Source code for gammapy.catalog.registry

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from astropy.table import Table
from .fermi import (
from .gammacat import SourceCatalogGammaCat
from .hawc import SourceCatalog2HWC
from .hess import SourceCatalogHGPS

__all__ = ["source_catalogs", "SourceCatalogRegistry"]

[docs]class SourceCatalogRegistry: """Source catalog registry. Provides simple and efficient access to source catalogs by lazy-loading and caching catalog objects. You should use these catalogs read-only, if you modify them you can get non-reproducible results if you access the modified version later on. """ def __init__(self): self._available_catalogs = {} self._loaded_catalogs = {}
[docs] @classmethod def builtins(cls): """Create a catalog registry containing the built-in catalogs.""" cats = cls() cats.register("hgps", SourceCatalogHGPS) cats.register("gamma-cat", SourceCatalogGammaCat) cats.register("3fgl", SourceCatalog3FGL) cats.register("1fhl", SourceCatalog1FHL) cats.register("2fhl", SourceCatalog2FHL) cats.register("3fhl", SourceCatalog3FHL) cats.register("2hwc", SourceCatalog2HWC) return cats
@property def catalog_names(self): """Catalog names (list of str).""" return list(self._available_catalogs.keys())
[docs] def register(self, name, cls, args=()): """Register a source catalog. It must be possible to load it via ``cls(*args)``. """ self._available_catalogs[name] = {"cls": cls, "args": args}
def __getitem__(self, name): if name not in self._available_catalogs: msg = f"Unknown catalog: {name!r}. " msg += f"Available catalogs: {self.catalog_names!r}" raise KeyError(msg) if name not in self._loaded_catalogs: cat = self._available_catalogs[name] self._loaded_catalogs[name] = cat["cls"](*cat["args"]) return self._loaded_catalogs[name]
[docs] def info(self): """Print summary info about catalogs.""" print("Source catalog registry:") self.info_table.pprint()
@property def info_table(self): """Summary info table on catalogs. Loads all catalogs. """ rows = [] for name in self._available_catalogs.keys(): cat = self[name] rows.append( { "name": name, "description": cat.description, "sources": len(cat.table), } ) return Table(rows=rows, names=["name", "description", "sources"])
source_catalogs = SourceCatalogRegistry.builtins() """Registry of built-in catalogs in Gammapy."""