
class gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumDatasetOnOff(model=None, counts=None, counts_off=None, livetime=None, aeff=None, edisp=None, mask_safe=None, mask_fit=None, acceptance=None, acceptance_off=None, name='', gti=None)[source]

Bases: gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumDataset

Spectrum dataset for on-off likelihood fitting.

The on-off spectrum dataset bundles reduced counts data, off counts data, with a spectral model, relative background efficiency and instrument response functions to compute the fit-statistic given the current model and data.

model : SpectralModel

Fit model

counts : CountsSpectrum

ON Counts spectrum

counts_off : CountsSpectrum

OFF Counts spectrum

livetime : Quantity


aeff : EffectiveAreaTable

Effective area

edisp : EnergyDispersion

Energy dispersion

mask_safe : array

Mask defining the safe data range.

mask_fit : array

Mask to apply to the likelihood for fitting.

acceptance : array or float

Relative background efficiency in the on region.

acceptance_off : array or float

Relative background efficiency in the off region.

name : str

Name of the dataset.

gti : GTI

GTI of the observation or union of GTI if it is a stacked observation

See also

SpectrumDataset, FluxPointsDataset, MapDataset

Attributes Summary

alpha Exposure ratio between signal and background regions
data_shape Shape of the counts data
energy_range Energy range defined by the safe mask
excess Excess (counts - alpha * counts_off)
mask Combined fit and safe mask

Methods Summary

copy(self) A deep copy.
create(e_reco[, e_true, reference_time]) Create empty SpectrumDatasetOnOff.
fake(self, background_model[, random_state]) Simulate fake counts for the current model and reduced irfs.
from_ogip_files(filename) Read SpectrumDatasetOnOff from OGIP files.
likelihood(self) Total likelihood given the current model parameters.
likelihood_per_bin(self) Likelihood per bin given the current model parameters
npred(self) Return npred map (model + background)
npred_sig(self) Predicted counts from source model (CountsSpectrum).
peek(self[, figsize]) Quick-look summary plots.
plot_counts(self[, ax]) Plot predicted and detected counts.
plot_fit(self) Plot counts and residuals in two panels.
plot_residuals(self[, method, ax]) Plot residuals.
read(filename) Read from file
residuals(self[, method]) Compute the spectral residuals.
stack(self, other) Stack this dataset with another one.
to_ogip_files(self[, outdir, use_sherpa, …]) Write OGIP files.

Attributes Documentation


Exposure ratio between signal and background regions


Shape of the counts data


Energy range defined by the safe mask


Excess (counts - alpha * counts_off)

likelihood_type = 'wstat'

Combined fit and safe mask


Methods Documentation


A deep copy.

classmethod create(e_reco, e_true=None, reference_time='2000-01-01')[source]

Create empty SpectrumDatasetOnOff.

Empty containers are created with the correct geometry. counts, counts_off and aeff are zero and edisp is diagonal.

The safe_mask is set to False in every bin.

e_reco : Quantity

edges of counts vector

e_true : Quantity

edges of effective area table. If not set use reco energy values. Default : None

reference_time : Time

reference time of the dataset, Default is “2000-01-01”

fake(self, background_model, random_state='random-seed')[source]

Simulate fake counts for the current model and reduced irfs.

This method overwrites the counts and off counts defined on the dataset object.

background_model : CountsSpectrum

BackgroundModel. In the future will be part of the SpectrumDataset Class. For the moment, a CountSpectrum.

random_state : {int, ‘random-seed’, ‘global-rng’, RandomState}

Defines random number generator initialisation. Passed to get_random_state.

classmethod from_ogip_files(filename)[source]

Read SpectrumDatasetOnOff from OGIP files.

BKG file, ARF, and RMF must be set in the PHA header and be present in the same folder.

filename : str

OGIP PHA file to read


Total likelihood given the current model parameters.


Likelihood per bin given the current model parameters


Return npred map (model + background)


Predicted counts from source model (CountsSpectrum).

peek(self, figsize=(10, 10))[source]

Quick-look summary plots.

plot_counts(self, ax=None)

Plot predicted and detected counts.

ax : Axes

Axes object.

ax : Axes

Axes object.


Plot counts and residuals in two panels.

Calls plot_counts and plot_residuals.

plot_residuals(self, method='diff', ax=None, **kwargs)

Plot residuals.

ax : Axes

Axes object.

method : {“diff”, “diff/model”, “diff/sqrt(model)”}

Normalization used to compute the residuals, see SpectrumDataset.residuals()

**kwargs : dict

Keywords passed to CountsSpectrum.plot()

ax : Axes

Axes object.

classmethod read(filename)[source]

Read from file

For now, filename is assumed to the name of a PHA file where BKG file, ARF, and RMF names must be set in the PHA header and be present in the same folder

filename : str

OGIP PHA file to read

residuals(self, method='diff')

Compute the spectral residuals.

method : {“diff”, “diff/model”, “diff/sqrt(model)”}
Method used to compute the residuals. Available options are:
  • diff (default): data - model
  • diff/model: (data - model) / model
  • diff/sqrt(model): (data - model) / sqrt(model)
residuals : CountsSpectrum

Residual spectrum

stack(self, other)[source]

Stack this dataset with another one.

Safe mask is applied to compute the stacked counts vector. Counts outside each dataset safe mask are lost.

Stacking is performed in-place.

The stacking of 2 datasets is implemented as follows. Here, \(k\) denotes a bin in reconstructed energy and \(j = {1,2}\) is the dataset number

The mask_safe of each dataset is defined as:

\[\begin{split}\epsilon_{jk} =\left\{\begin{array}{cl} 1, & \mbox{if k is inside the energy thresholds}\\ 0, & \mbox{otherwise} \end{array}\right.\end{split}\]

Then the total counts and counts_off are computed according to:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\overline{\mathrm{n_{on}}}_k = \mathrm{n_{on}}_{1k} \cdot \epsilon_{1k} + \mathrm{n_{on}}_{2k} \cdot \epsilon_{2k}\\\overline{\mathrm{n_{off}}}_k = \mathrm{n_{off}}_{1k} \cdot \epsilon_{1k} + \mathrm{n_{off}}_{2k} \cdot \epsilon_{2k}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

The stacked safe_mask is then:

\[\overline{\epsilon_k} = \epsilon_{1k} OR \epsilon_{2k}\]

In each energy bin \(k\), the count excess is computed taking into account the ON acceptance, \(a_{on}_k\) and the OFF one: acceptance_off, \(a_{off}_k\). They define the \(\alpha_k=a_{on}_k/a_{off}_k\) factors such that \(n_{ex}_k = n_{on}_k - \alpha_k n_{off}_k\). We define the stacked value of \(\overline{{a}_{on}}_k = 1\) so that:

\[\overline{{a}_{off}}_k = \frac{\overline{\mathrm {n_{off}}}}{\alpha_{1k} \cdot \mathrm{n_{off}}_{1k} \cdot \epsilon_{1k} + \alpha_{2k} \cdot \mathrm{n_{off}}_{2k} \cdot \epsilon_{2k}}\]

Please refer to the IRFStacker for the description of how the IRFs are stacked.

other : SpectrumDatasetOnOff

the dataset to stack to the current one


>>> from gammapy.spectrum import SpectrumDatasetOnOff
>>> obs_ids = [23523, 23526, 23559, 23592]
>>> datasets = []
>>> for obs in obs_ids:
>>>     filename = "$GAMMAPY_DATA/joint-crab/spectra/hess/pha_obs{}.fits"
>>>     ds = SpectrumDatasetOnOff.from_ogip_files(filename.format(obs))
>>>     datasets.append(ds)
>>> stacked = datasets[0]
>>> for ds in datasets[1:]:
>>>     stacked.stack(ds)
>>> print(stacked.livetime)
6313.8116406202325 s
to_ogip_files(self, outdir=None, use_sherpa=False, overwrite=False)[source]

Write OGIP files.

If you want to use the written files with Sherpa you have to set the use_sherpa flag. Then all files will be written in units ‘keV’ and ‘cm2’.

outdir : pathlib.Path

output directory, default: pwd

use_sherpa : bool, optional

Write Sherpa compliant files, default: False

overwrite : bool

Overwrite existing files?