Source code for gammapy.estimators.ts_map

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Functions to compute TS images."""
import functools
import logging
import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from import MapEvaluator
from gammapy.maps import Map, WcsGeom
from gammapy.modeling.models import PointSpatialModel, PowerLawSpectralModel, SkyModel
from gammapy.stats import (
from gammapy.utils.array import shape_2N, symmetric_crop_pad_width

__all__ = ["TSMapEstimator"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

RTOL = 1e-3

def round_up_to_odd(f):
    return int(np.ceil(f) // 2 * 2 + 1)

def _extract_array(array, shape, position):
    """Helper function to extract parts of a larger array.

    Simple implementation of an array extract function , because
    `~astropy.ndata.utils.extract_array` introduces too much overhead.`

    array : `~numpy.ndarray`
        The array from which to extract.
    shape : tuple or int
        The shape of the extracted array.
    position : tuple of numbers or number
        The position of the small array's center with respect to the
        large array.
    x_width = shape[1] // 2
    y_width = shape[0] // 2
    y_lo = position[0] - y_width
    y_hi = position[0] + y_width + 1
    x_lo = position[1] - x_width
    x_hi = position[1] + x_width + 1
    return array[y_lo:y_hi, x_lo:x_hi]

def f_cash(x, counts, background, model):
    """Wrapper for cash statistics, that defines the model function.

    x : float
        Model amplitude.
    counts : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Count image slice, where model is defined.
    background : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Background image slice, where model is defined.
    model : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Source template (multiplied with exposure).
    return cash_sum_cython(
        counts.ravel(), (background + x * FLUX_FACTOR * model).ravel()

[docs]class TSMapEstimator: r"""Compute TS map from a MapDataset using different optimization methods. The map is computed fitting by a single parameter amplitude fit. The fit is simplified by finding roots of the the derivative of the fit statistics using various root finding algorithms. The approach is described in Appendix A in Stewart (2009). Parameters ---------- model : `~gammapy.modeling.model.SkyModel` Source model kernel. If set to None, assume point source model, PointSpatialModel. kernel_width : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Width of the kernel to use: the kernel will be truncated at this size downsampling_factor : int Sample down the input maps to speed up the computation. Only integer values that are a multiple of 2 are allowed. Note that the kernel is not sampled down, but must be provided with the downsampled bin size. method : str ('root') The following options are available: * ``'root brentq'`` (default) Fit amplitude by finding the roots of the the derivative of the fit statistics using the brentq method. * ``'root newton'`` Fit amplitude by finding the roots of the the derivative of the fit statistics using Newton's method. * ``'leastsq iter'`` Fit the amplitude by an iterative least square fit, that can be solved analytically. error_method : ['covar', 'conf'] Error estimation method. error_sigma : int (1) Sigma for flux error. ul_method : ['covar', 'conf'] Upper limit estimation method. ul_sigma : int (2) Sigma for flux upper limits. threshold : float (None) If the TS value corresponding to the initial flux estimate is not above this threshold, the optimizing step is omitted to save computing time. rtol : float (0.001) Relative precision of the flux estimate. Used as a stopping criterion for the amplitude fit. Notes ----- Negative :math:`TS` values are defined as following: .. math:: TS = \left \{ \begin{array}{ll} -TS \text{ if } F < 0 \\ TS \text{ else} \end{array} \right. Where :math:`F` is the fitted flux amplitude. References ---------- [Stewart2009]_ """ def __init__( self, model=None, kernel_width="0.2 deg", downsampling_factor=None, method="root brentq", error_method="covar", error_sigma=1, ul_method="covar", ul_sigma=2, threshold=None, rtol=0.001, ): if method not in ["root brentq", "root newton", "leastsq iter"]: raise ValueError(f"Not a valid method: '{method}'") if error_method not in ["covar", "conf"]: raise ValueError(f"Not a valid error method '{error_method}'") self.kernel_width = Angle(kernel_width) if model is None: model = SkyModel( spectral_model=PowerLawSpectralModel(), spatial_model=PointSpatialModel(), ) self.model = model self.downsampling_factor = downsampling_factor self.parameters = { "method": method, "error_method": error_method, "error_sigma": error_sigma, "ul_method": ul_method, "ul_sigma": ul_sigma, "threshold": threshold, "rtol": rtol, }
[docs] def get_kernel(self, dataset): """Set the convolution kernel for the input dataset. Convolves the model with the PSFKernel at the center of the dataset. If no PSFMap or PSFKernel is found the dataset, the model is used without convolution. """ # TODO: further simplify the code below geom = dataset.counts.geom if self.downsampling_factor: geom = geom.downsample(self.downsampling_factor) model = self.model.copy() model.spatial_model.position = geom.center_skydir binsz = np.mean(geom.pixel_scales) width_pix = self.kernel_width / binsz npix = round_up_to_odd(width_pix.to_value("")) axis = dataset.exposure.geom.get_axis_by_name("energy_true") geom = WcsGeom.create( skydir=model.position, proj="TAN", npix=npix, axes=[axis], binsz=binsz ) exposure = Map.from_geom(geom, unit="cm2 s1") += 1.0 # We use global evaluation mode to not modify the geometry evaluator = MapEvaluator(model, evaluation_mode="global") evaluator.update(exposure, dataset.psf, dataset.edisp, dataset.counts.geom) kernel = evaluator.compute_npred().sum_over_axes() /= if (self.kernel_width > geom.width).any(): raise ValueError( "Kernel shape larger than map shape, please adjust" " size of the kernel" ) return kernel
[docs] @staticmethod def flux_default(dataset, kernel): """Estimate default flux map using a given kernel. Parameters ---------- dataset : `~gammapy.cube.MapDataset` Input dataset. kernel : `~numpy.ndarray` Source model kernel. Returns ------- flux_approx : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap` Approximate flux map (2D). """ flux = dataset.counts - dataset.npred() flux = flux.sum_over_axes(keepdims=False) flux /= dataset.exposure.sum_over_axes(keepdims=False) flux /= np.sum(kernel ** 2) return flux.convolve(kernel)
[docs] @staticmethod def mask_default(exposure, background, kernel): """Compute default mask where to estimate TS values. Parameters ---------- exposure : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Input exposure map. background : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Input background map. kernel : `~numpy.ndarray` Source model kernel. Returns ------- mask : `gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap` Mask map. """ mask = np.zeros(, dtype=int) # mask boundary slice_x = slice(kernel.shape[1] // 2, -kernel.shape[1] // 2 + 1) slice_y = slice(kernel.shape[0] // 2, -kernel.shape[0] // 2 + 1) mask[slice_y, slice_x] = 1 # positions where exposure == 0 are not processed mask &= > 0 # in some image there are pixels, which have exposure, but zero # background, which doesn't make sense and causes the TS computation # to fail, this is a temporary fix mask[background == 0] = 0 return exposure.copy(data=mask.astype("int"), unit="")
[docs] @staticmethod def sqrt_ts(map_ts): r"""Compute sqrt(TS) map. Compute sqrt(TS) as defined by: .. math:: \sqrt{TS} = \left \{ \begin{array}{ll} -\sqrt{-TS} & : \text{if} \ TS < 0 \\ \sqrt{TS} & : \text{else} \end{array} \right. Parameters ---------- map_ts : `gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap` Input TS map. Returns ------- sqrt_ts : `gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap` Sqrt(TS) map. """ with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"): ts = sqrt_ts = np.where(ts > 0, np.sqrt(ts), -np.sqrt(-ts)) return map_ts.copy(data=sqrt_ts)
[docs] def run(self, dataset, steps="all"): """ Run TS map estimation. Requires a MapDataset with counts, exposure and background_model properly set to run. Parameters ---------- dataset : `~gammapy.datasets.MapDataset` Input MapDataset. steps : list of str or 'all' Which maps to compute. Available options are: * "ts": estimate delta TS and significance (sqrt_ts) * "flux-err": estimate symmetric error on flux. * "flux-ul": estimate upper limits on flux. By default all steps are executed. Returns ------- maps : dict Dictionary containing result maps. Keys are: * ts : delta TS map * sqrt_ts : sqrt(delta TS), or significance map * flux : flux map * flux_err : symmetric error map * flux_ul : upper limit map """ p = self.parameters # First create 2D map arrays counts = dataset.counts.sum_over_axes(keepdims=False) background = dataset.npred().sum_over_axes(keepdims=False) exposure = dataset.exposure.sum_over_axes(keepdims=False) kernel = self.get_kernel(dataset) if dataset.mask is not None: mask = counts.copy(data=(dataset.mask.sum(axis=0) > 0).astype("int")) else: mask = counts.copy(data=np.ones_like(counts).astype("int")) if self.downsampling_factor: shape = pad_width = symmetric_crop_pad_width(shape, shape_2N(shape))[0] counts = counts.pad(pad_width).downsample( self.downsampling_factor, preserve_counts=True ) background = background.pad(pad_width).downsample( self.downsampling_factor, preserve_counts=True ) exposure = exposure.pad(pad_width).downsample( self.downsampling_factor, preserve_counts=False ) mask = mask.pad(pad_width).downsample( self.downsampling_factor, preserve_counts=False ) ="int") &= self.mask_default(exposure, background, if steps == "all": steps = ["ts", "sqrt_ts", "flux", "flux_err", "flux_ul", "niter"] result = {} for name in steps: data = np.nan * np.ones_like( result[name] = counts.copy(data=data) flux_map = self.flux_default(dataset, if p["threshold"] or p["method"] == "root newton": flux = else: flux = None # prepare dtype for cython methods counts_array = background_array = exposure_array = # Compute null statistics per pixel for the whole image c_0 = cash(counts_array, background_array) error_method = p["error_method"] if "flux_err" in steps else "none" ul_method = p["ul_method"] if "flux_ul" in steps else "none" wrap = functools.partial( _ts_value, counts=counts_array, exposure=exposure_array, background=background_array, c_0=c_0,, flux=flux, method=p["method"], error_method=error_method, threshold=p["threshold"], error_sigma=p["error_sigma"], ul_method=ul_method, ul_sigma=p["ul_sigma"], rtol=p["rtol"], ) x, y = np.where(np.squeeze( positions = list(zip(x, y)) results = list(map(wrap, positions)) # Set TS values at given positions j, i = zip(*positions) for name in ["ts", "flux", "niter"]: result[name].data[j, i] = [_[name] for _ in results] if "flux_err" in steps: result["flux_err"].data[j, i] = [_["flux_err"] for _ in results] if "flux_ul" in steps: result["flux_ul"].data[j, i] = [_["flux_ul"] for _ in results] # Compute sqrt(TS) values if "sqrt_ts" in steps: result["sqrt_ts"] = self.sqrt_ts(result["ts"]) if self.downsampling_factor: for name in steps: order = 0 if name == "niter" else 1 result[name] = result[name].upsample( factor=self.downsampling_factor, preserve_counts=False, order=order ) result[name] = result[name].crop(crop_width=pad_width) # Set correct units if "flux" in steps: result["flux"].unit = flux_map.unit if "flux_err" in steps: result["flux_err"].unit = flux_map.unit if "flux_ul" in steps: result["flux_ul"].unit = flux_map.unit return result
def __repr__(self): p = self.parameters info = self.__class__.__name__ info += "\n\nParameters:\n\n" for key in p: info += f"\t{key:13s}: {p[key]}\n" return info
def _ts_value( position, counts, exposure, background, c_0, kernel, flux, method, error_method, error_sigma, ul_method, ul_sigma, threshold, rtol, ): """Compute TS value at a given pixel position. Uses approach described in Stewart (2009). Parameters ---------- position : tuple (i, j) Pixel position. counts : `~numpy.ndarray` Counts image background : `~numpy.ndarray` Background image exposure : `~numpy.ndarray` Exposure image kernel : `astropy.convolution.Kernel2D` Source model kernel flux : `~numpy.ndarray` Flux image. The flux value at the given pixel position is used as starting value for the minimization. Returns ------- TS : float TS value at the given pixel position. """ # Get data slices counts_ = _extract_array(counts, kernel.shape, position) background_ = _extract_array(background, kernel.shape, position) exposure_ = _extract_array(exposure, kernel.shape, position) c_0_ = _extract_array(c_0, kernel.shape, position) model = exposure_ * kernel c_0 = c_0_.sum() if threshold is not None: with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"): amplitude = flux[position] c_1 = f_cash(amplitude / FLUX_FACTOR, counts_, background_, model) # Don't fit if pixel significance is low if c_0 - c_1 < threshold: result = {} result["ts"] = (c_0 - c_1) * np.sign(amplitude) result["flux"] = amplitude result["niter"] = 0 result["flux_err"] = np.nan result["flux_ul"] = np.nan return result if method == "root brentq": amplitude, niter = _root_amplitude_brentq( counts_, background_, model, rtol=rtol ) elif method == "root newton": amplitude, niter = _root_amplitude( counts_, background_, model, flux[position], rtol=rtol ) elif method == "leastsq iter": amplitude, niter = _leastsq_iter_amplitude( counts_, background_, model, rtol=rtol ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid method: {method}") with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"): c_1 = f_cash(amplitude, counts_, background_, model) result = {} result["ts"] = (c_0 - c_1) * np.sign(amplitude) result["flux"] = amplitude * FLUX_FACTOR result["niter"] = niter if error_method == "covar": flux_err = _compute_flux_err_covar(amplitude, counts_, background_, model) result["flux_err"] = flux_err * error_sigma elif error_method == "conf": flux_err = _compute_flux_err_conf( amplitude, counts_, background_, model, c_1, error_sigma ) result["flux_err"] = FLUX_FACTOR * flux_err if ul_method == "covar": result["flux_ul"] = result["flux"] + ul_sigma * result["flux_err"] elif ul_method == "conf": flux_ul = _compute_flux_err_conf( amplitude, counts_, background_, model, c_1, ul_sigma ) result["flux_ul"] = FLUX_FACTOR * flux_ul + result["flux"] return result def _leastsq_iter_amplitude(counts, background, model, maxiter=MAX_NITER, rtol=RTOL): """Fit amplitude using an iterative least squares algorithm. Parameters ---------- counts : `~numpy.ndarray` Slice of counts image background : `~numpy.ndarray` Slice of background image model : `~numpy.ndarray` Model template to fit. maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations. rtol : float Relative flux error. Returns ------- amplitude : float Fitted flux amplitude. niter : int Number of function evaluations needed for the fit. """ bounds = amplitude_bounds_cython(counts, background, model) amplitude_min, amplitude_max, amplitude_min_total = bounds if not counts.sum() > 0: return amplitude_min_total, 0 weights = np.ones(model.shape) x_old = 0 for i in range(maxiter): x = x_best_leastsq(counts, background, model, weights) if abs((x - x_old) / x) < rtol: return max(x / FLUX_FACTOR, amplitude_min_total), i + 1 else: weights = x * model + background x_old = x return max(x / FLUX_FACTOR, amplitude_min_total), MAX_NITER def _root_amplitude(counts, background, model, flux, rtol=RTOL): """Fit amplitude by finding roots using newton algorithm. See Appendix A Stewart (2009). Parameters ---------- counts : `~numpy.ndarray` Slice of count image background : `~numpy.ndarray` Slice of background image model : `~numpy.ndarray` Model template to fit. flux : float Starting value for the fit. Returns ------- amplitude : float Fitted flux amplitude. niter : int Number of function evaluations needed for the fit. """ args = (counts, background, model) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") try: return ( scipy.optimize.newton( f_cash_root_cython, flux, args=args, maxiter=MAX_NITER, tol=rtol ), 0, ) except RuntimeError: # Where the root finding fails NaN is set as amplitude return np.nan, MAX_NITER def _root_amplitude_brentq(counts, background, model, rtol=RTOL): """Fit amplitude by finding roots using Brent algorithm. See Appendix A Stewart (2009). Parameters ---------- counts : `~numpy.ndarray` Slice of count image background : `~numpy.ndarray` Slice of background image model : `~numpy.ndarray` Model template to fit. Returns ------- amplitude : float Fitted flux amplitude. niter : int Number of function evaluations needed for the fit. """ # Compute amplitude bounds and assert counts > 0 bounds = amplitude_bounds_cython(counts, background, model) amplitude_min, amplitude_max, amplitude_min_total = bounds if not counts.sum() > 0: return amplitude_min_total, 0 args = (counts, background, model) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") try: result = scipy.optimize.brentq( f_cash_root_cython, amplitude_min, amplitude_max, args=args, maxiter=MAX_NITER, full_output=True, rtol=rtol, ) return max(result[0], amplitude_min_total), result[1].iterations except (RuntimeError, ValueError): # Where the root finding fails NaN is set as amplitude return np.nan, MAX_NITER def _compute_flux_err_covar(x, counts, background, model): """ Compute amplitude errors using inverse 2nd derivative method. """ with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"): stat = (model ** 2 * counts) / (background + x * FLUX_FACTOR * model) ** 2 return np.sqrt(1.0 / stat.sum()) def _compute_flux_err_conf(amplitude, counts, background, model, c_1, error_sigma): """ Compute amplitude errors using likelihood profile method. """ def ts_diff(x, counts, background, model): return (c_1 + error_sigma ** 2) - f_cash(x, counts, background, model) args = (counts, background, model) amplitude_max = amplitude + 1e4 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") try: result = scipy.optimize.brentq( ts_diff, amplitude, amplitude_max, args=args, maxiter=MAX_NITER, rtol=1e-3, ) return result - amplitude except (RuntimeError, ValueError): # Where the root finding fails NaN is set as amplitude return np.nan