
class gammapy.utils.nddata.NDDataArray(axes, data=None, meta=None, interp_kwargs=None)[source]

Bases: object

ND Data Array Base class

axes : list

List of DataAxis

data : Quantity


meta : dict

Meta info

interp_kwargs : dict


Attributes Summary

axes Array holding the axes in correct order
data Array holding the n-dimensional data.
default_interp_kwargs Default interpolation kwargs used to initialize the scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator.
dim Dimension (number of axes)

Methods Summary

axis(self, name) Return axis by name
evaluate(self[, method]) Evaluate NDData Array
find_node(self, \*\*kwargs) Find next node

Attributes Documentation


Array holding the axes in correct order


Array holding the n-dimensional data.

default_interp_kwargs = {'bounds_error': False, 'values_scale': 'lin'}

Default interpolation kwargs used to initialize the scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator. The interpolation behaviour of an individual axis (‘log’, ‘linear’) can be passed to the axis on initialization.


Dimension (number of axes)

Methods Documentation

axis(self, name)[source]

Return axis by name

evaluate(self, method=None, **kwargs)[source]

Evaluate NDData Array

This function provides a uniform interface to several interpolators. The evaluation nodes are given as kwargs.

Currently available: RegularGridInterpolator, methods: linear, nearest

method : str {‘linear’, ‘nearest’}, optional

Interpolation method

kwargs : dict

Keys are the axis names, Values the evaluation points

array : Quantity

Interpolated values, axis order is the same as for the NDData array

find_node(self, **kwargs)[source]

Find next node

kwargs : dict

Keys are the axis names, Values the evaluation points