Source code for gammapy.scripts.analysis

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Session class driving the high-level interface API"""
import copy
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import Angle, SkyCoord
from regions import CircleSkyRegion
import jsonschema
import yaml
from gammapy.cube import MapDataset, MapMakerObs
from import BINSZ_IRF
from import DataStore, ObservationTable
from gammapy.maps import Map, MapAxis, WcsGeom
from gammapy.modeling import Datasets, Fit
from gammapy.modeling.models import SkyModels
from gammapy.modeling.serialize import dict_to_models
from gammapy.spectrum import (
from gammapy.utils.scripts import make_path, read_yaml

__all__ = ["Analysis", "AnalysisConfig"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONFIG_PATH = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "config"
SCHEMA_FILE = CONFIG_PATH / "schema.yaml"
DOCS_FILE = CONFIG_PATH / "docs.yaml"

    "basic": "template-basic.yaml",
    "1d": "template-1d.yaml",
    "3d": "template-3d.yaml",

[docs]class Analysis: """Config-driven high-level analysis interface. It is initialized by default with a set of configuration parameters and values declared in an internal configuration schema YAML file, though the user can also provide configuration parameters passed as a nested dictionary at the moment of instantiation. In that case these parameters will overwrite the default values of those present in the configuration file. For more info see :ref:`HLI`. Parameters ---------- config : dict or `AnalysisConfig` Configuration options following `AnalysisConfig` schema """ def __init__(self, config=None): if isinstance(config, dict): self._config = AnalysisConfig(config) elif isinstance(config, AnalysisConfig): self._config = config else: raise ValueError("Dict or `AnalysiConfig` object required.") self._set_logging() self.observations = None self.background_estimator = None self.datasets = None self.extraction = None self.model = None = None self.fit_result = None self.flux_points = None @property def config(self): """Analysis configuration (`AnalysisConfig`)""" return self._config @property def settings(self): """Configuration settings for the analysis session.""" return self.config.settings
[docs] def get_observations(self): """Fetch observations from the data store according to criteria defined in the configuration.""" self.config.validate()"Fetching observations.") datastore_path = make_path(self.settings["observations"]["datastore"]) if datastore_path.is_file(): datastore = DataStore().from_file(datastore_path) elif datastore_path.is_dir(): datastore = DataStore().from_dir(datastore_path) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Datastore {datastore_path} not found.") ids = set() selection = dict() for criteria in self.settings["observations"]["filters"]: selected_obs = ObservationTable() # TODO: Reduce significantly the code. # This block would be handled by datastore.obs_table.select_observations selection["type"] = criteria["filter_type"] for key, val in criteria.items(): if key in ["lon", "lat", "radius", "border"]: val = Angle(val) selection[key] = val if selection["type"] == "angle_box": selection["type"] = "par_box" selection["value_range"] = Angle(criteria["value_range"]) if selection["type"] == "sky_circle" or selection["type"].endswith("_box"): selected_obs = datastore.obs_table.select_observations(selection) if selection["type"] == "par_value": mask = ( datastore.obs_table[criteria["variable"]] == criteria["value_param"] ) selected_obs = datastore.obs_table[mask] if selection["type"] == "ids": obs_list = datastore.get_observations(criteria["obs_ids"]) selected_obs["OBS_ID"] = [obs.obs_id for obs in obs_list.list] if selection["type"] == "all": obs_list = datastore.get_observations() selected_obs["OBS_ID"] = [obs.obs_id for obs in obs_list.list] if len(selected_obs): if "exclude" in criteria and criteria["exclude"]: ids.difference_update(selected_obs["OBS_ID"].tolist()) else: ids.update(selected_obs["OBS_ID"].tolist()) self.observations = datastore.get_observations(ids, skip_missing=True) for obs in self.observations.list:
[docs] def get_datasets(self): """Produce reduced datasets.""" if not self._validate_reduction_settings(): return False if self.settings["datasets"]["dataset-type"] == "SpectrumDatasetOnOff": self._spectrum_extraction() elif self.settings["datasets"]["dataset-type"] == "MapDataset": self._map_making() else: # TODO raise error?"Data reduction method not available.") return False
[docs] def set_model(self, model=None, filename=""): """Read the model from dict or filename and attach it to datasets. Parameters ---------- model: dict or string Dictionary or string in YAML format with the serialized model. filename : string Name of the model YAML file describing the model. """ if not self._validate_set_model(): return False"Reading model.") if isinstance(model, str): model = yaml.safe_load(model) if model: self.model = SkyModels(dict_to_models(model)) elif filename: filepath = make_path(filename) self.model = SkyModels.from_yaml(filepath) else: return False # TODO: Deal with multiple components for dataset in self.datasets.datasets: if isinstance(dataset, MapDataset): dataset.model = self.model else: if len(self.model.skymodels) > 1: raise ValueError( "Can only fit a single spectral model at one time." ) dataset.model = self.model.skymodels[0].spectral_model
[docs] def run_fit(self, optimize_opts=None): """Fitting reduced datasets to model.""" if not self._validate_fitting_settings(): return False for ds in self.datasets.datasets: # TODO: fit_range handled in jsonschema validation class if "fit_range" in self.settings["fit"]: e_min = u.Quantity(self.settings["fit"]["fit_range"]["min"]) e_max = u.Quantity(self.settings["fit"]["fit_range"]["max"]) if isinstance(ds, MapDataset): ds.mask_fit = ds.counts.geom.energy_mask(e_min, e_max) else: ds.mask_fit = ds.counts.energy_mask(e_min, e_max)"Fitting reduced datasets.") = Fit(self.datasets) self.fit_result =
[docs] def get_flux_points(self, source="source"): """Calculate flux points for a specific model component. Parameters ---------- source : string Name of the model component where to calculate the flux points. """ if not self._validate_fp_settings(): return False # TODO: add "source" to config"Calculating flux points.") axis_params = self.settings["flux-points"]["fp_binning"] e_edges = MapAxis.from_bounds(**axis_params).edges flux_point_estimator = FluxPointsEstimator( e_edges=e_edges, datasets=self.datasets, source=source ) fp = fp.table["is_ul"] = fp.table["ts"] < 4 model = self.model[source].spectral_model.copy() self.flux_points = FluxPointsDataset(data=fp, model=model) cols = ["e_ref", "ref_flux", "dnde", "dnde_ul", "dnde_err", "is_ul"]"\n{}".format([cols]))
@staticmethod def _create_geometry(params): """Create the geometry.""" # TODO: handled in jsonschema validation class geom_params = copy.deepcopy(params) axes = [] for axis_params in geom_params.get("axes", []): ax = MapAxis.from_bounds(**axis_params) axes.append(ax) geom_params["axes"] = axes geom_params["skydir"] = tuple(geom_params["skydir"]) return WcsGeom.create(**geom_params) def _map_making(self): """Make maps and datasets for 3d analysis.""""Creating geometry.") geom = self._create_geometry(self.settings["datasets"]["geom"]) if "geom-irf" in self.settings["datasets"]: geom_irf = self._create_geometry(self.settings["datasets"]["geom-irf"]) else: geom_irf = geom.to_binsz(binsz=BINSZ_IRF) offset_max = Angle(self.settings["datasets"]["offset-max"]) stack_datasets = self.settings["datasets"]["stack-datasets"]"Creating datasets.") if stack_datasets: stacked = MapDataset.create(geom=geom, geom_irf=geom_irf, name="stacked") for obs in self.observations: dataset = self._get_dataset(obs, geom, geom_irf, offset_max) stacked.stack(dataset) self._extract_irf_kernels(stacked) datasets = [stacked] else: datasets = [] for obs in self.observations: dataset = self._get_dataset(obs, geom, geom_irf, offset_max) self._extract_irf_kernels(dataset) datasets.append(dataset) self.datasets = Datasets(datasets) @staticmethod def _get_dataset(obs, geom, geom_irf, offset_max): position, width = obs.pointing_radec, 2 * offset_max geom_cutout = geom.cutout(position=position, width=width) geom_irf_cutout = geom_irf.cutout(position=position, width=width) maker = MapMakerObs( observation=obs, geom=geom_cutout, geom_true=geom_irf_cutout, offset_max=offset_max, ) return def _extract_irf_kernels(self, dataset): # TODO: remove hard-coded default value max_radius = self.settings["datasets"].get("psf-kernel-radius", "0.6 deg") # TODO: handle IRF maps in fit geom = dataset.counts.geom geom_irf = dataset.exposure.geom position = geom.center_skydir geom_psf = geom.to_image().to_cube(geom_irf.axes) dataset.psf = dataset.psf.get_psf_kernel( position=position, geom=geom_psf, max_radius=max_radius ) e_reco = geom.get_axis_by_name("energy").edges dataset.edisp = dataset.edisp.get_energy_dispersion( position=position, e_reco=e_reco ) def _set_logging(self): """Set logging parameters for API.""" logging.basicConfig(**self.settings["general"]["logging"]) "Setting logging config: {!r}".format(self.settings["general"]["logging"]) ) def _spectrum_extraction(self): """Run all steps for the spectrum extraction.""" region = self.settings["datasets"]["geom"]["region"]"Reducing spectrum datasets.") on_lon = Angle(region["center"][0]) on_lat = Angle(region["center"][1]) on_center = SkyCoord(on_lon, on_lat, frame=region["frame"]) on_region = CircleSkyRegion(on_center, Angle(region["radius"])) background_params = {"on_region": on_region} background = self.settings["datasets"]["background"] if "exclusion_mask" in background: map_hdu = {} filename = background["exclusion_mask"]["filename"] if "hdu" in background["exclusion_mask"]: map_hdu = {"hdu": background["exclusion_mask"]["hdu"]} exclusion_region =, **map_hdu) background_params["exclusion_mask"] = exclusion_region if background["background_estimator"] == "reflected": self.background_estimator = ReflectedRegionsBackgroundEstimator( observations=self.observations, **background_params ) else: # TODO: raise error?"Background estimation only for reflected regions method.") extraction_params = {} if "containment_correction" in self.settings["datasets"]: extraction_params["containment_correction"] = self.settings["datasets"][ "containment_correction" ] params = self.settings["datasets"]["geom"]["axes"][0] e_reco = MapAxis.from_bounds(**params).edges extraction_params["e_reco"] = e_reco extraction_params["e_true"] = None self.extraction = SpectrumExtraction( observations=self.observations, bkg_estimate=self.background_estimator.result, **extraction_params, ) self.datasets = Datasets(self.extraction.spectrum_observations) if self.settings["datasets"]["stack-datasets"]: stacked = self.datasets.stack_reduce() = "stacked" self.datasets = Datasets([stacked]) def _validate_reduction_settings(self): """Validate settings before proceeding to data reduction.""" if self.observations and len(self.observations): self.config.validate() return True else:"No observations selected.")"Data reduction cannot be done.") return False def _validate_set_model(self): if self.datasets and self.datasets.datasets: self.config.validate() return True else:"No datasets reduced.") return False def _validate_fitting_settings(self): """Validate settings before proceeding to fit 1D.""" if not self.model:"No model fetched for datasets.")"Fit cannot be done.") return False else: return True def _validate_fp_settings(self): """Validate settings before proceeding to flux points estimation.""" valid = True if self.config.validate() else:"No results available from fit.") valid = False if "flux-points" not in self.settings:"No values declared for the energy bins.") valid = False elif "fp_binning" not in self.settings["flux-points"]:"No values declared for the energy bins.") valid = False if not valid:"Flux points calculation cannot be done.") return valid
[docs]class AnalysisConfig: """Analysis configuration. Parameters ---------- config : dict Configuration parameters """ def __init__(self, config=None, filename="config.yaml"): self.settings = {} self.template = "" if config is None: self.template = CONFIG_PATH / ANALYSIS_TEMPLATES["basic"] # add user settings self.update_settings(config, self.template) self.filename = Path(filename).name def __str__(self): """Display settings in pretty YAML format.""" info = self.__class__.__name__ + "\n\n\t" data = yaml.dump(self.settings, sort_keys=False, indent=4) data = data.replace("\n", "\n\t") info += data return info.expandtabs(tabsize=4)
[docs] def to_yaml(self, filename=None, overwrite=False): """Serialize config into a yaml formatted file. Parameters ---------- filename : str, Path Configuration settings filename Default config.yaml overwrite : bool Whether to overwrite an existing file. """ if filename is None: filename = self.filename self.filename = Path(filename).name path_file = Path(self.settings["general"]["outdir"]) / self.filename if path_file.exists() and not overwrite: raise IOError(f"File {filename} already exists.") path_file.write_text(yaml.dump(self.settings, sort_keys=False, indent=4))"Configuration settings saved into {path_file}")
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, filename): """Read config from filename""" filename = make_path(filename) config = read_yaml(filename) return cls(config, filename=filename)
[docs] @classmethod def from_template(cls, template="basic"): """Create AnalysisConfig from existing templates. Parameters ---------- template : {"basic", "1d", "3d"} Build in templates. Returns ------- analysis : `AnalysisConfig` AnalysisConfig class """ filename = CONFIG_PATH / ANALYSIS_TEMPLATES[template] return cls.from_yaml(filename)
[docs] def help(self, section=""): """Print template configuration settings.""" doc = self._get_doc_sections() for keyword in doc.keys(): if section == "" or section == keyword: print(doc[keyword])
[docs] def update_settings(self, config=None, filename=""): """Update settings with config dictionary or values in configfile""" if filename: filepath = make_path(filename) config = read_yaml(filepath) if config is None: config = {} if isinstance(config, str): config = yaml.safe_load(config) if len(config): self._update_settings(config, self.settings) self.validate()
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate and/or fill initial config parameters against schema.""" validator = _gp_units_validator try: jsonschema.validate(self.settings, read_yaml(SCHEMA_FILE), validator) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as ex: log.error("Error when validating configuration parameters against schema.") log.error(ex.message)
@staticmethod def _get_doc_sections(): """Returns dict with commented docs from docs file""" doc = defaultdict(str) with open(DOCS_FILE) as f: for line in filter(lambda line: not line.startswith("---"), f): line = line.strip("\n") if line.startswith("# Section: "): keyword = line.replace("# Section: ", "") doc[keyword] += line + "\n" return doc def _update_settings(self, source, target): for key, val in source.items(): if key not in target: target[key] = {} if not isinstance(val, dict) or val == {}: target[key] = val else: self._update_settings(val, target[key])
def is_quantity(instance): try: _ = u.Quantity(instance) return True except ValueError: return False def _astropy_quantity(_, instance): """Check a number may also be an astropy quantity.""" is_number = jsonschema.Draft7Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.is_type(instance, "number") return is_number or is_quantity(instance) _type_checker = jsonschema.Draft7Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine( "number", _astropy_quantity ) _gp_units_validator = jsonschema.validators.extend( jsonschema.Draft7Validator, type_checker=_type_checker )