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Source code for gammapy.spectrum.dataset

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from astropy import units as u
from .utils import SpectrumEvaluator
from ..utils.scripts import make_path
from ..utils.fitting import Dataset, Parameters
from ..stats import wstat, cash
from ..utils.random import get_random_state
from .core import CountsSpectrum, PHACountsSpectrum
from import SpectrumStats
from ..irf import EffectiveAreaTable, EnergyDispersion, IRFStacker

__all__ = ["SpectrumDatasetOnOff", "SpectrumDataset", "SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker"]

[docs]class SpectrumDataset(Dataset): """Compute spectral model fit statistic on a CountsSpectrum. Parameters ---------- model : `~gammapy.spectrum.models.SpectralModel` Fit model counts : `~gammapy.spectrum.CountsSpectrum` Counts spectrum livetime : float Livetime mask_fit : `~numpy.ndarray` Mask to apply to the likelihood for fitting. aeff : `~gammapy.irf.EffectiveAreaTable` Effective area edisp : `~gammapy.irf.EnergyDispersion` Energy dispersion background : `~gammapy.spectrum.CountsSpectrum` Background to use for the fit. mask_safe : `~numpy.ndarray` Mask defining the safe data range. """ def __init__( self, model=None, counts=None, livetime=None, mask_fit=None, aeff=None, edisp=None, background=None, mask_safe=None, ): if mask_fit is not None and mask_fit.dtype != np.dtype("bool"): raise ValueError("mask data must have dtype bool") self.counts = counts self.livetime = livetime self.mask_fit = mask_fit self.aeff = aeff self.edisp = edisp self.background = background self.model = model self.mask_safe = mask_safe @property def model(self): return self._model @model.setter def model(self, model): self._model = model if model is not None: self._parameters = Parameters(self._model.parameters.parameters) if self.edisp is None: self._predictor = SpectrumEvaluator( model=self.model, livetime=self.livetime, aeff=self.aeff,, ) else: self._predictor = SpectrumEvaluator( model=self.model, aeff=self.aeff, edisp=self.edisp, livetime=self.livetime, ) else: self._parameters = None self._predictor = None @property def parameters(self): if self._parameters is None: raise AttributeError("No model set for Dataset") else: return self._parameters @property def data_shape(self): """Shape of the counts data""" return
[docs] def npred(self): """Returns npred map (model + background)""" npred = self._predictor.compute_npred() if self.background: += return npred
[docs] def likelihood_per_bin(self): """Likelihood per bin given the current model parameters""" return cash(, mu_on=self.npred()
[docs] def fake(self, random_state="random-seed"): """Simulate a fake `~gammapy.spectrum.CountsSpectrum`. Parameters ---------- random_state : {int, 'random-seed', 'global-rng', `~numpy.random.RandomState`} Defines random number generator initialisation. Passed to `~gammapy.utils.random.get_random_state`. Returns ------- spectrum : `~gammapy.spectrum.CountsSpectrum` the fake count spectrum """ random_state = get_random_state(random_state) data = random_state.poisson(self.npred() energy = return CountsSpectrum(energy[:-1], energy[1:], data)
@property def energy_range(self): """Energy range defined by the safe mask""" energy = e_lo = energy[:-1][self.mask_safe] e_hi = energy[1:][self.mask_safe] return u.Quantity([e_lo.min(), e_hi.max()])
[docs]class SpectrumDatasetOnOff(Dataset): """Compute spectral model fit statistic on a ON OFF Spectrum. Parameters ---------- model : `~gammapy.spectrum.models.SpectralModel` Fit model counts : `~gammapy.spectrum.PHACountsSpectrum` ON Counts spectrum counts_off : `~gammapy.spectrum.PHACountsSpectrum` OFF Counts spectrum livetime : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Livetime mask_fit : `~numpy.array` Mask to apply to the likelihood for fitting. aeff : `~gammapy.irf.EffectiveAreaTable` Effective area edisp : `~gammapy.irf.EnergyDispersion` Energy dispersion mask_safe : `~numpy.array` Mask defining the safe data range. """ def __init__( self, model=None, counts=None, counts_off=None, livetime=None, mask_fit=None, aeff=None, edisp=None, mask_safe=None, ): self.counts = counts self.counts_off = counts_off self.livetime = livetime self.mask_fit = mask_fit self.aeff = aeff self.edisp = edisp self.model = model if mask_safe is None: mask_safe = np.logical_not(counts.quality) self.mask_safe = mask_safe @property def livetime(self): return self._livetime @livetime.setter def livetime(self, livetime): self._livetime = livetime if self.counts is not None: self.counts.livetime = livetime # TODO : check if off might have different exposure if self.counts_off is not None: self.counts_off.livetime = livetime @property def lo_threshold(self): """Low energy threshold""" return self.counts.lo_threshold @lo_threshold.setter def lo_threshold(self, threshold): self.counts.lo_threshold = threshold if self.counts_off is not None: self.counts_off.lo_threshold = threshold @property def hi_threshold(self): """High energy threshold""" return self.counts.hi_threshold @hi_threshold.setter def hi_threshold(self, threshold): self.counts.hi_threshold = threshold if self.counts_off is not None: self.counts_off.hi_threshold = threshold
[docs] def reset_thresholds(self): """Reset energy thresholds (i.e. declare all energy bins valid)""" self.counts.reset_thresholds() if self.counts_off is not None: self.counts_off.reset_thresholds()
@property def mask_safe(self): """The mask defined by the counts PHACountsSpectrum""" return np.logical_not(self.counts.quality) @mask_safe.setter def mask_safe(self, mask): if mask is None: mask = np.ones_like(self.counts.quality, dtype="bool") if mask.dtype != np.dtype("bool"): raise ValueError("mask data must have dtype bool") else: self.counts.quality = np.logical_not(mask)
[docs] def set_fit_energy_range(self, emin=None, emax=None): """Set the energy range for the fit. Parameters ---------- emin : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Minimum energy, default is None (i.e. set to minimal energy) emax : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Maximum energy, default is None (i.e. set to maximal energy) """ energy = if emin is None: mask_lo = np.ones_like(energy, dtype="bool") else: mask_lo = energy[:-1] >= emin if emax is None: mask_hi = np.ones_like(energy, dtype="bool") else: mask_hi = energy[1:] <= emax self.mask_fit = mask_lo & mask_hi
@property def alpha(self): """Exposure ratio between signal and background regions""" return self.counts.backscal / self.counts_off.backscal @property def model(self): return self._model @model.setter def model(self, model): self._model = model if model is not None: self._parameters = Parameters(self._model.parameters.parameters) if self.edisp is None: self._predictor = SpectrumEvaluator( model=self.model, livetime=self.livetime, aeff=self.aeff,, ) else: self._predictor = SpectrumEvaluator( model=self.model, aeff=self.aeff, edisp=self.edisp, livetime=self.livetime, ) else: self._parameters = None self._predictor = None @property def parameters(self): if self._parameters is None: raise AttributeError("No model set for Dataset") else: return self._parameters @property def data_shape(self): """Shape of the counts data""" return
[docs] def npred(self): """Predicted counts vector.""" if self._predictor is None: raise AttributeError("No model set for this Dataset") npred = self._predictor.compute_npred() return npred
[docs] def likelihood_per_bin(self): """Likelihood per bin given the current model parameters""" npred = self.npred() on_stat_ = wstat(,, alpha=self.alpha,, ) return np.nan_to_num(on_stat_)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename): """Read from file For now, filename is assumed to the name of a PHA file where BKG file, ARF, and RMF names must be set in the PHA header and be present in the same folder Parameters ---------- filename : str OGIP PHA file to read """ raise NotImplementedError( "To read from an OGIP fits file use SpectrumDatasetOnOff.from_ogip_files." )
@property def energy_range(self): """Energy range defined by the safe mask.""" energy = e_lo = energy[:-1][self.mask_safe] e_hi = energy[1:][self.mask_safe] return u.Quantity([e_lo.min(), e_hi.max()]) def _as_counts_spectrum(self, data): energy = return CountsSpectrum(data=data, energy_lo=energy[:-1], energy_hi=energy[1:])
[docs] def excess(self): """Excess (counts - alpha * counts_off)""" excess = - self.alpha * return self._as_counts_spectrum(excess)
[docs] def residuals(self): """Residuals (npred - excess).""" residuals = self.npred() - self.excess() return self._as_counts_spectrum(residuals)
[docs] def peek(self, figsize=(10, 10)): """Quick-look summary plots.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=figsize) ax1.set_title("Counts") energy_unit = "TeV" if self.counts_off is not None: energy = data = * self.alpha background_vector = CountsSpectrum( data=data, energy_lo=energy[:-1], energy_hi=energy[1:] ) background_vector.plot_hist( ax=ax1, label="alpha * n_off", color="darkblue", energy_unit=energy_unit ) self.counts.plot_hist( ax=ax1, label="n_on", color="darkred", energy_unit=energy_unit, show_energy=(self.hi_threshold, self.lo_threshold), ) ax1.set_xlim( 0.7 * self.lo_threshold.to_value(energy_unit), 1.3 * self.hi_threshold.to_value(energy_unit), ) ax1.legend(numpoints=1) ax2.set_title("Effective Area") e_unit = self.aeff.plot(ax=ax2, show_energy=(self.hi_threshold, self.lo_threshold)) ax2.set_xlim( 0.7 * self.lo_threshold.to_value(e_unit), 1.3 * self.hi_threshold.to_value(e_unit), ) ax3.axis("off") if self.counts_off is not None: ax3.text(0, 0.2, "{}".format(self.total_stats_safe_range), fontsize=12) ax4.set_title("Energy Dispersion") if self.edisp is not None: self.edisp.plot_matrix(ax=ax4) # TODO: optimize layout plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3)
[docs] def plot_fit(self): """Plot counts and residuals in two panels. Calls ``plot_counts`` and ``plot_residuals``. """ from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec import matplotlib.pyplot as plt gs = GridSpec(7, 1) ax_spectrum = plt.subplot(gs[:5, :]) self.plot_counts(ax=ax_spectrum) ax_spectrum.set_xticks([]) ax_residuals = plt.subplot(gs[5:, :]) self.plot_residuals(ax=ax_residuals) return ax_spectrum, ax_residuals
@property def _e_unit(self): return
[docs] def plot_counts(self, ax=None): """Plot predicted and detected counts. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.pyplot.Axes` Axes object. Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.pyplot.Axes` Axes object. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax self.npred().plot(ax=ax, label="mu_src", energy_unit=self._e_unit) self.excess().plot(ax=ax, label="Excess", fmt=".", energy_unit=self._e_unit) e_min, e_max = self.energy_range kwargs = {"color": "black", "linestyle": "dashed"} ax.axvline(e_min.to_value(self._e_unit), label="fit range", **kwargs) ax.axvline(e_max.to_value(self._e_unit), **kwargs) ax.legend(numpoints=1) ax.set_title("") return ax
[docs] def plot_residuals(self, ax=None): """Plot residuals. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.pyplot.Axes` Axes object. Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.pyplot.Axes` Axes object. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax residuals = self.residuals() residuals.plot(ax=ax, ecolor="black", fmt="none", energy_unit=self._e_unit) ax.axhline(0, color="black", lw=0.5) ymax = 1.2 * max( ax.set_ylim(-ymax, ymax) ax.set_xlabel("Energy [{}]".format(self._e_unit)) ax.set_ylabel("Residuals") return ax
[docs] def to_ogip_files(self, outdir=None, use_sherpa=False, overwrite=False): """Write OGIP files. If you want to use the written files with Sherpa you have to set the ``use_sherpa`` flag. Then all files will be written in units 'keV' and 'cm2'. Parameters ---------- outdir : `pathlib.Path` output directory, default: pwd use_sherpa : bool, optional Write Sherpa compliant files, default: False overwrite : bool Overwrite existing files? """ outdir = Path.cwd() if outdir is None else Path(outdir) outdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) phafile = self.counts.phafile bkgfile = self.counts.bkgfile arffile = self.counts.arffile rmffile = self.counts.rmffile self.counts.write(outdir / phafile, overwrite=overwrite, use_sherpa=use_sherpa) self.aeff.write(outdir / arffile, overwrite=overwrite, use_sherpa=use_sherpa) if self.counts_off is not None: self.counts_off.write( outdir / bkgfile, overwrite=overwrite, use_sherpa=use_sherpa ) if self.edisp is not None: self.edisp.write( str(outdir / rmffile), overwrite=overwrite, use_sherpa=use_sherpa )
[docs] @classmethod def from_ogip_files(cls, filename): """Read `~gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumDatasetOnOff` from OGIP files. BKG file, ARF, and RMF must be set in the PHA header and be present in the same folder. Parameters ---------- filename : str OGIP PHA file to read """ filename = make_path(filename) dirname = filename.parent on_vector = rmf, arf, bkg = on_vector.rmffile, on_vector.arffile, on_vector.bkgfile try: energy_dispersion = / rmf)) except IOError: # TODO : Add logger and echo warning energy_dispersion = None try: off_vector = / bkg)) except IOError: # TODO : Add logger and echo warning off_vector = None effective_area = / arf)) mask = on_vector.quality == 0 return cls( counts=on_vector, aeff=effective_area, counts_off=off_vector, edisp=energy_dispersion, livetime=on_vector.livetime, mask_safe=mask, )
# TODO : do we keep this or should this become the Dataset name # This was imported and adapted from the SpectrumObservation class @property def obs_id(self): """The observation ID of the dataset""" return self.counts.obs_id # TODO : do we keep SpectrumStats or do we adapt this part of code? # This was imported and adapted from the SpectrumObservation class @property def total_stats(self): """Return total `~gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumStats` """ return self.stats_in_range(0, - 1) @property def total_stats_safe_range(self): """Return total `~gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumStats` within the tresholds """ safe_bins = self.counts.bins_in_safe_range return self.stats_in_range(safe_bins[0], safe_bins[-1])
[docs] def stats_in_range(self, bin_min, bin_max): """Compute stats for a range of energy bins. Parameters ---------- bin_min, bin_max: int Bins to include Returns ------- stats : `~gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumStats` Stacked stats """ idx = np.arange(bin_min, bin_max + 1) stats_list = [] for ii in idx: if self.counts_off is not None: n_off = int([ii]) a_off = self.counts_off._backscal_array[ii] else: n_off = 0 a_off = 1 # avoid zero division error stat = SpectrumStats([ii],[ii + 1], n_on=int([ii]), n_off=n_off, a_on=self.counts._backscal_array[ii], a_off=a_off, obs_id=self.obs_id, livetime=self.livetime, ) stats_list.append(stat) stacked_stats = SpectrumStats.stack(stats_list) stacked_stats.livetime = self.livetime stacked_stats.gamma_rate = stacked_stats.excess / stacked_stats.livetime stacked_stats.obs_id = self.counts.obs_id stacked_stats.energy_min =[bin_min] stacked_stats.energy_max =[bin_max + 1] return stacked_stats
[docs]class SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker: r"""Stack a list of homogeneous datasets. The stacking of :math:`j` datasets is implemented as follows. :math:`k` and :math:`l` denote a bin in reconstructed and true energy, respectively. .. math:: \epsilon_{jk} =\left\{\begin{array}{cl} 1, & \mbox{if bin k is inside the energy thresholds}\\ 0, & \mbox{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \overline{\mathrm{n_{on}}}_k = \sum_{j} \mathrm{n_{on}}_{jk} \cdot \epsilon_{jk} \overline{\mathrm{n_{off}}}_k = \sum_{j} \mathrm{n_{off}}_{jk} \cdot \epsilon_{jk} \overline{\alpha}_k = \frac{\overline{{b_{on}}}_k}{\overline{{b_{off}}}_k} \overline{{b}_{on}}_k = 1 \overline{{b}_{off}}_k = \frac{1}{\sum_{j}\alpha_{jk} \cdot \mathrm{n_{off}}_{jk} \cdot \epsilon_{jk}} \cdot \overline{\mathrm {n_{off}}} Please refer to the `~gammapy.irf.IRFStacker` for the description of how the IRFs are stacked. Parameters ---------- obs_list : list of `~gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumDatasetOnOff` Observations to stack Examples -------- >>> from gammapy.spectrum import SpectrumDatasetOnOff, SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker >>> obs_ids = [23523, 23526, 23559, 23592] >>> datasets = [] >>> for obs in obs_ids: >>> filename = "$GAMMAPY_DATA/joint-crab/spectra/hess/pha_obs{}.fits" >>> ds = SpectrumDatasetOnOff.from_ogip_files(filename.format(obs)) >>> datasets.append(ds) >>> obs_stacker = SpectrumDatasetOnOffStacker(datasets) >>> stacked = >>> print(stacked.livetime) 6313.8116406202325 s """ def __init__(self, obs_list): self.obs_list = obs_list self.stacked_on_vector = None self.stacked_off_vector = None self.stacked_aeff = None self.stacked_edisp = None self.stacked_bkscal_on = None self.stacked_bkscal_off = None self.stacked_obs = None def __str__(self): ss = self.__class__.__name__ ss += "\n{}".format(self.obs_list) return ss
[docs] def run(self): """Run all steps in the correct order.""" self.stack_counts_vectors() self.stack_aeff() self.stack_edisp() self.stack_obs() return self.stacked_obs
[docs] def stack_counts_vectors(self): """Stack on and off vectors.""" self.stack_on_vector() self.stack_off_vector() self.stack_backscal() self.setup_counts_vectors()
[docs] def stack_on_vector(self): """Stack the on count vector.""" on_vector_list = [o.counts for o in self.obs_list] self.stacked_on_vector = self.stack_counts_spectrum(on_vector_list)
[docs] def stack_off_vector(self): """Stack the off count vector.""" off_vector_list = [o.counts_off for o in self.obs_list] self.stacked_off_vector = self.stack_counts_spectrum(off_vector_list)
[docs] @staticmethod def stack_counts_spectrum(counts_spectrum_list): """Stack `~gammapy.spectrum.PHACountsSpectrum`. * Bins outside the safe energy range are set to 0 * Attributes are set to None. * The quality vector of the observations are combined with a logical or, such that the low (high) threshold of the stacked obs is the minimum low (maximum high) threshold of the observation list to be stacked. """ template = counts_spectrum_list[0].copy() energy = stacked_data = np.zeros(energy.nbin) stacked_quality = np.ones(energy.nbin) for spec in counts_spectrum_list: stacked_data += spec.counts_in_safe_range.value temp = np.logical_and(stacked_quality, spec.quality) stacked_quality = np.array(temp, dtype=int) return PHACountsSpectrum( data=stacked_data, energy_lo=energy.edges[:-1], energy_hi=energy.edges[1:], quality=stacked_quality, )
[docs] def stack_backscal(self): """Stack ``backscal`` for on and off vector.""" nbins = self.obs_list[0] bkscal_on = np.ones(nbins) bkscal_off = np.zeros(nbins) alpha_sum = 0.0 for obs in self.obs_list: bkscal_on_data = obs.counts._backscal_array.copy() bkscal_off_data = obs.counts_off._backscal_array.copy() bkscal_off += ( bkscal_on_data / bkscal_off_data ) * obs.counts_off.counts_in_safe_range.value alpha_sum += (obs.alpha * obs.counts_off.counts_in_safe_range).sum() with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): stacked_bkscal_off = / bkscal_off alpha_average = ( alpha_sum / self.stacked_off_vector.counts_in_safe_range.sum() ) # there should be no nan values in backscal_on or backscal_off # this leads to problems when fitting the data # use 1 for backscale of on_vector and 1 / alpha_average for backscale of off_vector alpha_correction = 1 idx = np.where( == 0)[0] bkscal_on[idx] = alpha_correction # For the bins where the stacked OFF counts equal 0, the alpha value is performed by weighting on the total # OFF counts of each run stacked_bkscal_off[idx] = alpha_correction / alpha_average self.stacked_bkscal_on = bkscal_on self.stacked_bkscal_off = stacked_bkscal_off
[docs] def setup_counts_vectors(self): """Add correct attributes to stacked counts vectors.""" livetimes = [obs.livetime.to_value("s") for obs in self.obs_list] self.total_livetime = u.Quantity(np.sum(livetimes), "s") self.stacked_on_vector.livetime = self.total_livetime self.stacked_off_vector.livetime = self.total_livetime self.stacked_on_vector.backscal = self.stacked_bkscal_on self.stacked_off_vector.backscal = self.stacked_bkscal_off self.stacked_on_vector.obs_id = [obs.obs_id for obs in self.obs_list] self.stacked_off_vector.obs_id = [obs.obs_id for obs in self.obs_list]
[docs] def stack_aeff(self): """Stack effective areas (weighted by livetime). Calls `gammapy.irf.IRFStacker.stack_aeff`. """ irf_stacker = IRFStacker( list_aeff=[obs.aeff for obs in self.obs_list], list_livetime=[obs.livetime for obs in self.obs_list], ) irf_stacker.stack_aeff() self.stacked_aeff = irf_stacker.stacked_aeff
[docs] def stack_edisp(self): """Stack energy dispersion (weighted by exposure). Calls `~gammapy.irf.IRFStacker.stack_edisp` """ irf_stacker = IRFStacker( list_aeff=[obs.aeff for obs in self.obs_list], list_livetime=[obs.livetime for obs in self.obs_list], list_edisp=[obs.edisp for obs in self.obs_list], list_low_threshold=[obs.lo_threshold for obs in self.obs_list], list_high_threshold=[obs.hi_threshold for obs in self.obs_list], ) irf_stacker.stack_edisp() self.stacked_edisp = irf_stacker.stacked_edisp
[docs] def stack_obs(self): """Create stacked `~gammapy.spectrum.SpectrumDatasetOnOff`""" self.stacked_obs = SpectrumDatasetOnOff( counts=self.stacked_on_vector, counts_off=self.stacked_off_vector, aeff=self.stacked_aeff, edisp=self.stacked_edisp, livetime=self.total_livetime, )