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Source code for gammapy.image.profile

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Tools to create profiles (i.e. 1D "slices" from 2D images)"""
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from astropy.convolution import Gaussian1DKernel, Box1DKernel
from scipy import ndimage

__all__ = ["ImageProfile", "ImageProfileEstimator"]

def compute_binning(data, n_bins, method="equal width", eps=1e-10):
    """Computes 1D array of bin edges.

    The range of the bin_edges is always [min(data), max(data)]

    Note that bin_edges has n_bins bins, i.e. length n_bins + 1.

    data : array_like
        Data to be binned (any dimension)
    n_bins : int
        Number of bins
    method : str
        One of: 'equal width', 'equal entries'
    eps : float
        added to range so that the max data point is inside the
        last bin. If eps=0 it falls on the right edge of the last
        data point and thus would be not contained.

    bin_edges : 1D ndarray
        Array of bin edges.
    data = np.asanyarray(data)

    if method == "equal width":
        bin_edges = np.linspace(np.nanmin(data), np.nanmax(data), n_bins + 1)
    elif method == "equal entries":
        # We use np.percentile to achieve equal number of entries per bin
        # It takes a list of quantiles in the range [0, 100] as input
        quantiles = list(np.linspace(0, 100, n_bins + 1))
        bin_edges = np.percentile(data, quantiles)
        raise ValueError("Invalid method: {!r}".format(method))

    bin_edges[-1] += eps
    return bin_edges

# TODO: implement measuring profile along arbitrary directions
# TODO: think better about error handling. e.g. MC based methods
[docs]class ImageProfileEstimator: """Estimate profile from image. Parameters ---------- x_edges : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Coordinate edges to define a custom measument grid (optional). method : ['sum', 'mean'] Compute sum or mean within profile bins. axis : ['lon', 'lat', 'radial'] Along which axis to estimate the profile. center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Center coordinate for the radial profile option. Examples -------- This example shows how to compute a counts profile for the Fermi galactic center region:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from gammapy.image import ImageProfileEstimator from gammapy.maps import Map from astropy import units as u # load example data filename = '$GAMMAPY_DATA/tests/unbundled/fermi/fermi_counts.fits.gz' fermi_cts = # set up profile estimator and run p = ImageProfileEstimator(axis='lon', method='sum') profile = # smooth profile and plot smoothed = profile.smooth(kernel='gauss') smoothed.peek() """ def __init__(self, x_edges=None, method="sum", axis="lon", center=None): self._x_edges = x_edges if method not in ["sum", "mean"]: raise ValueError("Not a valid method, choose either 'sum' or 'mean'") if axis not in ["lon", "lat", "radial"]: raise ValueError("Not a valid axis, choose either 'lon' or 'lat'") if method == "radial" and center is None: raise ValueError("Please provide center coordinate for radial profiles") self.parameters = OrderedDict(method=method, axis=axis, center=center) def _get_x_edges(self, image): if self._x_edges is not None: return self._x_edges p = self.parameters coordinates = image.geom.get_coord(mode="edges").skycoord if p["axis"] == "lat": x_edges = coordinates[:, 0] elif p["axis"] == "lon": lon = coordinates[0, :].data.lon x_edges = lon.wrap_at("180d") elif p["axis"] == "radial": rad_step = image.geom.pixel_scales.mean() corners = [0, 0, -1, -1], [0, -1, 0, -1] rad_max = coordinates[corners].separation(p["center"]).max() x_edges = Angle(np.arange(0, rad_max.deg, rad_step.deg), unit="deg") return x_edges def _estimate_profile(self, image, image_err, mask): p = self.parameters labels = self._label_image(image, mask) profile_err = None index = np.arange(1, len(self._get_x_edges(image))) if p["method"] == "sum": profile = ndimage.sum(,, index) if image.unit.is_equivalent("counts"): profile_err = np.sqrt(profile) elif image_err: # gaussian error propagation err_sum = ndimage.sum( ** 2,, index) profile_err = np.sqrt(err_sum) elif p["method"] == "mean": # gaussian error propagation profile = ndimage.mean(,, index) if image_err: N = ndimage.sum(~np.isnan(,, index) err_sum = ndimage.sum( ** 2,, index) profile_err = np.sqrt(err_sum) / N return profile, profile_err def _label_image(self, image, mask=None): p = self.parameters coordinates = image.geom.get_coord().skycoord x_edges = self._get_x_edges(image) if p["axis"] == "lon": lon ="180d") data = np.digitize(, x_edges.deg) elif p["axis"] == "lat": lat = data = np.digitize(, x_edges.deg) elif p["axis"] == "radial": separation = coordinates.separation(p["center"]) data = np.digitize(, x_edges.deg) if mask is not None: # assign masked values to background data[] = 0 return image.copy(data=data)
[docs] def run(self, image, image_err=None, mask=None): """Run image profile estimator. Parameters ---------- image : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Input image to run profile estimator on. image_err : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Input error image to run profile estimator on. mask : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Optional mask to exclude regions from the measurement. Returns ------- profile : `ImageProfile` Result image profile object. """ p = self.parameters if image.unit.is_equivalent("count"): image_err = image.copy(data=np.sqrt( profile, profile_err = self._estimate_profile(image, image_err, mask) result = Table() x_edges = self._get_x_edges(image) result["x_min"] = x_edges[:-1] result["x_max"] = x_edges[1:] result["x_ref"] = (x_edges[:-1] + x_edges[1:]) / 2 result["profile"] = profile * image.unit if profile_err is not None: result["profile_err"] = profile_err * image.unit result.meta["PROFILE_TYPE"] = p["axis"] return ImageProfile(result)
[docs]class ImageProfile: """Image profile class. The image profile data is stored in `~astropy.table.Table` object, with the following columns: * `x_ref` Coordinate bin center (required). * `x_min` Coordinate bin minimum (optional). * `x_max` Coordinate bin maximum (optional). * `profile` Image profile data (required). * `profile_err` Image profile data error (optional). Parameters ---------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table instance with the columns specified as above. """ def __init__(self, table): self.table = table
[docs] def smooth(self, kernel="box", radius="0.1 deg", **kwargs): r"""Smooth profile with error propagation. Smoothing is described by a convolution: .. math:: x_j = \sum_i x_{(j - i)} h_i Where :math:`h_i` are the coefficients of the convolution kernel. The corresponding error on :math:`x_j` is then estimated using Gaussian error propagation, neglecting correlations between the individual :math:`x_{(j - i)}`: .. math:: \Delta x_j = \sqrt{\sum_i \Delta x^{2}_{(j - i)} h^{2}_i} Parameters ---------- kernel : {'gauss', 'box'} Kernel shape radius : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, str or float Smoothing width given as quantity or float. If a float is given it is interpreted as smoothing width in pixels. If an (angular) quantity is given it is converted to pixels using `xref[1] - x_ref[0]`. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~scipy.ndimage.uniform_filter` ('box') and `~scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter` ('gauss'). Returns ------- profile : `ImageProfile` Smoothed image profile. """ table = self.table.copy() profile = table["profile"] radius = u.Quantity(radius) radius = np.abs(radius / np.diff(self.x_ref))[0] width = 2 * radius.value + 1 if kernel == "box": smoothed = ndimage.uniform_filter(profile.astype("float"), width, **kwargs) # renormalize data if table["profile"].unit.is_equivalent("count"): smoothed *= int(width) smoothed_err = np.sqrt(smoothed) elif "profile_err" in table.colnames: profile_err = table["profile_err"] # use gaussian error propagation box = Box1DKernel(width) err_sum = ndimage.convolve(profile_err ** 2, box.array ** 2) smoothed_err = np.sqrt(err_sum) elif kernel == "gauss": smoothed = ndimage.gaussian_filter(profile.astype("float"), width, **kwargs) # use gaussian error propagation if "profile_err" in table.colnames: profile_err = table["profile_err"] gauss = Gaussian1DKernel(width) err_sum = ndimage.convolve(profile_err ** 2, gauss.array ** 2) smoothed_err = np.sqrt(err_sum) else: raise ValueError("Not valid kernel choose either 'box' or 'gauss'") table["profile"] = smoothed * self.table["profile"].unit if "profile_err" in table.colnames: table["profile_err"] = smoothed_err * self.table["profile"].unit return self.__class__(table)
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot image profile. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes object **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot` Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes object """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() y = self.table["profile"].data x = self.x_ref.value ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel("lon") ax.set_ylabel("profile") ax.set_xlim(x.max(), x.min()) return ax
[docs] def plot_err(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot image profile error as band. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes object **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to plt.fill_between() Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes object """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() y = self.table["profile"].data ymin = y - self.table["profile_err"].data ymax = y + self.table["profile_err"].data x = self.x_ref.value # plotting defaults kwargs.setdefault("alpha", 0.5) ax.fill_between(x, ymin, ymax, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel("x (deg)") ax.set_ylabel("profile") return ax
@property def x_ref(self): """Reference x coordinates.""" return self.table["x_ref"].quantity @property def x_min(self): """Min. x coordinates.""" return self.table["x_min"].quantity @property def x_max(self): """Max. x coordinates.""" return self.table["x_max"].quantity @property def profile(self): """Image profile quantity.""" return self.table["profile"].quantity @property def profile_err(self): """Image profile error quantity.""" try: return self.table["profile_err"].quantity except KeyError: return None
[docs] def peek(self, figsize=(8, 4.5), **kwargs): """Show image profile and error. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to `ImageProfile.plot_profile()` Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes object """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) ax = self.plot(ax, **kwargs) if "profile_err" in self.table.colnames: ax = self.plot_err(ax, color=kwargs.get("c")) return ax
[docs] def normalize(self, mode="peak"): """Normalize profile to peak value or integral. Parameters ---------- mode : ['integral', 'peak'] Normalize image profile so that it integrates to unity ('integral') or the maximum value corresponds to one ('peak'). Returns ------- profile : `ImageProfile` Normalized image profile. """ table = self.table.copy() profile = self.table["profile"] if mode == "peak": norm = np.nanmax(profile) elif mode == "integral": norm = np.nansum(profile) else: raise ValueError("Invalide normalization mode: {!r}".format(mode)) table["profile"] /= norm if "profile_err" in table.colnames: table["profile_err"] /= norm return self.__class__(table)