Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import logging
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.units import Quantity
from gammapy.irf import Background3D
from gammapy.utils.fits import earth_location_from_dict
from gammapy.utils.table import table_row_to_dict
from gammapy.utils.testing import Checker
from gammapy.utils.time import time_ref_from_dict
from ..irf import load_cta_irfs
from .event_list import EventListChecker
from .filters import ObservationFilter
from .gti import GTI
from .pointing import FixedPointingInfo

__all__ = ["DataStoreObservation", "Observations", "Observation"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DataStoreObservation: """IACT data store observation. Parameters ---------- obs_id : int Observation ID data_store : `` Data store obs_filter : ``, optional Filter for the observation """ def __init__(self, obs_id, data_store, obs_filter=None): # Assert that `obs_id` is available if obs_id not in data_store.obs_table["OBS_ID"]: raise ValueError(f"OBS_ID = {obs_id} not in obs index table.") if obs_id not in data_store.hdu_table["OBS_ID"]: raise ValueError(f"OBS_ID = {obs_id} not in HDU index table.") self.obs_id = obs_id self.data_store = data_store self.obs_filter = obs_filter or ObservationFilter() def __str__(self): ss = f"Info for OBS_ID = {self.obs_id}\n" ss += f"- Start time: {self.tstart.mjd:.2f}\n" ss += "- Pointing pos: RA {:.2f} / Dec {:.2f}\n".format( self.pointing_radec.ra, self.pointing_radec.dec ) ss += f"- Observation duration: {self.observation_time_duration}\n" ss += "- Dead-time fraction: {:5.3f} %\n".format( 100 * self.observation_dead_time_fraction ) # TODO: Which target was observed? # TODO: print info about available HDUs for this observation ... return ss
[docs] def location(self, hdu_type=None, hdu_class=None): """HDU location object. Parameters ---------- hdu_type : str HDU type (see ``) hdu_class : str HDU class (see ``) Returns ------- location : `` HDU location """ return self.data_store.hdu_table.hdu_location( obs_id=self.obs_id, hdu_type=hdu_type, hdu_class=hdu_class )
[docs] def load(self, hdu_type=None, hdu_class=None): """Load data file as appropriate object. Parameters ---------- hdu_type : str HDU type (see ``) hdu_class : str HDU class (see ``) Returns ------- object : object Object depends on type, e.g. for `events` it's a ``. """ location = self.location(hdu_type=hdu_type, hdu_class=hdu_class) return location.load()
@property def events(self): """Load `` object and apply the filter.""" events = self.load(hdu_type="events") return self.obs_filter.filter_events(events) @property def gti(self): """Load `` object and apply the filter.""" try: gti = self.load(hdu_type="gti") except IndexError: # For now we support data without GTI HDUs # TODO: if GTI becomes required, we should drop this case # CTA discussion in # Added in Gammapy in gti = self.data_store.obs_table.create_gti(obs_id=self.obs_id) return self.obs_filter.filter_gti(gti) @property def aeff(self): """Load effective area object.""" return self.load(hdu_type="aeff") @property def edisp(self): """Load energy dispersion object.""" return self.load(hdu_type="edisp") @property def psf(self): """Load point spread function object.""" return self.load(hdu_type="psf") @property def bkg(self): """Load background object.""" return self.load(hdu_type="bkg") @property def obs_info(self): """Observation information (`dict`).""" row = self.data_store.obs_table.select_obs_id(obs_id=self.obs_id)[0] return table_row_to_dict(row) @property def tstart(self): """Observation start time (`~astropy.time.Time`).""" met_ref = time_ref_from_dict(self.data_store.obs_table.meta) met = Quantity(self.obs_info["TSTART"].astype("float64"), "second") time = met_ref + met return time @property def tstop(self): """Observation stop time (`~astropy.time.Time`).""" met_ref = time_ref_from_dict(self.data_store.obs_table.meta) met = Quantity(self.obs_info["TSTOP"].astype("float64"), "second") time = met_ref + met return time @property def observation_time_duration(self): """Observation time duration in seconds (`~astropy.units.Quantity`). The wall time, including dead-time. """ return self.gti.time_sum @property def observation_live_time_duration(self): """Live-time duration in seconds (`~astropy.units.Quantity`). The dead-time-corrected observation time. Computed as ``t_live = t_observation * (1 - f_dead)`` where ``f_dead`` is the dead-time fraction. """ return self.gti.time_sum * (1 - self.observation_dead_time_fraction) @property def observation_dead_time_fraction(self): """Dead-time fraction (float). Defined as dead-time over observation time. Dead-time is defined as the time during the observation where the detector didn't record events: The dead-time fraction is used in the live-time computation, which in turn is used in the exposure and flux computation. """ return 1 - self.obs_info["DEADC"] @property def pointing_radec(self): """Pointing RA / DEC sky coordinates (`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`).""" lon, lat = self.obs_info["RA_PNT"], self.obs_info["DEC_PNT"] return SkyCoord(lon, lat, unit="deg", frame="icrs") @property def pointing_altaz(self): """Pointing ALT / AZ sky coordinates (`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`).""" alt, az = self.obs_info["ALT_PNT"], self.obs_info["AZ_PNT"] return SkyCoord(az, alt, unit="deg", frame="altaz") @property def pointing_zen(self): """Pointing zenith angle sky (`~astropy.units.Quantity`).""" return Quantity(self.obs_info["ZEN_PNT"], unit="deg") @property def fixed_pointing_info(self): """Fixed pointing info for this observation (`FixedPointingInfo`).""" return FixedPointingInfo( @property def target_radec(self): """Target RA / DEC sky coordinates (`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`).""" lon, lat = self.obs_info["RA_OBJ"], self.obs_info["DEC_OBJ"] return SkyCoord(lon, lat, unit="deg", frame="icrs") @property def observatory_earth_location(self): """Observatory location (`~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`).""" return earth_location_from_dict(self.obs_info) @property def muoneff(self): """Observation muon efficiency.""" return self.obs_info["MUONEFF"]
[docs] def peek(self, figsize=(12, 10)): """Quick-look plots in a few panels.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ((ax_aeff, ax_bkg), (ax_psf, ax_edisp)) = plt.subplots( nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw={"wspace": 0.25, "hspace": 0.25}, ) self.aeff.plot(ax=ax_aeff) try: if isinstance(self.bkg, Background3D): bkg = self.bkg.to_2d() else: bkg = self.bkg bkg.plot(ax=ax_bkg) except IndexError: logging.warning(f"No background model found for obs {self.obs_id}.") self.psf.plot_containment_vs_energy(ax=ax_psf) self.edisp.plot_bias(ax=ax_edisp, add_cbar=True) ax_aeff.set_title("Effective area") ax_bkg.set_title("Background rate") ax_psf.set_title("Point spread function") ax_edisp.set_title("Energy dispersion")
[docs] def select_time(self, time_interval): """Select a time interval of the observation. Parameters ---------- time_interval : `astropy.time.Time` Start and stop time of the selected time interval. For now we only support a single time interval. Returns ------- new_obs : `` A new observation instance of the specified time interval """ new_obs_filter = self.obs_filter.copy() new_obs_filter.time_filter = time_interval return self.__class__( obs_id=self.obs_id, data_store=self.data_store, obs_filter=new_obs_filter )
[docs] def check(self, checks="all"): """Run checks. This is a generator that yields a list of dicts. """ checker = ObservationChecker(self) return
[docs]class Observations( """Container class that holds a list of observations. Parameters ---------- observations : list A list of `` """ def __init__(self, observations=None): self._observations = observations or [] def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, str): key = self.ids.index(key) return self._observations[key] def __len__(self): return len(self._observations) def __str__(self): s = self.__class__.__name__ + "\n" s += "Number of observations: {}\n".format(len(self)) for obs in self: s += str(obs) return s @property def ids(self): """List of obs IDs (`list`)""" return [str(obs.obs_id) for obs in self]
[docs] def select_time(self, time_intervals): """Select a time interval of the observations. Parameters ---------- time_intervals : `astropy.time.Time` or list of `astropy.time.Time` list of Start and stop time of the time intervals or one Time interval Returns ------- new_observations : `` A new Observations instance of the specified time intervals """ new_obs_list = [] if isinstance(time_intervals, Time): time_intervals = [time_intervals] for time_interval in time_intervals: for obs in self: if (obs.tstart < time_interval[1]) & (obs.tstop > time_interval[0]): new_obs = obs.select_time(time_interval) new_obs_list.append(new_obs) return self.__class__(new_obs_list)
[docs]class Observation: """In-memory observation. Parameters ---------- obs_id : int Observation ID as identifier pointing : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Pointing position in icrs coordinates aeff : `~gammapy.irf.EffectiveAreaTable2D` Effective area used for simulating the observation edisp : `~gammapy.irf.EnergyDispersion2D` Energy dispersion IRF for simulating the observation psf : `~gammapy.irf.PSF3D` PSF IRF used for simulating the observation bkg : `~gammapy.irf.Background3D` Background rate model gti : `` Table with GTI start and stop time deadtime : float, optional Deadtime fraction, defaults to 0 """ def __init__( self, obs_id=None, gti=None, pointing=None, aeff=None, edisp=None, psf=None, bkg=None, deadtime_fraction=0.0, ): self.obs_id = obs_id self.pointing_radec = pointing self.aeff = aeff self.edisp = edisp self.psf = psf self.bkg = bkg self.gti = gti self.observation_dead_time_fraction = deadtime_fraction def __str__(self): ss = "Info for OBS_ID = {}\n".format(self.obs_id) ss += "- Pointing pos: RA {:.2f} / Dec {:.2f}\n".format( self.pointing_radec.ra, self.pointing_radec.dec ) ss += "- Livetime duration: {}\n".format(self.observation_live_time_duration) return ss @property def tstart(self): return self.gti.time_start[0] @property def tstop(self): return self.gti.time_stop[0] @property def observation_time_duration(self): return self.gti.time_delta[0] @property def observation_live_time_duration(self): return self.observation_time_duration * ( 1 - self.observation_dead_time_fraction )
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, pointing, obs_id=None, livetime=None, tstart=None, tstop=None, irfs=None, deadtime_fraction=0.0, ): """Create an observation. User must either provide the livetime, or the start and stop times. Parameters ---------- pointing : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Pointing position obs_id : int Observation ID as identifier livetime : ~astropy.units.Quantity` Livetime exposure of the simulated observation tstart : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Start time of observation tstop : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Stop time of observation irfs : dict IRFs used for simulating the observation: `bkg`, `aeff`, `psf`, `edisp` deadtime_fraction : float, optional Deadtime fraction, defaults to 0 Returns ------- obs : `` """ tstart = tstart or Quantity(0.0, "hr") tstop = (tstart + livetime) or tstop gti = GTI.create([tstart], [tstop]) obs_id = obs_id or 1 return cls( obs_id=obs_id, pointing=pointing.icrs, gti=gti, aeff=irfs.get("aeff"), bkg=irfs.get("bkg"), edisp=irfs.get("edisp"), psf=irfs.get("psf"), deadtime_fraction=deadtime_fraction, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_caldb( cls, pointing, obs_id=None, livetime=None, tstart=None, tstop=None, caldb="prod2", irf="South0.5hr", deadtime_fraction=0.0, ): """Create an observation using IRFs from a given CTA CALDB. Parameters ---------- pointing : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Pointing position obs_id : int Observation ID as identifier livetime : ~astropy.units.Quantity` Livetime exposure of the simulated observation tstart : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Start time of observation tstop : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Stop time of observation caldb : str Calibration database irf : str Type of Instrumental response function. deadtime_fraction : float, optional Deadtime fraction, defaults to 0 Returns ------- obs : `` """ from .data_store import CalDBIRF irf_loc = CalDBIRF("CTA", caldb, irf) filename = irf_loc.file_dir + irf_loc.file_name irfs = load_cta_irfs(filename) cls.create( pointing=pointing, obs_id=obs_id, livetime=livetime, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop, irfs=irfs, deadtime_fraction=deadtime_fraction, )
class ObservationChecker(Checker): """Check an observation. Checks data format and a bit about the content. """ CHECKS = { "events": "check_events", "gti": "check_gti", "aeff": "check_aeff", "edisp": "check_edisp", "psf": "check_psf", } def __init__(self, observation): self.observation = observation def _record(self, level="info", msg=None): return {"level": level, "obs_id": self.observation.obs_id, "msg": msg} def check_events(self): yield self._record(level="debug", msg="Starting events check") try: events = self.observation.load("events") except Exception: yield self._record(level="warning", msg="Loading events failed") return yield from EventListChecker(events).run() # TODO: split this out into a GTIChecker def check_gti(self): yield self._record(level="debug", msg="Starting gti check") try: gti = self.observation.load("gti") except Exception: yield self._record(level="warning", msg="Loading GTI failed") return if len(gti.table) == 0: yield self._record(level="error", msg="GTI table has zero rows") columns_required = ["START", "STOP"] for name in columns_required: if name not in gti.table.colnames: yield self._record(level="error", msg=f"Missing table column: {name!r}") # TODO: Check that header keywords agree with table entries # TSTART, TSTOP, MJDREFI, MJDREFF # Check that START and STOP times are consecutive # times = np.ravel(self.table['START'], self.table['STOP']) # # TODO: not sure this is correct ... add test with a multi-gti table from Fermi. # if not np.all(np.diff(times) >= 0): # yield 'GTIs are not consecutive or sorted.' # TODO: add reference times for all instruments and check for this # Use TELESCOP header key to check which instrument it is. def _check_times(self): """Check if various times are consistent. The headers and tables of the FITS EVENTS and GTI extension contain various observation and event time information. """ # # telescope_met_refs = { "FERMI": Time("2001-01-01T00:00:00"), "HESS": Time("2001-01-01T00:00:00"), } meta = self.dset.event_list.table.meta telescope = meta["TELESCOP"] if telescope in telescope_met_refs.keys(): dt = self.time_ref - telescope_met_refs[telescope] if dt > self.accuracy["time"]: yield self._record( level="error", msg="Reference time incorrect for telescope" ) def check_aeff(self): yield self._record(level="debug", msg="Starting aeff check") try: aeff = self.observation.load("aeff") except Exception: yield self._record(level="warning", msg="Loading aeff failed") return # Check that thresholds are meaningful for aeff if ( "LO_THRES" in aeff.meta and "HI_THRES" in aeff.meta and aeff.meta["LO_THRES"] >= aeff.meta["HI_THRES"] ): yield self._record( level="error", msg="LO_THRES >= HI_THRES in effective area meta data" ) # Check that data isn't all null if np.max( <= 0: yield self._record( level="error", msg="maximum entry of effective area is <= 0" ) def check_edisp(self): yield self._record(level="debug", msg="Starting edisp check") try: edisp = self.observation.load("edisp") except Exception: yield self._record(level="warning", msg="Loading edisp failed") return # Check that data isn't all null if np.max( <= 0: yield self._record(level="error", msg="maximum entry of edisp is <= 0") def check_psf(self): yield self._record(level="debug", msg="Starting psf check") try: self.observation.load("psf") except Exception: yield self._record(level="warning", msg="Loading psf failed") return # TODO: implement some basic check # The following doesn't work, because EnergyDependentMultiGaussPSF # has no attribute `data` # Check that data isn't all null # if np.max( <= 0: # yield self._record( # level="error", msg="maximum entry of psf is <= 0" # )