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class gammapy.catalog.SourceCatalogRegistry[source]

Bases: object

Source catalog registry.

Provides simple and efficient access to source catalogs by lazy-loading and caching catalog objects.

You should use these catalogs read-only, if you modify them you can get non-reproducible results if you access the modified version later on.

Attributes Summary

catalog_names Catalog names (list of str).
info_table Summary info table on catalogs.

Methods Summary

builtins() Factory function that make a catalog registry and registers the built-in catalogs.
info(self) Print summary info about catalogs.
register(self, name, cls[, args]) Register a source catalog.

Attributes Documentation


Catalog names (list of str).


Summary info table on catalogs.

Loads all catalogs.

Methods Documentation

classmethod builtins()[source]

Factory function that make a catalog registry and registers the built-in catalogs.


Print summary info about catalogs.

register(self, name, cls, args=())[source]

Register a source catalog.

It must be possible to load it via cls(*args).