Source code for gammapy.utils.testing

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Utilities for testing"""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
import os
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

__all__ = [

# Cache for `requires_dependency`
_requires_dependency_cache = dict()

[docs]def requires_dependency(name): """Decorator to declare required dependencies for tests. Examples -------- :: from gammapy.utils.testing import requires_dependency @requires_dependency('scipy') def test_using_scipy(): import scipy ... """ import pytest if name in _requires_dependency_cache: skip_it = _requires_dependency_cache[name] else: try: __import__(name) skip_it = False except ImportError: skip_it = True _requires_dependency_cache[name] = skip_it reason = "Missing dependency: {}".format(name) return pytest.mark.skipif(skip_it, reason=reason)
def has_data(name): """Is a certain set of data available? """ if name == "gammapy-extra": from ..datasets import gammapy_extra return gammapy_extra.is_available elif name == "gamma-cat": return "GAMMA_CAT" in os.environ elif name == "fermi-lat": return "GAMMAPY_FERMI_LAT_DATA" in os.environ else: raise ValueError("Invalid name: {}".format(name))
[docs]def requires_data(name): """Decorator to declare required data for tests. Examples -------- :: from gammapy.utils.testing import requires_data from gammapy.datasets import gammapy_extra @requires_data('gammapy-extra') def test_using_data_files(): filename = gammapy_extra.filename('...') ... """ import pytest skip_it = not has_data(name) reason = "Missing data: {}".format(name) return pytest.mark.skipif(skip_it, reason=reason)
def run_cli(cli, args, exit_code=0): """Run Click command line tool. Thin wrapper around `click.testing.CliRunner` that prints info to stderr if the command fails. Parameters ---------- cli : click.Command Click command args : list of str Argument list exit_code : int Expected exit code of the command Returns ------- result : `click.testing.Result` Result """ from click.testing import CliRunner result = CliRunner().invoke(cli, args, catch_exceptions=False) if result.exit_code != exit_code: sys.stderr.write("Exit code mismatch!\n") sys.stderr.write("Ouput:\n") sys.stderr.write(result.output) return result
[docs]def assert_wcs_allclose(wcs1, wcs2): """Assert all-close for `~astropy.wcs.WCS` """ # TODO: implement properly assert_allclose(wcs1.wcs.cdelt, wcs2.wcs.cdelt)
[docs]def assert_skycoord_allclose(actual, desired): """Assert all-close for `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`. - Frames can be different, aren't checked at the moment. """ assert isinstance(actual, SkyCoord) assert isinstance(desired, SkyCoord) assert_allclose(, assert_allclose(,
[docs]def assert_time_allclose(actual, desired, atol=1e-3): """Assert that two `astropy.time.Time` objects are almost the same. atol is absolute tolerance in seconds. """ assert isinstance(actual, Time) assert isinstance(desired, Time) assert actual.scale == desired.scale assert actual.format == desired.format dt = actual - desired assert_allclose(dt.sec, 0, rtol=0, atol=atol)
[docs]def assert_quantity_allclose(actual, desired, rtol=1.0e-7, atol=None, **kwargs): # TODO: change this later to explicitly check units are the same! # assert actual.unit == desired.unit args = _unquantify_allclose_arguments(actual, desired, rtol, atol) assert_allclose(*args, **kwargs)
def _unquantify_allclose_arguments(actual, desired, rtol, atol): actual = u.Quantity(actual, subok=True, copy=False) desired = u.Quantity(desired, subok=True, copy=False) try: desired = except u.UnitsError: raise u.UnitsError( "Units for 'desired' ({0}) and 'actual' ({1}) " "are not convertible".format(desired.unit, actual.unit) ) if atol is None: # by default, we assume an absolute tolerance of 0 atol = u.Quantity(0) else: atol = u.Quantity(atol, subok=True, copy=False) try: atol = except u.UnitsError: raise u.UnitsError( "Units for 'atol' ({0}) and 'actual' ({1}) " "are not convertible".format(atol.unit, actual.unit) ) rtol = u.Quantity(rtol, subok=True, copy=False) try: rtol = except Exception: raise u.UnitsError("`rtol` should be dimensionless") return actual.value, desired.value, rtol.value, atol.value def mpl_plot_check(): """Matplotlib plotting test context manager. It create a new figure on __enter__ and calls savefig for the current figure in __exit__. This will trigger a render of the Figure, which can sometimes raise errors if there is a problem. This is writing to an in-memory byte buffer, i.e. is faster than writing to disk. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from io import BytesIO class MPLPlotCheck(object): def __enter__(self): plt.figure() def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): plt.savefig(BytesIO(), format="png") plt.close() return MPLPlotCheck()
[docs]class Checker(object): """Base class for checker classes in Gammapy."""
[docs] def run(self, checks="all"): if checks == "all": checks = self.CHECKS.keys() unknown_checks = sorted(set(checks).difference(self.CHECKS.keys())) if unknown_checks: raise ValueError("Unknown checks: {!r}".format(unknown_checks)) for check in checks: for record in getattr(self, self.CHECKS[check])(): yield record