Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import logging
import abc

import numpy as np
from astropy.utils.misc import InheritDocstrings

from ...extern import six
from .iminuit import optimize_iminuit, _get_covar
from .sherpa import optimize_sherpa

__all__ = ["Fit"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class FitMeta(InheritDocstrings, abc.ABCMeta):

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(FitMeta) class Fit(object): """Abstract Fit base class. """ _optimize_funcs = {"minuit": optimize_iminuit, "sherpa": optimize_sherpa}
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def total_stat(self, parameters): """Total likelihood given the current model parameters""" pass
[docs] def likelihood_profiles(self, model, parameters="all"): """Compute likelihood profiles for multiple parameters. Parameters ---------- model : `~gammapy.spectrum.models.SpectralModel` or `~gammapy.cube.models.SkyModel` Model to compute the likelihood profile for. parameters : list of str or "all" For which parameters to compute likelihood profiles. """ profiles = {} if parameters == "all": parameters = [ for par in model.paramaters] for parname in parameters: profiles[parname] = self.likelihood_profile(model, parname) return profiles
[docs] def likelihood_profile(self, model, parameter, values=None, bounds=2, nvalues=11): """Compute likelihood profile for a single parameter of the model. Parameters ---------- model : `~gammapy.spectrum.models.SpectralModel` Model to compute the likelihood profile for. parameter : str Parameter to calculate profile for values : `~astropy.units.Quantity` (optional) Parameter values to evaluate the likelihood for. bounds : int or tuple of float When an `int` is passed the bounds are computed from `bounds * sigma` from the best fit value of the parameter, where `sigma` corresponds to the one sigma error on the parameter. If a tuple of floats is given those are taken as the min and max values and `nvalues` are linearly spaced between those. nvalues : int Number of parameter grid points to use. Returns ------- likelihood_profile : dict Dict of parameter values and likelihood values. """ self._model = model.copy() likelihood = [] if values is None: if isinstance(bounds, tuple): parmin, parmax = bounds else: parerr = model.parameters.error(parameter) parval = model.parameters[parameter].value parmin, parmax = parval - bounds * parerr, parval + bounds * parerr values = np.linspace(parmin, parmax, nvalues) for value in values: self._model.parameters[parameter].value = value stat = self.total_stat(self._model.parameters) likelihood.append(stat) return {"values": values, "likelihood": np.array(likelihood)}
[docs] def optimize(self, backend="minuit", **kwargs): """Run the optimization Parameters ---------- backend : {"minuit", "sherpa"} Which fitting backend to use. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to the optimizer. For the `"minuit"` backend see for a detailed description of the available options. For the `"sherpa"` backend you can from the options `method = {"simplex", "levmar", "moncar", "gridsearch"}` Those methods are described and compared in detail on The available options of the optimization methods are described on the following pages in detail: * * * * Returns ------- fit_result : `dict` Optimize info dict with the best fit model and additional information. """ parameters = self._model.parameters if parameters.apply_autoscale: parameters.autoscale() optimize = self._optimize_funcs[backend] factors, info, optimizer = optimize( parameters=parameters, function=self.total_stat, **kwargs ) # As preliminary solution would like to provide a possibility that the user # can access the Minuit object, because it features a lot useful functionality if backend == "minuit": self.minuit = optimizer # Copy final results into the parameters object parameters.set_parameter_factors(factors) return dict( model=self._model.copy(), total_stat=self.total_stat(self._model.parameters), backend=backend, method=kwargs.get("method", backend), **info )
# TODO: this is a preliminary solution to restore the old behaviour, that's # why the method is hidden. def _estimate_errors(self, model): """Run the error estimation""" parameters = model.parameters if hasattr(self, "minuit"): covar = _get_covar(self.minuit) parameters.set_covariance_factors(covar) self._model.parameters.set_covariance_factors(covar) else: log.warning( "No covariance matrix found. Error estimation currently" " only works with iminuit backend." ) parameters.covariance = None return model
[docs] def run(self, steps="all", optimize_opts=None, profile_opts=None): """ Run all fitting steps. Parameters ---------- steps : {"all", "optimize", "errors", "profiles"} Which fitting steps to run. optimize_opts : dict Options passed to `Fit.optimize`. profile_opts : dict Options passed to `Fit.likelihood_profiles`. Returns ------- fit_result : `FitResult` Fit result object with the best fit model and additional information. """ if steps == "all": steps = ["optimize", "errors"] if "optimize" in steps: if optimize_opts == None: optimize_opts = {} result = self.optimize(**optimize_opts) if "errors" in steps: result["model"] = self._estimate_errors(result["model"]) if "profiles" in steps: if profile_opts == None: profile_opts = {} result["likelihood_profiles"] = self.likelihood_profiles( result["model"], **profile_opts ) return FitResult(**result)
class FitResult(object): """Fit result object.""" def __init__( self, model, success, nfev, total_stat, message, backend, method, likelihood_profiles=None, ): self._model = model self._success = success self._nfev = nfev self._total_stat = total_stat self._message = message self._backend = backend self._method = method self._likelihood_profiles = likelihood_profiles @property def model(self): """Best fit model.""" return self._model @property def success(self): """Fit success status flag.""" return self._success @property def nfev(self): """Number of function evaluations until convergence or stop.""" return self._nfev @property def total_stat(self): """Value of the fit statistic at minimum.""" return self._total_stat @property def message(self): """Optimizer status message.""" return self._message @property def backend(self): """Optimizer backend used for the fit.""" return self._backend @property def method(self): """Optimizer method used for the fit.""" return self._method def __repr__(self): str_ = self.__class__.__name__ str_ += "\n\n" str_ += "\tbackend : {}\n".format(self.backend) str_ += "\tmethod : {}\n".format(self.method) str_ += "\tsuccess : {}\n".format(self.success) str_ += "\tnfev : {}\n".format(self.nfev) str_ += "\ttotal stat : {:.2f}\n".format(self.total_stat) str_ += "\tmessage : {}\n".format(self.message) return str_ @property def likelihood_profiles(self): """Likelihood profiles for paramaters.""" return self._likelihood_profiles def plot_likelihood_profile(self, parameter, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot likelihood profile for a given parameter. Parameters ---------- parameter : str Parameter to plot profile for. Returns ------- ax : `matplotlib.pyplot.Axes` Axes object. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ts_diff = self.likelihood_profiles[parameter]["likelihood"] - self.total_stat values = self.likelihood_profiles[parameter]["values"] ax.plot(values, ts_diff, **kwargs) unit = self.model.parameters[parameter].unit ax.set_xlabel(parameter + "[unit]".format(unit=unit)) ax.set_ylabel("TS difference") return ax