Source code for gammapy.cube.make

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import logging
from astropy.nddata.utils import NoOverlapError
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from ..maps import Map, WcsGeom
from .counts import fill_map_counts
from .exposure import make_map_exposure_true_energy, _map_spectrum_weight
from .background import make_map_background_irf

__all__ = ["MapMaker", "MapMakerObs"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MapMaker(object): """Make maps from IACT observations. Parameters ---------- geom : `~gammapy.maps.WcsGeom` Reference image geometry offset_max : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Maximum offset angle exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Exclusion mask """ def __init__(self, geom, offset_max, exclusion_mask=None): if not isinstance(geom, WcsGeom): raise ValueError("MapMaker only works with WcsGeom") if geom.is_image: raise ValueError("MapMaker only works with geom with an energy axis") self.geom = geom self.offset_max = Angle(offset_max) self.maps = {} # Some background estimation methods need an exclusion mask. if exclusion_mask is not None: self.maps["exclusion"] = exclusion_mask
[docs] def run(self, obs_list, selection=None): """ Run MapMaker for a list of observations to create stacked counts, exposure and background maps Parameters -------------- obs_list : `` List of observations selection : list List of str, selecting which maps to make. Available: 'counts', 'exposure', 'background' By default, all maps are made. Returns ----------- maps: dict of stacked counts, background and exposure maps. """ selection = _check_selection(selection) # Initialise zero-filled maps for name in selection: unit = "m2 s" if name == "exposure" else "" self.maps[name] = Map.from_geom(self.geom, unit=unit) for obs in obs_list: try: self._process_obs(obs, selection) except NoOverlapError: "Skipping observation {}, no overlap with map.".format(obs.obs_id) ) continue return self.maps
def _process_obs(self, obs, selection): # Compute cutout geometry and slices to stack results back later cutout_map = Map.from_geom(self.geom).cutout( position=obs.pointing_radec, width=2 * self.offset_max, mode="trim" )"Processing observation: OBS_ID = {}".format(obs.obs_id)) # Compute field of view mask on the cutout coords = cutout_map.geom.get_coord() offset = coords.skycoord.separation(obs.pointing_radec) fov_mask = offset >= self.offset_max # Only if there is an exclusion mask, make a cutout exclusion_mask = self.maps.get("exclusion", None) if exclusion_mask is not None: exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask.cutout( position=obs.pointing_radec, width=2 * self.offset_max, mode="trim" ) # Make maps for this observation maps_obs = MapMakerObs( obs=obs, geom=cutout_map.geom, fov_mask=fov_mask, exclusion_mask=exclusion_mask, ).run(selection) # Stack observation maps to total for name in selection: data = maps_obs[name][name].unit).value self.maps[name].fill_by_coord(coords, data)
[docs] def make_images(self, spectrum=None): """Create 2D images by summing over the energy axis. Exposure is weighted with an assumed spectrum, resulting in a weighted mean exposure image. Parameters ---------- spectrum : `~gammapy.spectrum.models.SpectralModel` Spectral model to compute the weights. Default is power-law with spectral index of 2. Returns ------- images : dict of `~gammapy.maps.Map` 2D images """ images = {} for name, map in self.maps.items(): if name == "exposure": map = _map_spectrum_weight(map, spectrum) images[name] = map.sum_over_axes() return images
[docs]class MapMakerObs(object): """Make maps for a single IACT observation. Parameters ---------- obs : `` Observation geom : `~gammapy.maps.WcsGeom` Reference image geometry fov_mask : `~numpy.ndarray` Mask to select pixels in field of view exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.maps.Map` Exclusion mask (used by some background estimators) """ def __init__(self, obs, geom, fov_mask=None, exclusion_mask=None): self.obs = obs self.geom = geom self.fov_mask = fov_mask self.exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask self.maps = {}
[docs] def run(self, selection=None): """Make maps. Returns dict with keys "counts", "exposure" and "background". Parameters ---------- selection : list List of str, selecting which maps to make. Available: 'counts', 'exposure', 'background' By default, all maps are made. """ selection = _check_selection(selection) for name in selection: getattr(self, "_make_" + name)() return self.maps
def _make_counts(self): counts = Map.from_geom(self.geom) fill_map_counts(counts, if self.fov_mask is not None:[..., self.fov_mask] = 0 self.maps["counts"] = counts def _make_exposure(self): exposure = make_map_exposure_true_energy( pointing=self.obs.pointing_radec, livetime=self.obs.observation_live_time_duration, aeff=self.obs.aeff, geom=self.geom, ) if self.fov_mask is not None:[..., self.fov_mask] = 0 self.maps["exposure"] = exposure def _make_background(self): background = make_map_background_irf( pointing=self.obs.pointing_radec, livetime=self.obs.observation_live_time_duration, bkg=self.obs.bkg, geom=self.geom, ) if self.fov_mask is not None:[..., self.fov_mask] = 0 # TODO: decide what background modeling options to support # Extra things like FOV norm scale or ring would go here. self.maps["background"] = background
def _check_selection(selection): """Handle default and validation of selection""" available = ["counts", "exposure", "background"] if selection is None: selection = available if not isinstance(selection, list): raise TypeError("Selection must be a list of str") for name in selection: if name not in available: raise ValueError("Selection not available: {!r}".format(name)) return selection