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# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import logging
import numpy as np
from astropy.units import Quantity
from import fits

__all__ = ["Energy", "EnergyBounds"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Energy(Quantity): """Energy quantity scalar or array. This is a `~astropy.units.Quantity` sub-class that adds convenience methods to handle common tasks for energy bin center arrays, like FITS I/O or generating equal-log-spaced grids of energies. See :ref:`energy_handling_gammapy` for further information. Parameters ---------- energy : `~numpy.array`, scalar, `~astropy.units.Quantity` Energy unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase`, str, optional The unit of the value specified for the energy. This may be any string that `~astropy.units.Unit` understands, but it is better to give an actual unit object. dtype : `~numpy.dtype`, optional See `~astropy.units.Quantity`. copy : bool, optional See `~astropy.units.Quantity`. """ def __new__(cls, energy, unit=None, dtype=None, copy=True): # Techniques to subclass Quantity taken from astropy.coordinates.Angle # see: if isinstance(energy, str): val, unit = energy.split() energy = float(val) # This is a pylint error false positive # See self = super().__new__( cls, energy, unit, # pylint:disable=redundant-keyword-arg dtype=dtype, copy=copy, ) if not self.unit.is_equivalent("eV"): raise ValueError( "Given unit {} is not an" " energy".format(self.unit.to_string()) ) return self def __array_finalize__(self, obj): super().__array_finalize__(obj) def __quantity_subclass__(self, unit): if unit.is_equivalent("eV"): return Energy, True else: return super().__quantity_subclass__(unit)[0], False @property def nbins(self): """The number of bins.""" return self.size @property def range(self): """The covered energy range (tuple).""" return self[0 : self.size : self.size - 1]
[docs] @classmethod def equal_log_spacing(cls, emin, emax, nbins, unit=None, per_decade=False): """Create Energy with equal log-spacing (``). if no unit is given, it will be taken from emax Parameters ---------- emin : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, float Lowest energy bin emax : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, float Highest energy bin nbins : int Number of bins unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase`, str Energy unit per_decade : bool Whether nbins is per decade. """ if unit is not None: emin = Energy(emin, unit) emax = Energy(emax, unit) else: emin = Energy(emin) emax = Energy(emax) unit = emax.unit emin = x_min, x_max = np.log10([emin.value, emax.value]) if per_decade: nbins = (x_max - x_min) * nbins energy = np.logspace(x_min, x_max, nbins) return cls(energy, unit, copy=False)
[docs] @classmethod def from_fits(cls, hdu, unit=None): """Read ENERGIES fits extension (``). Parameters ---------- hdu: `` ``ENERGIES`` extensions. unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase`, str, None Energy unit """ header = hdu.header fitsunit = header.get("TUNIT1") if fitsunit is None: if unit is not None: log.warning( "No unit found in the FITS header." " Setting it to {}".format(unit) ) fitsunit = unit else: raise ValueError( "No unit found in the FITS header." " Please specifiy a unit" ) energy = cls(["Energy"], fitsunit) return
[docs] def to_fits(self): """Write ENERGIES fits extension Returns ------- hdu: `` ENERGIES fits extension """ col1 = fits.Column(name="Energy", format="D", array=self.value) cols = fits.ColDefs([col1]) hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) = "ENERGIES" hdu.header["TUNIT1"] = "{}".format(self.unit.to_string("fits")) return hdu
[docs]class EnergyBounds(Energy): """EnergyBounds array. This is a `` sub-class that adds convenience methods to handle common tasks for energy bin edges arrays, like FITS I/O or generating arrays of bin centers. See :ref:`energy_handling_gammapy` for further information. Parameters ---------- energy : `~numpy.array`, scalar, `~astropy.units.Quantity` EnergyBounds unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase`, str The unit of the values specified for the energy. This may be any string that `~astropy.units.Unit` understands, but it is better to give an actual unit object. """ @property def nbins(self): """The number of bins.""" return self.size - 1 @property def log_centers(self): """Log centers of the energy bounds.""" center = np.sqrt(self[:-1] * self[1:]) return center.view(Energy) @property def upper_bounds(self): """Upper energy bin edges.""" return self[1:] @property def lower_bounds(self): """Lower energy bin edges.""" return self[:-1] @property def boundaries(self): """Energy range.""" return self[[0, -1]] @property def bands(self): """Width of the energy bins.""" upper = self.upper_bounds lower = self.lower_bounds return upper - lower
[docs] @classmethod def from_lower_and_upper_bounds(cls, lower, upper, unit=None): """EnergyBounds from lower and upper bounds (``). If no unit is given, it will be taken from upper. Parameters ---------- lower,upper : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, float Lowest and highest energy bin unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase`, str, None Energy units """ # np.append renders Quantities dimensionless # if unit is None: unit = upper.unit lower = cls(lower, unit) upper = cls(upper, unit) energy = np.append(lower.value, upper.value[-1]) return cls(energy, unit)
[docs] @classmethod def equal_log_spacing(cls, emin, emax, nbins, unit=None): """EnergyBounds with equal log-spacing (``). If no unit is given, it will be taken from emax. Parameters ---------- emin : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, float Lowest energy bin emax : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, float Highest energy bin bins : int Number of bins unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase`, str, None Energy unit """ return super().equal_log_spacing(emin, emax, nbins + 1, unit)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ebounds(cls, hdu): """Read EBOUNDS fits extension (``). Parameters ---------- hdu: `` ``EBOUNDS`` extensions. """ if != "EBOUNDS": log.warning( "This does not seem like an EBOUNDS extension. " "Are you sure?" ) header = hdu.header unit = header.get("TUNIT2") low =["E_MIN"] high =["E_MAX"] return cls.from_lower_and_upper_bounds(low, high, unit)
[docs] @classmethod def from_rmf_matrix(cls, hdu): """Read MATRIX fits extension (``). Parameters ---------- hdu: `` ``MATRIX`` extensions. """ if != "MATRIX": log.warning("This does not seem like a MATRIX extension. " "Are you sure?") header = hdu.header unit = header.get("TUNIT1") low =["ENERG_LO"] high =["ENERG_HI"] return cls.from_lower_and_upper_bounds(low, high, unit)
[docs] def find_energy_bin(self, energy): """Find the bins that contain the specified energy values. Parameters ---------- energy : `` Array of energies to search for. Returns ------- bin_index : `~numpy.ndarray` Indices of the energy bins containing the specified energies. """ # check that the specified energy is within the boundaries if not self.contains(energy).all(): ss_error = "Specified energy {}".format(energy) ss_error += " is outside the boundaries {}".format(self.boundaries) raise ValueError(ss_error) bin_index = np.searchsorted(self.upper_bounds, energy) return bin_index
[docs] def contains(self, energy): """Check of energy is contained in boundaries. Parameters ---------- energy : `` Array of energies to test """ return (energy > self[0]) & (energy < self[-1])
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Construct dict representing an energy range.""" if len(self) != 2: raise ValueError( "This is not an energy range. Nbins: {}".format(self.nbins) ) d = dict(min=self[0].value, max=self[1].value, unit="{}".format(self.unit)) return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """Read dict representing an energy range.""" return cls((d["min"], d["max"]), d["unit"])