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Source code for gammapy.cube.make

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import logging
from astropy.nddata.utils import NoOverlapError, PartialOverlapError
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from ..maps import Map, WcsGeom
from .counts import fill_map_counts
from .exposure import make_map_exposure_true_energy, _map_spectrum_weight
from .background import make_map_background_irf

__all__ = ["MapMaker", "MapMakerObs", "MapMakerRing"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MapMaker: """Make maps from IACT observations. Parameters ---------- geom : `~gammapy.maps.WcsGeom` Reference image geometry in reco energy offset_max : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Maximum offset angle geom_true : `~gammapy.maps.WcsGeom` Reference image geometry in true energy, used for exposure maps and PSF. If none, the same as geom is assumed exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Exclusion mask background_oversampling : int Background oversampling factor in energy axis. """ def __init__( self, geom, offset_max, geom_true=None, exclusion_mask=None, background_oversampling=None, ): if not isinstance(geom, WcsGeom): raise ValueError("MapMaker only works with WcsGeom") if geom.is_image: raise ValueError("MapMaker only works with geom with an energy axis") self.geom = geom self.geom_true = geom_true if geom_true else geom self.offset_max = Angle(offset_max) self.exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask self.background_oversampling = background_oversampling def _get_empty_maps(self, selection): # Initialise zero-filled maps maps = {} for name in selection: if name == "exposure": maps[name] = Map.from_geom(self.geom_true, unit="m2 s") else: maps[name] = Map.from_geom(self.geom, unit="") return maps
[docs] def run(self, observations, selection=None): """Make maps for a list of observations. Parameters ---------- observations : `` Observations to process selection : list List of str, selecting which maps to make. Available: 'counts', 'exposure', 'background' By default, all maps are made. Returns ------- maps : dict Stacked counts, background and exposure maps """ selection = _check_selection(selection) maps = self._get_empty_maps(selection) for obs in observations:"Processing observation: OBS_ID = {}".format(obs.obs_id)) try: obs_maker = self._get_obs_maker(obs) except NoOverlapError:"Skipping observation {} (no map overlap)".format(obs.obs_id)) continue maps_obs = for name in selection: data = maps_obs[name].quantity.to_value(maps[name].unit) if name == "exposure": maps[name].fill_by_coord(obs_maker.coords_etrue, data) else: maps[name].fill_by_coord(obs_maker.coords, data) self._maps = maps return maps
def _get_obs_maker(self, obs, mode="trim"): # Compute cutout geometry and slices to stack results back later cutout_kwargs = { "position": obs.pointing_radec, "width": 2 * self.offset_max, "mode": mode, } cutout_geom = self.geom.cutout(**cutout_kwargs) cutout_geom_etrue = self.geom_true.cutout(**cutout_kwargs) if self.exclusion_mask is not None: cutout_exclusion = self.exclusion_mask.cutout(**cutout_kwargs) else: cutout_exclusion = None # Make maps for this observation return MapMakerObs( observation=obs, geom=cutout_geom, geom_true=cutout_geom_etrue, offset_max=self.offset_max, exclusion_mask=cutout_exclusion, background_oversampling=self.background_oversampling, ) @staticmethod def _maps_sum_over_axes(maps, spectrum, keepdims): """Compute weighted sum over map axes. Parameters ---------- spectrum : `~gammapy.spectrum.models.SpectralModel` Spectral model to compute the weights. Default is power-law with spectral index of 2. keepdims : bool, optional If this is set to True, the energy axes is kept with a single bin. If False, the energy axes is removed """ images = {} for name, map in maps.items(): if name == "exposure": map = _map_spectrum_weight(map, spectrum) images[name] = map.sum_over_axes(keepdims=keepdims) return images
[docs] def run_images(self, observations=None, spectrum=None, keepdims=False): """Create images by summing over the energy axis. Either has to be called before calling this function, or observations need to be passed. If has been called before, then those maps will be summed over. Else, new maps will be computed and then summed. Exposure is weighted with an assumed spectrum, resulting in a weighted mean exposure image. Parameters ---------- observations : `` Observations to process spectrum : `~gammapy.spectrum.models.SpectralModel` Spectral model to compute the weights. Default is power-law with spectral index of 2. keepdims : bool, optional If this is set to True, the energy axes is kept with a single bin. If False, the energy axes is removed Returns ------- images : dict of `~gammapy.maps.Map` """ if not hasattr(self, "_maps"): if observations is None: raise ValueError("Requires observations...") return self._maps_sum_over_axes(self._maps, spectrum, keepdims)
[docs]class MapMakerObs: """Make maps for a single IACT observation. Parameters ---------- observation : `` Observation geom : `~gammapy.maps.WcsGeom` Reference image geometry offset_max : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Maximum offset angle geom_true : `~gammapy.maps.WcsGeom` Reference image geometry in true energy, used for exposure maps and PSF. If none, the same as geom is assumed exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Exclusion mask (used by some background estimators) """ def __init__( self, observation, geom, offset_max, geom_true=None, exclusion_mask=None, background_oversampling=None, ): self.observation = observation self.geom = geom self.geom_true = geom_true if geom_true else geom self.offset_max = offset_max self.exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask self.background_oversampling = background_oversampling self.maps = {} def _fov_mask(self, coords): pointing = self.observation.pointing_radec offset = coords.skycoord.separation(pointing) return offset >= self.offset_max @lazyproperty def fov_mask_etrue(self): return self._fov_mask(self.coords_etrue) @lazyproperty def fov_mask(self): return self._fov_mask(self.coords) @lazyproperty def coords(self): return self.geom.get_coord() @lazyproperty def coords_etrue(self): # Compute field of view mask on the cutout in true energy return self.geom_true.get_coord()
[docs] def run(self, selection=None): """Make maps. Returns dict with keys "counts", "exposure" and "background". Parameters ---------- selection : list List of str, selecting which maps to make. Available: 'counts', 'exposure', 'background' By default, all maps are made. """ selection = _check_selection(selection) for name in selection: getattr(self, "_make_" + name)() return self.maps
def _make_counts(self): counts = Map.from_geom(self.geom) fill_map_counts(counts, if self.fov_mask is not None:[..., self.fov_mask] = 0 self.maps["counts"] = counts def _make_exposure(self): exposure = make_map_exposure_true_energy( pointing=self.observation.pointing_radec, livetime=self.observation.observation_live_time_duration, aeff=self.observation.aeff, geom=self.geom_true, ) if self.fov_mask_etrue is not None:[..., self.fov_mask_etrue] = 0 self.maps["exposure"] = exposure def _make_background(self): bkg_coordsys = self.observation.bkg.meta.get("FOVALIGN", "ALTAZ") if bkg_coordsys == "ALTAZ": pnt = self.observation.fixed_pointing_info elif bkg_coordsys == "RADEC": pnt = self.observation.pointing_radec else: raise ValueError( 'Found unknown background coordinate system definition: "{}". ' 'Should be "ALTAZ" or "RADEC".'.format(bkg_coordsys) ) background = make_map_background_irf( pointing=pnt, ontime=self.observation.observation_time_duration, bkg=self.observation.bkg, geom=self.geom, oversampling=self.background_oversampling, ) if self.fov_mask is not None:[..., self.fov_mask] = 0 # TODO: decide what background modeling options to support # Extra things like FOV norm scale or ring would go here. self.maps["background"] = background
def _check_selection(selection): """Handle default and validation of selection""" available = ["counts", "exposure", "background"] if selection is None: selection = available if not isinstance(selection, list): raise TypeError("Selection must be a list of str") for name in selection: if name not in available: raise ValueError("Selection not available: {!r}".format(name)) return selection
[docs]class MapMakerRing(MapMaker): """Make maps from IACT observations. The main motivation for this class in addition to the `MapMaker` is to have the common image background estimation methods, like `~gammapy.background.RingBackgroundEstimator`, that work using on and off maps. To ensure adequate statistics, only observations that are fully contained within the reference geometry will be analysed Parameters ---------- geom : `~gammapy.maps.WcsGeom` Reference image geometry offset_max : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Maximum offset angle exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Exclusion mask background_estimator : `~gammapy.background.RingBackgroundEstimator` or `~gammapy.background.AdaptiveRingBackgroundEstimator` Ring background estimator or something with an equivalent API. Examples -------- Here is an example how to ise the MapMakerRing with H.E.S.S. DL3 data:: import numpy as np import astropy.units as u from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from regions import CircleSkyRegion from gammapy.maps import Map, WcsGeom, MapAxis from gammapy.cube import MapMakerRing from import DataStore from gammapy.background import RingBackgroundEstimator # Create observation list data_store = DataStore.from_file( "$GAMMAPY_DATA/hess-dl3-dr1/hess-dl3-dr3-with-background.fits.gz" ) data_sel = data_store.obs_table["TARGET_NAME"] == "MSH 15-52" obs_table = data_store.obs_table[data_sel] observations = data_store.get_observations(obs_table["OBS_ID"]) # Define the geom pos = SkyCoord(228.32, -59.08, unit="deg") energy_axis = MapAxis.from_edges(np.logspace(0, 5.0, 5), unit="TeV", name="energy") geom = WcsGeom.create(skydir=pos, binsz=0.02, width=(5, 5), axes=[energy_axis]) # Make a region mask regions = CircleSkyRegion(center=pos, radius=0.3 * u.deg) mask = Map.from_geom(geom) = mask.geom.region_mask([regions], inside=False) # Run map maker with ring background estimation ring_bkg = RingBackgroundEstimator(r_in="0.5 deg", width="0.3 deg") maker = MapMakerRing( geom=geom, offset_max="2 deg", exclusion_mask=mask, background_estimator=ring_bkg ) images = maker.run_images(observations) """ def __init__( self, geom, offset_max, exclusion_mask=None, background_estimator=None ): super().__init__( geom=geom, offset_max=offset_max, exclusion_mask=exclusion_mask, geom_true=None, ) self.background_estimator = background_estimator def _run(self, observations, sum_over_axis=False, spectrum=None, keepdims=False): selection = ["on", "exposure_on", "off", "exposure_off", "exposure"] maps = self._get_empty_maps(selection) if sum_over_axis: maps = self._maps_sum_over_axes(maps, spectrum, keepdims) for obs in observations: try: obs_maker = self._get_obs_maker(obs, mode="strict") except NoOverlapError:"Skipping obs_id: {} (no map overlap)".format(obs.obs_id)) continue except PartialOverlapError:"Skipping obs_id: {} (partial map overlap)".format(obs.obs_id)) continue maps_obs = maps_obs["exclusion"] = obs_maker.exclusion_mask if sum_over_axis: maps_obs = self._maps_sum_over_axes(maps_obs, spectrum, keepdims) maps_obs["exclusion"] = obs_maker.exclusion_mask.sum_over_axes( keepdims=keepdims ) maps_obs["exclusion"].data = ( maps_obs["exclusion"].data / self.geom.axes[0].nbin ) maps_obs_bkg = maps_obs.update(maps_obs_bkg) maps_obs["exposure_on"] = maps_obs.pop("background") maps_obs["on"] = maps_obs.pop("counts") # Now paste the returned maps on the ref geom for name in selection: data = maps_obs[name].quantity.to_value(maps[name].unit) maps[name].fill_by_coord(maps_obs[name].geom.get_coord(), data) self._maps = maps return maps
[docs] def run_images(self, observations, spectrum=None, keepdims=False): """Run image making. The maps are summed over on the energy axis for a classical image analysis. Parameters ---------- observations : `` Observations to process spectrum : `~gammapy.spectrum.models.SpectralModel`, optional Spectral model to compute the weights. Default is power-law with spectral index of 2. keepdims : bool, optional If this is set to True, the energy axes is kept with a single bin. If False, the energy axes is removed Returns ------- maps : dict of `~gammapy.maps.Map` Dictionary containing the following maps: * ``"on"``: counts map * ``"exposure_on"``: on exposure map, which is just the template background map from the IRF * ``"exposure_off"``: off exposure map convolved with the ring * ``"off"``: off map """ return self._run( observations, sum_over_axis=True, spectrum=spectrum, keepdims=keepdims )
[docs] def run(self, observations): """Run map making. Parameters ---------- observations : `` Observations to process Returns ------- maps : dict of `~gammapy.maps.Map` Dictionary containing the following maps: * ``"on"``: counts map * ``"exposure_on"``: on exposure map, which is just the template background map from the IRF * ``"exposure_off"``: off exposure map convolved with the ring * ``"off"``: off map """ return self._run(observations, sum_over_axis=False)