Model gallery#
The model gallery provides a visual overview of the available models in Gammapy. In general the models are grouped into the following categories:
: models to describe spectral shapes of sourcesSpatialModel
: models to describe spatial shapes (morphologies) of sourcesTemporalModel
: models to describe temporal flux evolution of sources, such as light and phase curves
The models follow a naming scheme which contains the category as a suffix to the class name.
Spatial models#
Spectral models#

Super Exponential Cutoff Power Law Model used for 4FGL-DR3
Super Exponential Cutoff Power Law Model used for 4FGL-DR3

Super Exponential Cutoff Power Law Model used for 4FGL-DR1 (and DR2)
Super Exponential Cutoff Power Law Model used for 4FGL-DR1 (and DR2)

Exponential cutoff power law spectral model used for 3FGL
Exponential cutoff power law spectral model used for 3FGL

Super exponential cutoff power law model used for 3FGL
Super exponential cutoff power law model used for 3FGL