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class gammapy.catalog.SourceCatalog2HWC(filename='$GAMMAPY_DATA/catalogs/2HWC.ecsv')[source]

Bases: gammapy.catalog.SourceCatalog

HAWC 2HWC catalog.

One source is represented by SourceCatalogObject2HWC.

The data is from tables 2 and 3 in the paper [R765ffce297c8-1].

The catalog table contains 40 rows / sources. The paper mentions 39 sources e.g. in the abstract. The difference is due to Geminga, which was detected as two “sources” by the algorithm used to make the catalog, but then in the discussion considered as one source.


[R765ffce297c8-1]Abeysekara et al, “The 2HWC HAWC Observatory Gamma Ray Catalog”, On ADS: 2017ApJ…843…40A

Attributes Summary

description Catalog description
name Catalog name
positions Source positions (SkyCoord).

Methods Summary

copy(self) Copy catalog
row_index(self, name) Look up row index of source by name.
source_name(self, index) Look up source name by row index.

Attributes Documentation

description = '2HWC catalog from the HAWC observatory'

Catalog description

name = '2hwc'

Catalog name


Source positions (SkyCoord).

Methods Documentation


Copy catalog

row_index(self, name)

Look up row index of source by name.

name : str

Source name

index : int

Row index of source in table

source_name(self, index)

Look up source name by row index.

index : int

Row index of source in table