class gammapy.cube.PSFMap(psf_map)[source]

Bases: object

Class containing the Map of PSFs and allowing to interact with it.


psf_map : Map

the input PSF Map. Should be a Map with 2 non spatial axes. rad and true energy axes should be given in this specific order.


import numpy as np
from gammapy.maps import Map, WcsGeom, MapAxis
from gammapy.irf import EnergyDependentMultiGaussPSF
from gammapy.cube import make_psf_map, PSFMap
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

# Define energy axis. Note that the name is fixed.
energy_axis = MapAxis.from_edges(np.logspace(-1., 1., 4), unit='TeV', name='energy')
# Define rad axis. Again note the axis name
rads = np.linspace(0., 0.5, 100) * u.deg
rad_axis = MapAxis.from_edges(rads, unit='deg', name='theta')

# Define parameters
pointing = SkyCoord(0., 0., unit='deg')
max_offset = 4 * u.deg

# Create WcsGeom
geom = WcsGeom.create(binsz=0.25*u.deg, width=10*u.deg, skydir=pointing, axes=[rad_axis, energy_axis])

# Extract EnergyDependentTablePSF from CTA 1DC IRF
filename = '$GAMMAPY_DATA/cta-1dc/caldb/data/cta/1dc/bcf/South_z20_50h/irf_file.fits'
psf3d = psf.to_psf3d(rads)

# create the PSFMap for the specified pointing
psf_map = make_psf_map(psf3d, pointing, geom, max_offset)

# Get an EnergyDependentTablePSF at any position in the image
psf_table = psf_map.get_energy_dependent_table_psf(SkyCoord(2., 2.5, unit='deg'))

# Write map to disk

Attributes Summary

data the PSFMap data
geom The PSFMap MapGeom object
psf_map the PSFMap itself (Map)
quantity the PSFMap data as a quantity

Methods Summary

containment_radius_map(energy[, fraction]) Containment radius map.
get_energy_dependent_table_psf(position) Returns EnergyDependentTable PSF at a given position
get_psf_kernel(position, geom[, max_radius, …]) Returns a PSF kernel at the given position.
read(filename, **kwargs) Read a psf_map from file and create a PSFMap object
write(*args, **kwargs) Write the Map object containing the PSF Library map.

Attributes Documentation


the PSFMap data


The PSFMap MapGeom object


the PSFMap itself (Map)


the PSFMap data as a quantity

Methods Documentation

containment_radius_map(energy, fraction=0.68)[source]

Containment radius map.


energy : Quantity

Scalar energy at which to compute the containment radius

fraction : float

the containment fraction (range: 0 to 1)


containment_radius_map : Map

Containment radius map


Returns EnergyDependentTable PSF at a given position


position : SkyCoord

the target position. Should be a single coordinates


psf_table : EnergyDependentTablePSF

the table PSF

get_psf_kernel(position, geom, max_radius=None, factor=4)[source]

Returns a PSF kernel at the given position.

The PSF is returned in the form a WcsNDMap defined by the input MapGeom.


position : SkyCoord

the target position. Should be a single coordinate

geom : MapGeom

the target geometry to use

max_radius : Angle

maximum angular size of the kernel map

factor : int

oversampling factor to compute the PSF


kernel : PSFKernel

the resulting kernel

classmethod read(filename, **kwargs)[source]

Read a psf_map from file and create a PSFMap object

write(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Write the Map object containing the PSF Library map.