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class gammapy.catalog.SourceCatalogLargeScaleHGPS(table, interp_kwargs=None)[source]

Bases: object

Gaussian band model.

This 2-dimensional model is Gaussian in y for a given x, and the Gaussian parameters can vary in x.

One application of this model is the diffuse emission along the Galactic plane, i.e. x = GLON and y = GLAT.

table : Table

Table of Gaussian parameters. x, amplitude, mean, stddev.

interp_kwargs : dict

Keyword arguments passed to ScaledRegularGridInterpolator

Methods Summary

evaluate(self, position) Evaluate model at a given position.
peak_brightness(self, glon) Peak brightness at a given longitude.
peak_brightness_error(self, glon) Peak brightness error at a given longitude.
peak_latitude(self, glon) Peak position at a given longitude.
peak_latitude_error(self, glon) Peak position error at a given longitude.
width(self, glon) Width at a given longitude.
width_error(self, glon) Width error at a given longitude.

Methods Documentation

evaluate(self, position)[source]

Evaluate model at a given position.

position : SkyCoord

Position on the sky.

peak_brightness(self, glon)[source]

Peak brightness at a given longitude.

glon : Longitude

Galactic Longitude.

peak_brightness_error(self, glon)[source]

Peak brightness error at a given longitude.

glon : Longitude or Angle

Galactic Longitude.

peak_latitude(self, glon)[source]

Peak position at a given longitude.

glon : Longitude or Angle

Galactic Longitude.

peak_latitude_error(self, glon)[source]

Peak position error at a given longitude.

glon : Longitude or Angle

Galactic Longitude.

width(self, glon)[source]

Width at a given longitude.

glon : Longitude or Angle

Galactic Longitude.

width_error(self, glon)[source]

Width error at a given longitude.

glon : Longitude or Angle

Galactic Longitude.