Source code for gammapy.time.lightcurve_estimator

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import logging
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.time import Time
from gammapy.modeling import Datasets, Fit
from gammapy.modeling.models import ScaleSpectralModel
from gammapy.spectrum import FluxPoints
from gammapy.time import LightCurve
from gammapy.utils.table import table_from_row_data

__all__ = ["LightCurveEstimator"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def group_datasets_in_time_interval(datasets, time_intervals, atol="1e-6 s"):
    """Compute the table with the info on the group to which belong each dataset.

    The Tstart and Tstop are stored in MJD from a scale in "utc".

    datasets : list of `~gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumDataset` or `~gammapy.cube.MapDataset`
        Spectrum or Map datasets.
    time_intervals : list of `astropy.time.Time`
        Start and stop time for each interval to compute the LC
    atol : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Tolerance value for time comparison with different scale. Default 1e-6 sec.

    table_info : `~astropy.table.Table`
        Contains the grouping info for each dataset
    dataset_group_ID_table = Table(
        names=("Name", "Tstart", "Tstop", "Bin_type", "Group_ID"),
        meta={"name": "first table"},
        dtype=("S10", "f8", "f8", "S10", "i8"),
    time_intervals_lowedges = Time(
        [time_interval[0] for time_interval in time_intervals]
    time_intervals_upedges = Time(
        [time_interval[1] for time_interval in time_intervals]

    for dataset in datasets:
        tstart = dataset.gti.time_start[0]
        tstop = dataset.gti.time_stop[-1]
        mask1 = tstart >= time_intervals_lowedges - atol
        mask2 = tstop <= time_intervals_upedges + atol
        mask = mask1 & mask2
        if np.any(mask):
            group_index = np.where(mask)[0]
            bin_type = ""
            group_index = -1
            if np.any(mask1):
                bin_type = "Overflow"
            elif np.any(mask2):
                bin_type = "Underflow"
                bin_type = "Outflow"
            [, tstart.utc.mjd, tstop.utc.mjd, bin_type, group_index]

    return dataset_group_ID_table

[docs]class LightCurveEstimator: """Compute light curve. The estimator will fit the source model component to datasets in each of the time intervals provided. If no time intervals are provided, the estimator will use the time intervals defined by the datasets GTIs. To be included in the estimation, the dataset must have their GTI fully overlapping a time interval. Parameters ---------- datasets : list of `~gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumDataset` or `~gammapy.cube.MapDataset` Spectrum or Map datasets. time_intervals : list of `astropy.time.Time` Start and stop time for each interval to compute the LC source : str For which source in the model to compute the flux points. Default is '' norm_min : float Minimum value for the norm used for the fit statistic profile evaluation. norm_max : float Maximum value for the norm used for the fit statistic profile evaluation. norm_n_values : int Number of norm values used for the fit statistic profile. norm_values : `numpy.ndarray` Array of norm values to be used for the fit statistic profile. sigma : int Sigma to use for asymmetric error computation. sigma_ul : int Sigma to use for upper limit computation. reoptimize : bool reoptimize other parameters during fit statistic scan? """ def __init__( self, datasets, time_intervals=None, source="", norm_min=0.2, norm_max=5, norm_n_values=11, norm_values=None, sigma=1, sigma_ul=2, reoptimize=False, ): self.datasets = Datasets(datasets) if not self.datasets.is_all_same_type and self.datasets.is_all_same_shape: raise ValueError( "Light Curve estimation requires a list of datasets" " of the same type and data shape." ) if time_intervals is None: time_intervals = [ Time([d.gti.time_start[0], d.gti.time_stop[-1]]) for d in self.datasets ] self._check_and_sort_time_intervals(time_intervals) dataset = self.datasets[0] if len(dataset.models) > 1: model = dataset.models[source].spectral_model else: model = dataset.models[0].spectral_model self.model = ScaleSpectralModel(model) self.model.norm.min = 0 self.model.norm.max = 1e5 if norm_values is None: norm_values = np.logspace( np.log10(norm_min), np.log10(norm_max), norm_n_values ) self.norm_values = norm_values self.sigma = sigma self.sigma_ul = sigma_ul self.reoptimize = reoptimize self.source = source self.group_table_info = None def _check_and_sort_time_intervals(self, time_intervals): """Sort the time_intervals by increasing time if not already ordered correctly. Parameters ---------- time_intervals : list of `astropy.time.Time` Start and stop time for each interval to compute the LC """ time_start = Time([interval[0] for interval in time_intervals]) time_stop = Time([interval[1] for interval in time_intervals]) sorted_indices = time_start.argsort() time_start_sorted = time_start[sorted_indices] time_stop_sorted = time_stop[sorted_indices] diff_time_stop = np.diff(time_stop_sorted) diff_time_interval_edges = time_start_sorted[1:] - time_stop_sorted[:-1] if np.any(diff_time_stop < 0) or np.any(diff_time_interval_edges < 0): raise ValueError("LightCurveEstimator requires non-overlapping time bins.") else: self.time_intervals = [ Time([tstart, tstop]) for tstart, tstop in zip(time_start_sorted, time_stop_sorted) ] def _set_scale_model(self, datasets): for dataset in datasets: if len(dataset.models) > 1: dataset.models[self.source].spectral_model = self.model else: dataset.models[0].spectral_model = self.model @property def ref_model(self): return self.model.model
[docs] def run(self, e_ref, e_min, e_max, steps="all", atol="1e-6 s"): """Run light curve extraction. Normalize integral and energy flux between emin and emax. Parameters ---------- e_ref : `~astropy.units.Quantity` reference energy of dnde flux normalization e_min : `~astropy.units.Quantity` minimum energy of integral and energy flux normalization interval e_max : `~astropy.units.Quantity` minimum energy of integral and energy flux normalization interval steps : list of str Which steps to execute. Available options are: * "err": estimate symmetric error. * "errn-errp": estimate asymmetric errors. * "ul": estimate upper limits. * "ts": estimate ts and sqrt(ts) values. * "norm-scan": estimate fit statistic profiles. By default all steps are executed. atol : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Tolerance value for time comparison with different scale. Default 1e-6 sec. Returns ------- lightcurve : `~gammapy.time.LightCurve` the Light Curve object """ atol = u.Quantity(atol) self.e_ref = e_ref self.e_min = e_min self.e_max = e_max rows = [] self.group_table_info = group_datasets_in_time_interval( datasets=self.datasets, time_intervals=self.time_intervals, atol=atol ) if np.all(self.group_table_info["Group_ID"] == -1): raise ValueError("LightCurveEstimator: No datasets in time intervals") for igroup, time_interval in enumerate(self.time_intervals): index_dataset = np.where(self.group_table_info["Group_ID"] == igroup)[0] if len(index_dataset) == 0: log.debug("No Dataset for the time interval " + str(igroup)) continue row = {"time_min": time_interval[0].mjd, "time_max": time_interval[1].mjd} interval_list_dataset = Datasets( [self.datasets[int(_)].copy() for _ in index_dataset] ) self._set_scale_model(interval_list_dataset) row.update( self.estimate_time_bin_flux(interval_list_dataset, time_interval, steps) ) rows.append(row) table = table_from_row_data(rows=rows, meta={"SED_TYPE": "likelihood"}) table = FluxPoints(table).to_sed_type("flux").table return LightCurve(table)
[docs] def estimate_time_bin_flux(self, datasets, time_interval, steps="all"): """Estimate flux point for a single energy group. Parameters ---------- datasets : `~gammapy.modeling.Datasets` the list of dataset object time_interval : astropy.time.Time` Start and stop time for each interval steps : list of str Which steps to execute. Available options are: * "err": estimate symmetric error. * "errn-errp": estimate asymmetric errors. * "ul": estimate upper limits. * "ts": estimate ts and sqrt(ts) values. * "norm-scan": estimate likelihood profiles. By default all steps are executed. Returns ------- result : dict Dict with results for the flux point. """ = Fit([datasets]) result = { "e_ref": self.e_ref, "e_min": self.e_min, "e_max": self.e_max, "ref_dnde": self.ref_model(self.e_ref), "ref_flux": self.ref_model.integral(self.e_min, self.e_max), "ref_eflux": self.ref_model.energy_flux(self.e_min, self.e_max), "ref_e2dnde": self.ref_model(self.e_ref) * self.e_ref ** 2, } result.update(self.estimate_norm()) if not result.pop("success"): log.warning( "Fit failed for time bin between {t_min} and {t_max}," " setting NaN.".format( t_min=time_interval[0].mjd, t_max=time_interval[1].mjd ) ) if steps == "all": steps = ["err", "counts", "errp-errn", "ul", "ts", "norm-scan"] if "err" in steps: result.update(self.estimate_norm_err()) if "counts" in steps: result.update(self.estimate_counts(datasets)) if "ul" in steps: result.update(self.estimate_norm_ul(datasets)) if "errp-errn" in steps: result.update(self.estimate_norm_errn_errp()) if "ts" in steps: result.update(self.estimate_norm_ts(datasets)) if "norm-scan" in steps: result.update(self.estimate_norm_scan()) return result
# TODO : most of the following code is copied from FluxPointsEstimator, can it be restructured?
[docs] def estimate_norm_errn_errp(self): """Estimate asymmetric errors for a flux point. Returns ------- result : dict Dict with asymmetric errors for the flux point norm. """ result =, sigma=self.sigma) return {"norm_errp": result["errp"], "norm_errn": result["errn"]}
[docs] def estimate_norm_err(self): """Estimate covariance errors for a flux point. Returns ------- result : dict Dict with symmetric error for the flux point norm. """ result = norm_err = result.parameters.error(self.model.norm) return {"norm_err": norm_err}
[docs] def estimate_counts(self, datasets): """Estimate counts for the flux point. Parameters ---------- datasets : `~gammapy.modeling.Datasets` the list of dataset object Returns ------- result : dict Dict with an array with one entry per dataset with counts for the flux point. """ counts = [] for dataset in datasets: mask = dataset.mask counts.append([mask].sum()) return {"counts": np.array(counts, dtype=int).sum()}
[docs] def estimate_norm_ul(self, datasets): """Estimate upper limit for a flux point. Parameters ---------- datasets : `~gammapy.modeling.Datasets` the list of dataset object Returns ------- result : dict Dict with upper limit for the flux point norm. """ norm = self.model.norm # TODO: the minuit backend has convergence problems when the fit statistic is not # of parabolic shape, which is the case, when there are zero counts in the # energy bin. For this case we change to the scipy backend. counts = self.estimate_counts(datasets)["counts"] if np.all(counts == 0): result = parameter=norm, sigma=self.sigma_ul, backend="scipy", reoptimize=self.reoptimize, ) else: result =, sigma=self.sigma_ul) return {"norm_ul": result["errp"] + norm.value}
[docs] def estimate_norm_ts(self, datasets): """Estimate ts and sqrt(ts) for the flux point. Parameters ---------- datasets : `~gammapy.modeling.Datasets` the list of dataset object Returns ------- result : dict Dict with ts and sqrt(ts) for the flux point. """ stat = datasets.stat_sum() # store best fit amplitude, set amplitude of fit model to zero self.model.norm.value = 0 self.model.norm.frozen = True if self.reoptimize: _ = stat_null = datasets.stat_sum() # compute sqrt TS ts = np.abs(stat_null - stat) sqrt_ts = np.sqrt(ts) return {"sqrt_ts": sqrt_ts, "ts": ts}
[docs] def estimate_norm_scan(self): """Estimate fit statistic profile for the norm parameter. Returns ------- result : dict Keys "norm_scan", "stat_scan" """ result = self.model.norm, values=self.norm_values, reoptimize=self.reoptimize ) return {"norm_scan": result["values"], "stat_scan": result["stat"]}
[docs] def estimate_norm(self): """Fit norm of the flux point. Returns ------- result : dict Dict with "norm" and "stat" for the flux point. """ # start optimization with norm=1 self.model.norm.value = 1.0 self.model.norm.frozen = False result = if result.success: norm = self.model.norm.value else: norm = np.nan return {"norm": norm, "stat": result.total_stat, "success": result.success}