# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import numpy as np
__all__ = ["plot_periodogram"]
[docs]def plot_periodogram(
time, flux, periods, power, flux_err=None, best_period=None, fap=None
Plot a light curve and its periodogram.
The highest period of the periodogram and its false alarm probability (FAP) is added to the plot, if given.
time : `numpy.ndarray`
Time array of the light curve
flux : `numpy.ndarray`
Flux array of the light curve
periods : `numpy.ndarray`
Periods for the periodogram
power : `numpy.ndarray`
Periodogram peaks of the data
flux_err : `numpy.ndarray` (optional, default=None)
Flux error array of the light curve.
Is set to 0 if not given.
best_period : float (optional, default=None)
Period of the highest periodogram peak
fap : float (optional, default=None)
False alarm probability of ``best_period`` under a certain significance criterion.
fig : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure`
Matplotlib figure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if flux_err is None:
flux_err = np.zeros_like(flux)
# set up the figure & axes for plotting
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))
grid_spec = plt.GridSpec(2, 1)
# plot the light curve
ax = fig.add_subplot(grid_spec[0, :])
time, flux, flux_err, fmt="ok", label="light curve", elinewidth=1.5, capsize=0
# plot the periodogram
ax = fig.add_subplot(grid_spec[1, :])
ax.plot(periods, power, c="k", label="periodogram")
# mark the best period and label with significance
if best_period is not None:
if fap is None:
raise ValueError(
"Must give a false alarm probability if you give a best_period"
# set precision for period format
pre = int(abs(np.floor(np.log10(np.max(np.diff(periods))))))
label = "Detected period p = {:.{}f} with {:.2E} FAP".format(
best_period, pre, fap
ymax = power[periods == best_period]
ax.axvline(best_period, ymin=0, ymax=ymax, label=label, c="r")
ax.set_xlim(0, np.max(periods))
return fig