_bkg_maker = ReflectedRegionsBackgroundMaker(exclusion_mask=exclusion_mask_2d)
safe_mask_masker = SafeMaskMaker(methods=["aeff-max"], aeff_percent=10)
datasets = Datasets()
for observation in observations:
dataset =
dataset_on_off =, observation)
dataset_on_off =, observation)
Dataset 0:
Type : SpectrumDatasetOnOff
Name : obs-23523
Instrument : HESS
Models :
Dataset 1:
Type : SpectrumDatasetOnOff
Name : obs-23592
Instrument : HESS
Models :
Dataset 2:
Type : SpectrumDatasetOnOff
Name : obs-23526
Instrument : HESS
Models :
Dataset 3:
Type : SpectrumDatasetOnOff
Name : obs-23559
Instrument : HESS
Models :
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 19.917 seconds)