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Source code for gammapy.detect.kernel

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import binary_erosion
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_fill_holes
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from astropy.convolution import Tophat2DKernel, CustomKernel
from ..maps import Map
from .lima import compute_lima_image

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["KernelBackgroundEstimator"]

# TODO: use `Map.copy` or `Map.copy` once available
# instead of the awkward way with `Map.from_geom` and adjusting map data after.
[docs]class KernelBackgroundEstimator: """Estimate background and exclusion mask iteratively. Starting from an initial background estimate and exclusion mask (both provided, optionally) the algorithm works as follows: 1. Compute significance image 2. Create exclusion mask by thresholding significance image 3. Compute improved background estimate based on new exclusion mask The steps are executed repeatedly until the exclusion mask does not change anymore. For flexibility the algorithm takes arbitrary source and background kernels. Parameters ---------- kernel_src : `numpy.ndarray` Source kernel as a numpy array. kernel_bkg : `numpy.ndarray` Background convolution kernel as a numpy array. significance_threshold : float Significance threshold above which regions are excluded. mask_dilation_radius : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Radius by which mask is dilated with each iteration. keep_record : bool Keep record of intermediate results while the algorithm runs? See Also -------- gammapy.background.RingBackgroundEstimator, gammapy.background.AdaptiveRingBackgroundEstimator Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np from gammapy.maps import Map from astropy.convolution import Ring2DKernel, Tophat2DKernel from gammapy.detect import KernelBackgroundEstimator counts = Map.create(npix=100, binsz=1) += 42[50][50] = 1000 source_kernel = Tophat2DKernel(3) bkg_kernel = Ring2DKernel(radius_in=4, width=2) kbe = KernelBackgroundEstimator(kernel_src=source_kernel.array, kernel_bkg=bkg_kernel.array) result ={'counts':counts}) result['exclusion'].plot() """ def __init__( self, kernel_src, kernel_bkg, significance_threshold=5, mask_dilation_radius="0.02 deg", keep_record=False, ): self.parameters = { "significance_threshold": significance_threshold, "mask_dilation_radius": Angle(mask_dilation_radius), "keep_record": keep_record, } self.kernel_src = kernel_src self.kernel_bkg = kernel_bkg self.images_stack = []
[docs] def run(self, images, niter_min=2, niter_max=10): """Run iterations until mask does not change (stopping condition). Parameters ---------- images : dict Input sky images: counts, background, exclusion niter_min : int Minimum number of iterations, to prevent early termination of the algorithm. niter_max : int Maximum number of iterations after which the algorithm is terminated, if the termination condition (no change of mask between iterations) is not already satisfied. Returns ------- images : dict Sky images: background, exclusion, significance """ # initial mask, if not present if "exclusion" not in images: exclusion = Map.from_geom(images["counts"].geom) += 1 images["exclusion"] = exclusion # initial background estimate, if not present if "background" not in images: images["background"] = self._estimate_background( images["counts"], images["exclusion"] ) images["significance"] = self._estimate_significance( images["counts"], images["background"] ) self.images_stack.append(images) for idx in range(niter_max): result = self.run_iteration(images) if self.parameters["keep_record"]: self.images_stack.append(result) if self._is_converged(result, images) and (idx >= niter_min): "Exclusion mask succesfully converged," " after {} iterations.".format(idx) ) break return result
[docs] def run_iteration(self, images): """Run one iteration. Parameters ---------- images : dict Input sky images """ significance = self._estimate_significance( images["counts"], images["background"] ) exclusion = self._estimate_exclusion(images["counts"], significance) background = self._estimate_background(images["counts"], exclusion) return { "counts": images["counts"], "background": background, "exclusion": exclusion, "significance": significance, }
def _estimate_significance(self, counts, background): kernel = CustomKernel(self.kernel_src) images = compute_lima_image(counts, background, kernel=kernel) return images["significance"] def _estimate_exclusion(self, counts, significance): radius = self.parameters["mask_dilation_radius"].deg scale = counts.geom.pixel_scales.mean().deg mask_dilation_radius_pix = radius / scale structure = np.array(Tophat2DKernel(mask_dilation_radius_pix)) mask = ( < self.parameters["significance_threshold"] ) | np.isnan( mask = binary_erosion(mask, structure, border_value=1) return counts.copy(data=mask.astype("float")) def _estimate_background(self, counts, exclusion): """ Estimate background by convolving the excluded counts image with the background kernel and renormalizing the image. """ counts_excluded = counts.copy( * vals = counts_excluded.convolve(self.kernel_bkg) norm = exclusion.convolve(self.kernel_bkg) return counts.copy( / @staticmethod def _is_converged(result, result_previous): """Check convergence. Criterion: exclusion masks unchanged in subsequent iterations. """ mask = result["exclusion"].data == result_previous["exclusion"].data # Because of pixel to pixel noise, the masks can still differ. # This is handled by removing structures of the scale of one pixel mask = binary_fill_holes(mask) return np.all(mask)